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High-tech filmmaking in town this week

[FEB. 22, 2002]  School technology coordinators from around the country gathered at the Academic Development Institute in Lincoln on Wednesday and Thursday to learn how to create new classroom learning opportunities through the use of digital video.

This workshop, conducted by Scott Fulk and John Redding, is just a small part of ADI’s role in the Community for Learning school change initiative in 46 schools around the country.


In the picture, workshop participants Jocelyn Riley and Bruce Fuller, both from Washington, D.C., schools, learn from Fulk (left) and Redding how to edit digital video on a Macintosh laptop.

[ADI news release]

Storytelling ‘Fox’ comes to Lincoln

[FEB. 2, 2002]  There was a new voice this week at Washington-Monroe elementary school.  It traveled around from class to class, encouraging and strengthening the voices of the children.  And it belonged to a man known as the "Fox."

[Click here for more pictures]

Brian “Fox” Ellis is a professional storyteller and teacher.  Hailing from Peoria, he travels all over the country telling his stories and teaching children to tell theirs.  This week, thanks to grants from the Illinois Reading Council and the Illinois Arts Council, children at Washington-Monroe wrote stories about their own lives and then learned to tell them to others in entertaining and exciting ways.


[Photos by Bob Frank]

The lessons started on Monday with a personal performance for each of the third- and fourth-grade classes.  Ellis told the children both personal and historical narratives and gave them examples that he could refer to later of what it is to tell a fascinating story.  Then the children worked on ways to collect stories, both from interviews and from their own past.

Each child was asked to choose a memory of their own and write a story from it.  They worked the rest of the week learning to edit, rewrite, tell and retell their stories.  In this last process, the retelling, Ellis took the children through the three aspects of good storytelling:  voice, body and imagination.

In Mrs. Singleton’s class, he started with a simple “ma, me, mi, mo, mu” vocalization, in which each vowel is held, warming up the voice.  Then all the children read their stories at once, each concentrating on his own.  They worked on making their voices loud and clear, using interesting sound effects and dialogue, and putting feeling into their every word.

For “body,” Ellis worked with the children on putting action into their stories, both in the words and in their movement.  First, they underlined all the verbs in their stories.  Then he taught them to make those verbs more interesting.  For example, instead of saying, “We went fishing,” Ellis told the process of pulling out the worm, sliding it onto the hook, throwing out the line and reeling it back in.  He also had them include adverbs:  quickly, happily, annoyingly.


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Once the children knew what the characters in their story were doing, they had to act that out.  After a quick stretching (part yoga, part Hokey-Pokey), the children again read their stories to themselves, but this time they had to work on actions to go with their action-words.  Many of the kids were a little shy at first, but eventually most of them jumped and danced and, in the case of one boy, ran in circles.  During this telling, Ellis and Mrs. Singleton walked around and gave suggestions and encouragement.  One very important piece of advice Ellis gave was that they must always remain standing, acting out sitting by crouching and lying down by leaning.

In the final stage, imagination, Ellis told the children they must be in the story as they tell it.  “Your story is a time machine.”  The children told their stories one last time, trying to incorporate all three parts.  Only this time, they told their stories to partners, who then had to give two pieces of encouragement.

This final telling, however, was more than another practice; it was an audition.  Each class produced three children who were to perform for others.  One child from each class was chosen to tell their stories to parents and classmates at the school’s Family Night, which was Thursday.  The other two students told their stories to the other classes involved in the program.


The students in Ellis’ classes seemed to adore him.  Even days after he told his stories, they repeated them with the enthusiasm of the first telling.  And it is no wonder.  Ellis’ manner was perfect for the children.  He gave his instructions intelligently, but in phrases the children could remember, such as “Detail, detail, detail!” and “Sloppy copy” (rough draft).  He also gave them real-life applications, saying that a job interview is just the telling of your own life’s story.  “The one who tells the best story wins.”

[Gina Sennett]


Click here for Brian "Fox" Ellis’ website:

Honors & Awards

Chester-East sweeps Mathcounts, advances to state

[FEB. 22, 2002]  The Chester-East Lincoln Mathcounts team took first place at the regional competition, which was at Millikin in Decatur on Saturday, Feb. 9. Nine area schools were represented at the competion. The team from Johns Hill school finished second. This was a reversal of the results last year, when Johns Hill finished first and C-EL took second.

