Deputy of the Year

[MAY 24, 2002]  Ron Hall, representing Logan County Crime Stoppers, presented the Deputy of the Year award at Tuesday evening’s Logan County Board meeting. Logan County Deputy Douglas McCartney has been chosen to have the honorary title bestowed upon him. He was presented with a plaque of appreciation.

Sheriff Tony Solomon said that an example of McCartney’s outstanding work is his quick thinking that averted the evacuation of Elkhart. In response to a bomb scare on Oct. 5, 2001, he identified suspects and obtained a confession that the scare was a hoax.

McCartney has been with the Sheriff’s Department since February ’99. If you ask him what he likes about his job, he’ll tell you easily, "The different people you get to meet and the freedom of not being behind a desk." He adds that he likes being outdoors, and that’s part of the job, "You’re always outside for the most part. No matter what the weather is, you’re always out in it — the good and the bad."


[Photos by Jan Youngquist]

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McCartney and wife Kathy live in Chestnut. What he likes about it is that it is "quiet and small." They enjoy the house they bought two years ago. Especially at this time of the year, you’ll find McCartney doing yard work in his spare time, which he says he enjoys. He also likes to hunt and fish. He looks forward to going turkey hunting with his dad over in Schuyler County, as they have been doing for the past seven years.

Last month Crime Stoppers presented an award to Lincoln Police Officer Robert Rawlins as Officer of the Year. This is the first year the awards have been given. Crime Stoppers plans to make it an annual event.

[Jan Youngquist
and  Lynn Shearer Spellman]

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Traveling pioneer museum kicks off library summer reading program

[MAY 24, 2002]  The kickoff of the Lincoln Public Library’s summer reading program has always been a special event, but this year youngsters and their families have a real treat in store. It’s a "Journey Back in Time," a visit from the nationally acclaimed Pioneer Living Experience, and it gives kids and the grown-ups who come with them a chance for a hands-on experience of the way people lived in the 1800s.

The big day is Saturday, June 1, at the Lincoln Park District Recreation Center on Primm Road, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

The Journey Back in Time is a traveling museum with seven learning centers that give children of all ages a chance to experience what life was like in the 1800s. The Pioneer Living Experience isn’t just for children, either; they are encouraged to bring their parents and even, if possible, grandparents, to see the hundreds of artifacts that are part of the museum.

The Children’s Learning Center has a collection of over 40 handmade wooden folk toys and more than a dozen century-old school books, along with games, an 1800s school desk and slate boards for writing on.


At Ma and Pa’s Learning Center, youngsters learn what it was like to pump water from a barrel, wash clothes on a scrub board, and wring them out on a 150-year-old machine. They can also shave with a lather brush, just the way Grandpa used to.

Kids will also find out that bread didn’t always come from the supermarket. The Kitchen Learning Center gives boys and girls both the real feel of bread-making, grinding wheat seeds in a grinder and sifting them into flour, then rolling and kneading out the bread dough.

They’ll also learn that clothing didn’t always come from the store. They’ll learn how to card wool and hand-spin it into yarn. They can make their very own friendship bracelet, which they can take home to keep. Period clothing and plants that were used to make dyes for wool will be on display.


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Things used in the home were very often made there, such as the quilts, braided rag rugs and tatted lace. Kids can touch these old-time crafts. They will see seed necklaces and dolls make from clothespins, corn husks, corn cobs, dried apples and chestnuts. Keepsake necklaces made from "trade beads" (really pasta) can be made to take home.

At the Native American Learning Center, kids can explore an authentic hand-painted Sioux tipi and touch and identify animal furs, including bear, deer, raccoon, badger and beaver. The display also includes artifacts such as native crafts, tools and a rawhide drum, all of which can be enjoyed hands-on.

Finally, the young people can relive the excitement of the Gold Rush by panning for "fools’ gold," which the kids get to keep, and weighing their "gold" on a set of old miners’ scales.

This hands-on history program has been seen in nearly 10,000 schools in more than 20 states since its creation in 1989. It visits over 800 schools and other events each year.

Linda Harmon, assistant children’s librarian, who has seen the Pioneer Living Experience in operation at an area school, is enthusiastic about bringing it to Lincoln.

"I don’t believe there’s anything else like it around. They are booked all the time. We were lucky to get them, and it was only because they were going to be in Illinois for other bookings.

"It’s very hands-on, and the whole family can do it together. It will be really great if grandparents can come, too, and say, for example, "That’s the way we baked bread."

Pat Schlough, children’s librarian, says that though the traveling museum will be at the Rec Center between 9 and noon, she recommends getting there early, so the kids (and parents too) will have time to experience all seven of the learning centers.

[Joan Crabb]

Senate approves early
retirement incentives

[MAY 24, 2002]  SPRINGFIELD — Nearly 7,365 state employees are expected to retire under an early retirement plan sponsored by Sen. Larry Bomke, R-Springfield, and approved Thursday by the Illinois Senate.

The plan is expected to save the state nearly $356.5 million on payroll and salary each year as well as save some state jobs that would otherwise fall victim to layoffs.

