Postville Re-enactment 
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Photos by Joan Crabb

Civil War re-enactors from the 114th Illinois Infantry Regiment get ready to break camp.  David Wachtveitl of Springfield puts out the campfire with water from his canteen, while Shawn McLane of Monticello holds his 1840 Springfield rifle.

Shawn McLane, Civil War re-enactor, carries an 1840 Springfield rifle.

Soldiers in the 1832 Black Hawk War wore their own clothing and in most cases carried their own personal weapons.  Here Greg Bergschneider of Concord, Ill., and Sam Pruitt of Springfield pose in their period fringed jackets.

Six World War II re-enactors showed various types of uniforms and gear carried by the soldiers.  Left to right, standing, are Greg McCune of Lowell, Ind., Tim Cook of DeKalb, Charles Graham of Joliet and Bill Hatcher of Springfield.  Mike Cialkowski of Byron, Ill., and Wayne Schemmner of Darien, Ill., are kneeling.

Charles Graham of Joliet wears a reproduction of a World War II uniform, because he’s too tall to find an authentic one.   Most GIs were only 5-foot-8 or 5-foot-9, he said.

Richard Schachtsiek, site manager of the Postville Courthouse, where the re-enactment was held, wears the uniform used in the Spanish-American War.

Drummer Colin Cliburn and fifer Paul Golladay, both of Springfield, demonstrate the music used to inspire soldiers of the 114th Illinois Volunteer Regiment during the Civil War.

A Korean War veteran re-enactor gets some help from a volunteer.  Steven 6, of Athens, demonstrates how heavy a flak jacket and a full pack can be.  Steven didn’t buckle under but was glad to get rid of the pack.

Mike Hede of Woodridge, an actual Gulf War veteran, unloads his pack to show the audience how many items a veteran of that war carried with him.  Some packs weighed 100 pounds.

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