The C-EL team members are Alison Kessinger, Kevin Huelskoetter, Troy Tolan and Aarom Meyrick.

The individual written competition consists of two tests. The first has 30 problems to be solved without a calculator. The second has eight problems that permit the use of a calculator. Alison placed first and Troy placed seventh in the written round.

The top ten finishers from the written round advance to the oral competition, where pairs of individuals compete against each other before an audience. The competitors are given 45 seconds to solve a problem and respond. The first contestant to answer three questions correctly wins the round. Troy defeated six other contestants on his way to the championship round, where he lost to Alison after being tied 2-2.

The team round consists of 10 problems that the four team members are allowed to work on together.



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"All of the team members have worked hard on the many skills necessary to compete successfully at this level," coach Rader said. "Although neither Kevin nor Aaron received individual honors, the scores they received and their contribution in the team round made it possible for the entire team to advance to the state competition. Their reward is another month of after-school practice and work on math problems."

The C-EL team finished first in the overall standings and will advance to the state Mathcounts competition in Chicago on March 9.

[News release]

[Top, from left: Coach Doug Rader, Kevin Huelskoetter, Troy Tolan.  Bottom, from left: Aaron Meyrick, Alison Kessinger]

County spelldown ends with ‘turbulence’

[FEB. 21, 2002]  The annual Logan County Spelling Bee took place at the Logan County Courthouse on Feb. 20. There were 14 school representatives involved in this year’s contest, which went 11 rounds and consisted of 71 words. The Regional Office of Education and the Pantagraph sponsor the spelling bee jointly. 

Alison Kessinger, daughter of Brian and Colleen Kessinger, was this year’s winner. Alison is in the eighth grade and represented the Chester-East Lincoln Elementary School. She won by correctly spelling the word "turbulence."

David Finnigan, a sixth-grader at Central School, placed second, and Donavan Dye, an eighth-grader at New Wine Christian, was third.

Mary McKeeth from the Bloomington Public Library was the pronouncer.

A Pantagraph representative, Ellen Colbeck-Taylor, presented the winner with a trophy, and George D. Janet, regional superintendent of schools, presented new dictionaries to the final three.

The three young people will represent Logan County at the Pantagraph Spelling Bee on March 23 in Bloomington. The competition will be at Westbrook Auditorium in Pressor Hall on the campus of Illinois Wesleyan University.

[Provided by Sandy Blane]

LCHS speech team members compete at state

[FEB. 18, 2002]  A number of Lincoln Community High School speech team members competed at the state tournament Friday and Saturday at Downers Grove South.

"This tournament was a wonderful experience for the team," said Carrie Schreiber, a coach for the local team. "The students felt good about their performances and were excited to be competing in the top 20 students in the state of Illinois."

LCHS individual varsity placements

Eric Agostino — Eighth place, prose reading

Doug Rohrer and Julie Wood — 10th place, dramatic duet acting

Carly McLean — 15th place, oratorical declamation

Abrigail Sasse — 17th place, radio speaking

Beau Hanger and Kasey Pepperell — 19th place, humorous duet acting

Betsy Buttell — 19th place, humorous interpretation

Ty Sank — 19th place, special occasion speaking

Eric Agostino — 19th place, verse reading

Ed Jodlowski and Carrie Schreiber are head coaches for the LCHS speech team.


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"For some of the students, this is the end of their high school speech career," said Schreiber. "For others, this is another step into the success that is to come in next year’s season. We are so very proud of the work that the students put in this season. Their success is a result of hard work and commitment to an activity that they love.

"We will miss all of the seniors — Eric Agostino, Beau Hanger, Carly McLean, Callie Davison — and the leadership that they have exhibited this year. We wish them all luck in the future in whatever it is that they choose to pursue. We know that they will be successful!

"Thank you again to all for a wonderful season."

[LCHS news release]

LCHS speech team sends eight entries to state tourney

[FEB. 11, 2002]  Lincoln Community High School hosted the sectional speech tournament on Saturday, Feb. 9, and the local team placed fourth.

"There is no doubt that our season has been extremely successful," said Ed Jodlowski. He and Carrie Schreiber coach the team. "At the beginning of the year we set the goal to send seven entries to state. Eight is a dream come true," he said.