"This is completely voluntary on the part of state employees, but many have indicated to me that they want an early retirement package," said Bomke. "The retirement system estimates more than 7,000 employees will take advantage of this plan, allowing us to reduce state bureaucracy and save money without forcing people out of jobs. Layoffs have been mentioned time and time again as a budget solution, and early retirement will help open up some jobs for employees who are otherwise in danger of being laid off."

House Bill 2671 allows state employees to purchase of up to five years of age and five years of service credit. Contributions can be made from sick and vacation time, with the balance, if any, to be paid in 24 installments from pension annuities. All contributions are on a pretax basis and will use the rate of pay and contribution rate as of June 1.


To qualify, employees must have at least eight years vested in the pension system and must terminate employment once they choose to participate in early retirement. The early retirement option will be available from Aug. 1 until Dec. 31. Once an employee chooses early retirement, he or she cannot be hired back full- or part-time and cannot return to state service on contract.

State employees must also meet existing eligibility requirements for retirement. The "Rule of 85," which Bomke sponsored in 2000, allows employees to retire when their age and years of creditable service equal at least 85. Otherwise employees may currently retire at age 55 with 25 years of service or at age 60 with eight years of service.


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Employees must also pay the full contribution rate for early retirement. This equals nine percent under the Teachers Retirement System, the TRS, four percent under SERS and either 6.4 percent or 10.5 percent under the alternative formula.

Members who fall under the alternative formula must also reach age 50 before being eligible to receive an annuity, despite the additional number of years purchased. The TRS early retirement provisions will only affect administrators at TRS and the State Board of Education, not employees in local school districts.

House Bill 2671 also takes steps to protect the pensions of employees who voluntarily or involuntarily took time off without pay during the state’s fiscal crisis.

SERS members may apply for up to five days of service credit for voluntary or involuntary furlough between Dec. 1, 2002 and Jan. 1, 2003. They must apply in writing to SERS or to their employer by July 1, 2005. No additional contributions are required to receive the furlough credits.

House Bill 2671 was approved 55-1-1 by the Senate and now returns to the House of Representatives for further consideration. If approved and signed into law, it will take effect immediately and employees can take early retirement beginning Aug. 1.

[News release]

State honors individuals for heroic acts

Local boys receive award

[MAY 23, 2002]  SPRINGFIELD — As part of the state’s 15th Annual Emergency Medical Services Awards, Gov. George Ryan joined the Illinois Department of Public Health Tuesday in honoring 32 individuals for acts of courage.

Honorees received certificates, signed by Gov. George H. Ryan and Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. John R. Lumpkin, as part of the department’s observance of Emergency Medical Services Week, May 19-25. The special week provides an opportunity for communities and organizations to honor those involved in emergency medical services.

"Every day throughout Illinois and across the nation, citizens reach out to help others in need," Gov. Ryan said. "Emergency medical personnel are often heard to say it’s all a part of the job, but we are still grateful for their dedication and courage.

"And private citizens who give assistance without hesitation also deserve our thanks and recognition for their compassion and bravery in the face of danger."

Nominations for the awards are solicited by the public health department from police, firefighters, paramedics and others from throughout the state.

"These brave individuals came to the aid of others in crisis, often jeopardizing their own safety," said Lumpkin. "Their selfless acts of courage and the compassion they displayed are inspiring."


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Two individuals from Logan County were recipients of the 2002 Illinois EMS Awards.

Andrew Jones and Matt Wilham, both of Chestnut, were on their way to school on Jan. 17, 2002, when they came upon a two-car accident about a mile south of Chestnut. A woman failed to yield at an intersection, and her car was broadsided by a Ford Bronco. Both vehicles rolled into an adjacent farm field. The driver of the Bronco suffered a broken arm but was able to get out of the vehicle. However, her brother was trapped inside the vehicle. Jones and Wilham pulled the boy from the vehicle before it burst into flames.

[Illinois Government News Network
press release]

Governor announces nine Illinois counties declared federal disaster areas

[MAY 23, 2002]  SPRINGFIELD — Gov. George Ryan announced Tuesday that President Bush has approved his request and declared nine counties as federal disaster areas as a result of tornadoes, thunderstorms and damaging winds beginning on April 21.

Counties covered by the presidential declaration are Clay, Franklin, Johnson, Marion, Pope, Saline, St. Clair, Wayne and Union. In addition, any county that is contiguous to the declared counties will also be eligible for disaster assistance. The contiguous counties include Alexander, Clinton, Edwards, Effingham, Fayette, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Madison, Massac, Monroe, Perry, Pulaski, Randolph, Richland, Washington, White and Williamson.

The governor’s letter this week to the president also requested that federal disaster assistance be granted for counties impacted by flooding. Therefore, IEMA and FEMA will begin conducting damage assessments Wednesday in counties that have experienced flood damage, starting with those along the Sangamon and Illinois rivers. These damage assessments will provide valuable information to state and federal officials to determine the need for supplemental federal disaster assistance. IEMA and other state agencies continue to work with local officials to ensure that necessary resources are available to maintain an effective flood fight.