LCHS students who qualified for the state tournament on Feb. 15 and 16 at Downers Grove South High School are:

Eric Agostino — First place in prose reading

Carly McLean — Second place in oratorical declamation

Abrigail Sasse — Second place in radio speaking

Ty Sank — Third place in special occasion speaking

Doug Rohrer and Julie Wood — Third place in dramatic duet acting

Betsy Buttell — Third place in humorous interpretation

Beau Hanger and Kasey Pepperell — Third place in humorous duet acting

Eric Agostino — Third place in verse reading

Students who placed at the tournament but did not advance to the state finals are:

Stanton Schumacher, Jerrod Marten, Jamie Eckert, Collin Voyles, Adam Voyles, Amanda Perry, Katie Muck, Tom Swanson, Brady Gerdts and Brandon Davis — Fourth place in performance in the round.

Tim Fak — Sixth place in impromptu speaking

[LCHS news release]

50 area students on Lincoln College honor lists

[FEB. 11, 2002]  Fifty students from the Logan County area have been named on academic honor lists for the 2001 fall semester at Lincoln College.

Area students on the Special Honors List include Kari Borowiak, Ashley Bowen, Jonathan Cook, Miles Craig, Heidi Graff, Trisha Kavelman, Kristofer Langellier, Angela Maestas, Lyndsey Pickering and Josh Twente, all of Lincoln; Nathan Dieckow of Atlanta; and Brittany Franklin and Kyle Pepperell of New Holland. To quality for the list, students must achieve a grade point average of 4.0 with a class load of at least 15 credit hours in the current semester.

On the President’s List are Angela Couch, Matthew Kurtz, David Martin, Clinton Smith and Angela Smith, all of Lincoln; Larry Jones Jr. and Rebecca Ruben, both of Hartsburg; Tamar Lyons of Elkhart; and Harry McMillan of Mason City. To qualify for this list, students must achieve a grade point average of 3.75 through 3.99 with a class load of at least 15 credit hours in the current semester.

On the Dean’s List are Beau Anderson, Angela Bossingham, Tim Christoffersen, Molly Donnelly, Christinna Dye, Stacey Fillmore, Steven Goodman Jr., Aaron Johnston, Max Letterly, Morgan Murphy, Elizabeth Pardo, Stephanie Savery, Anna Schmidt, Jason Searby, Kristina Snyder, Lindsey Spurling, Jennifer Story, Adam Wessbecher, Jermy White, Erin Wind and Kate Winters, all of Lincoln; Brad Aper and Vanessa Watson of Hartsburg; Nathan Buss, John Hoblit and Ashley Satterfield of Atlanta; Jennifer Tuttle of Emden; and Misty Virgil of Middletown. To qualify for this list, students must achieve a grade point average range of 3.25 through 3.74 with a class load of at least 15 credit hours in the current semester.

[Lincoln College news release]



Zonta Club announces health career scholarships

[FEB. 28, 2002]  Zonta Club of Lincoln will again sponsor health career scholarships for residents of Logan County who are enrolled in or accepted into a health care professional curriculum. Scholarships totaling $3,000 will be awarded. The number of scholarships will be determined by the club’s scholarship committee.

Zonta encourages students to make application if they are considering any health career field, including veterinary medicine, sports medicine, physical therapy or pharmacy.

The award is for one academic year and is contingent upon the student’s sustained academic achievement. Former recipients are encouraged to reapply.

Application forms are available from county high schools and colleges, several health care facilities and pharmacies in the county, and by request.

All completed applications, including references, are due to the scholarship committee by March 5. For applications and information, contact Bonnie K. Young, 307 N. Elm St., Lincoln, IL 62656, or call (217) 735-3555.

Zonta Club of Lincoln has awarded health career scholarships since 1981, assisting 41 students from Logan County with 54 scholarships totaling $56,750. Last year Zonta awarded five recipients $1,000 each.

[Zonta news release]

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C-EL announces screening days for preschoolers

[FEB. 28, 2002]   If you live in the Chester-East Lincoln School District, please take advantage of the school’s developmental screening days. Any child from birth to 5 years old is eligible to take part in the free screening.

All children who will be 5 years old before Sept. 1 and plan to enter kindergarten for the 2002-2003 school year need to go through the screening.

The process will take about one hour.


•  Monday, March 11 — 3- to 5-year-olds

•  Monday, March 25 — Infants to 5-year-olds

Screenings will be scheduled between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Please call C-EL at 732-4136 for an appointment for your child.

[C-EL news release]



IMSA invites students and parents to visit its campus

[FEB. 16, 2002]   AURORA — The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy has one remaining date this winter in a program that gives prospective students and their parents an opportunity to visit the campus and learn more about the academy’s academic and residential programs.

The final visitor information program, known as a VIP day, is scheduled for 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24. Musical entertainment by IMSA students will begin at 12:30 p.m. Advance reservations are not required but guests are encouraged to arrive on time for the structured activities.

IMSA’s residential educational program serves Illinois students grades 10 to 12 who are talented in mathematics and science. Most room and board expenses are provided by state funds.

Applications for the class of 2005, which will enroll next fall, are now being accepted. Talented Illinois students enrolled in the equivalent of a ninth grade program are eligible for consideration. A written application must be completed and returned to IMSA, with a postmark no later than March 1. Students should contact their high school guidance counselor or IMSA’s admissions office at (630) 907-5027 or 1 (800) 500-IMSA to receive an application.


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Located in Aurora, IMSA is a learning enterprise that builds the capacity of students, teachers and policymakers to improve and transform mathematics and science teaching and learning. In addition to the residential program for students, IMSA’s professional development center serves schools, educational systems, teachers and students in Illinois and beyond.

For more information see www.imsa.edu.

[IMSA news release] 


HOI scholarship program seeks applicants

[FEB. 15, 2002]   The 2002 Miss HOI Scholarship Pageant is set for the evening of Saturday, April 6, at the Bertha Frank Performing Arts Center of Morton. The program is sponsored by the Morton Area Players, the Morton Park District and Bearce Automall of Washington.

Entries are now being accepted from young ladies ages 17 to 24. Applicants have a chance to be the next winner of thousands of dollars in scholarships and to represent our area at the Miss Illinois Pageant in June.

Bethany Von Behren of Peoria, Miss HOI 2000, won more than $6,000 in scholarships through her competition at Miss HOI and Miss Illinois. Von Behren is a 2001 graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington and was a top ten finalist at Miss Illinois. She was also a preliminary talent winner.

This year’s show, "Celebrate America," will feature award-winning twirler Alyssa Gunderson, the current Miss Heart of Illinois. Gunderson is a special education teacher in suburban Chicago and has been volunteering for mentoring programs for the past five years. She has worked closely with the Bloomington Housing Authority and has started mentoring programs in four states. Gunderson is a 2001 graduate of Illinois State University.




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The Miss Heart of Illinois program was honored at the state level for the quality of its show on pageant night, winning the Best Production Award in 2001. In 1999 and 2001, it won the inaugural Outstanding Program Award from Miss Illinois. Since 1998, it has awarded approximately $26,000 in cash scholarships to central Illinois women, thanks to area sponsors. Scholarship funds are sent directly to the contestant’ s university to pay for tuition only.

For more information on entering, sponsoring or volunteering for Miss HOI, e-mail misshoi@hotmail.com or visit the official Miss Heart of Illinois website: misshoi.homestead.com.

[News release] 

[Alyssa Gunderson, Miss HOI 2001,
is crowned by Bethany Von Behren, Miss HOI 2000,
and Jennifer Powers, Miss Illinois.]

IMSA application deadline drawing near

[FEB. 8, 2002]   AURORA — The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy invites applications from students looking for an educational program that offers a wide variety of challenging honors-level courses in mathematics, science, the arts and humanities. In addition, the academy offers a wide variety of fine and performing arts clubs and organizations, as well as interscholastic sports. Illinois students enrolled in the equivalent of a ninth-grade program are eligible to apply.  Admission is highly competitive.

Located in Aurora, IMSA has an enrollment of 609 students representing all areas of the state.

The application deadline for fall 2002 admission is March 1. Qualified Illinois students interested in attending the academy in the fall should begin the application process immediately.

For more information about IMSA, write or call the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Office of Admission, 1500 W. Sullivan Road, Aurora, IL 60506-1000, (630) 907-5027, or in Illinois, 1 (800) 500-IMSA, or visit the IMSA admissions website at http://www.imsa.edu.

IMSA, which opened in 1986, is a learning enterprise that builds the capacity of students, teachers and policymakers to improve and transform mathematics and science teaching and learning. IMSA’s residential educational program serves Illinois students grades 10 to 12 who are talented in mathematics and science; its professional development center serves schools, educational systems, teachers and students in Illinois and beyond.

[IMSA news release]

You can help junior high students go to band camp

[FEB. 4, 2002]  The Lincoln Junior High School band director, Chad Minier, is continuing the tradition of giving scholarships to band members who are interested in going to band camp. The junior high plans to send more than 15 students to band camp this year at the University of Illinois in Champaign and Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.

Band camp gives students the opportunity to meet and perform with band students from all over the country. Participants have many rehearsals and classes throughout the day. College professors and college students direct ensembles and teach the junior high students. Band camp participants learn about music history, theory and even composition. The camps always end with a concert featuring all of the students.

Students stay on campus in dorms during the band camp.

Many students do not have the opportunity to go to camp. The camps are very expensive. Lincoln Junior High wants to give all band students the chance to have a challenging but fun experience in music.


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Band camps are not just work. Students are given the opportunity to attend concerts, go on picnics, swim at the campus beach, canoe on the campus lake, attend dances and participate in many other fun activities.

The average cost of band camp is around $400. Last year the Lincoln Junior High band was able to award $200 scholarships to more than 10 students. Community members and generous businesses donated money to help band students have new and inspirational experiences in music.

Lincoln Junior High will be accepting donations toward band camp scholarships throughout the school year. Donations can be dropped off at the school office, at 208 Broadway. Checks should be made out to Lincoln Junior High Band Boosters.

[News release]

Health care career scholarship applications available

[JAN. 26, 2002]  Applications for the Dwight F. Zimmerman Scholarship, sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation, are currently available.

Applicants must be seniors graduating from Lincoln Community High School, Mount Pulaski High School, Olympia High School, Hartsburg-Emden High School, Delavan Community High School or Illini Central High School, or students currently attending Lincoln College.

All applicants who are chosen as finalists to interview with the scholarship selection committee will receive an award to be applied directly toward tuition, fees and books. The two top applicants will receive scholarships of $1,500. Other finalists will be awarded $500 scholarships.

  Applications are available in the guidance offices of the above-listed schools. Applications are to be submitted to the Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation, 315 Eighth St., Lincoln, IL 62656. The deadline to submit an application for the Zimmerman scholarship is April 5. For more information, call the foundation office at (217) 732-2161, Ext. 405.

People wishing to contribute to the scholarship fund may send their contributions to the Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation, 315 Eighth St., Lincoln, IL 62656.

[News release]


Lincoln Elementary Schools


(Milk is served with all meals.)

Thursday, Feb. 28 — Breakfast pizza, fruit

Friday, March 1 — Cereal, biscuit with jelly, juice

Monday, March 4 — Cereal, cinnamon toast, juice

Tuesday, March 5 — Cinnamon iced pastry, fruit

Wednesday, March 6 — Cereal, toast with apple butter, juice

Thursday, March 7 — Scrambled eggs, toast, potato smiles

Friday, March 8 — Cereal, graham crackers with dip, juice


(Milk is served with all meals.)

Thursday, Feb. 28 — Chili with crackers, peanut butter sandwich, cheese stick, dill spear, whipped dessert

Friday, March 1 — Dr. Seuss’ birthday

One fish, two fish, what are these?

Sandwich fish with bun and cheese

Goldfish crackers in between

Pairs of pears and beans of green

Icy milk in brown and white.

Take a napkin — be polite.

Monday, March 4 — Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, bread and butter, peaches

Tuesday, March 5 — Barbecued rib on bun, potato rounds, carrot sticks, green beans

Wednesday, March 6 — Beef stew, lettuce salad, cheesy biscuits, jello with fruit

Thursday, March 7 — Sloppy Joes, french fries, cole slaw, applesauce

Friday, March 8 — French toast sticks with syrup, sausage patty, hash brown, pineapple tidbits

Mount Pulaski Grade School

Milk and condiments served with all meals.

Students in grades three through eight may choose hot dog and bun or peanut butter and jelly sandwich in place of main entrée.

Students in grades six through eight may choose salad bar in place of main entrée

Thursday, Feb. 28 — Taco salad, green beans, banana, pudding pops, bread, oleo

Friday, March 1 — Breaded chicken patty, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, gravy, orange, bread, oleo

New Holland-Middletown Elementary District 88

(Bread, butter, peanut butter, and 2 percent white or chocolate milk served daily)

Thursday, Feb. 28 — Soft shell taco, corn, pears, brownies

West Lincoln-Broadwell Elementary School District 92

Thursday, Feb. 28 — Turkey tenderloin on bun, french fries, slaw, pudding cup

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