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"I want to thank President Bush for his quick attention to the needs of Illinois residents whose homes were destroyed or damaged in these storms," Gov. Ryan said. "It is my hope that the counties now battling floods will be added to the list of counties to receive federal assistance."

Specifically, individual assistance programs, including disaster housing assistance, individual and family grants and Small Business Administration low-interest loans for the declared counties and all contiguous counties, will be made available.

Disaster victims may apply for assistance by telephone through a national tele-registration center operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency: 1 (800) 621-3362 or TTY 1 (800) 462-7585 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Central time seven days a week. Callers should have their address, Social Security number, a list of damages and losses suffered, directions to the damaged property, and insurance policy number readily available when calling for assistance.

[Illinois Government News Network press release]

County board gives raises to
deputies and three officeholders,
holds line on own salaries

[MAY 22, 2002]  Three county officeholders will earn $1,500 more next year and sheriff’s deputies will get a 5 percent raise, but county board salaries and benefits will remain frozen for 10 years, following action at the Logan County Board meeting Tuesday night.

The three elected officials will receive $1,500 raises for each of the next four years, with Sheriff Tony Solomon making $48,995 next year and County Clerk Sally Litterly and Treasurer Mary Ellen Bruns each earning $38,000. For Solomon that is a 3.15 percent increase and for Litterly and Bruns a 4.1 percent raise. Salaries of county officials are set at staggered times.

Finance committee member Roger Bock said Logan County salaries are well below the average of eight nearby counties of similar population. In fact, even with the raises, Litterly’s and Bruns’ salaries are 8.75 percent below those in the lowest comparable county, Christian.

Saying, "We should be paying what the industry standard is," Dave Hepler proposed an amendment to put Litterly and Bruns at $42,000 each in fiscal year 2003, then add $1,500 for each of the next three years. The amendment failed 4-9, with Hepler, Tom Cash, Cliff Sullivan and Dale Voyles voting for it. The motion to give the three officials $1,500 raises in each of the four years passed 11-2, with Jim Griffin and Dick Logan opposing.

Salaries and benefits for county board members are set once a decade. Finance chair Rod White said salaries of $35 per meeting, with only one meeting counted per day, are the lowest in 10 counties, but when insurance and retirement benefits are added in, the total rises to somewhere in the bottom quarter. The vote to keep the total package as is was unanimous.

After a brief executive session, the board voted 12-1 with White dissenting to approve a contract with Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 78. The union previously approved the contract. Total salaries of the 17 deputies on the 10-step schedule would rise 5 percent in the first year of the contract, 3.8 percent in the second year and 4.4 percent in the third. That means an extra $26,746 for the county to pay in the first year. The most senior deputy has worked for the county 23 years and the newest five months.

First-year salaries, retroactive to Dec. 1, 2001, range from $25,000 for a beginning deputy to $36,000 for a 30-year veteran. Each step gains $1,000 in each of the next two years. Sergeants are paid $2,500 above the scale.

The contract also provides for full health insurance coverage, criminal defense when the officer is found not guilty, three personal days per year and a 50 percent buyback of unused sick days up to 60 when the deputy retires. Eight of the 17 become eligible to retire within the three-year contract period.

In another matter, the board heard news from the Finance Committee that was more good than bad. Bock reported that for the first five months of fiscal year 2002 revenues from 1 percent and one-fourth percent sales taxes, income tax and interest earned are $120,000 short of budget projections. However, Voyles said that for the same period expenses are even farther under budget — more than $308,000 under the five-month expectation of 42 percent of budgeted expenses.

In an amendment to the county zoning ordinance, the board voted to charge fees of $1,000 for communication towers, equipment, building and fencing, and $500 for attaching a new device to an existing tower. The Zoning Board of Appeals previously approved the measure 5-0. Zoning officer Bud Miller said there were no comments on the fees at the public hearing May 20. Phil Mahler, director of the Regional Planning Commission, said that with the previous fee of $50 per tower the county was guilty of "way, way, way undercharging."


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Another zoning issue, regarding certification of the water supply before issuing a building permit, was returned to the zoning board for clarification.

County board members voted unanimously in favor of entering a six-county resource conservation and development area. Bill Dickerson of Natural Resources Conservation Service said that the program, begun in 1964, has been successful in Illinois, with eight approved areas and one pending, involving a total of 62 counties. Logan would combine with Cass, Christian, Mason, Menard and Sangamon counties to identify types of natural resource concerns and methods of addressing them, including applying for grants.

Dickerson is asking for $200 in startup money from each county. If the resource conservation and development area is approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, he anticipates annual county dues of $250-$275. Three citizens of each county will serve on the board.

In other business, with no dissenting votes, the board

•  Approved an ordinance making it illegal for a minor under 18 to possess tobacco products, except when a parent or legal guardian is present, and for a person to provide tobacco to a minor. Possession by a minor is punishable by fines up to $50 for a first or second offense and $100 for a third or subsequent offense. Fines for providing tobacco to a minor range up to $75 for a first offense and $400 for another. Half of the money from fines goes into a fund to be used for preventing tobacco abuse. Board Chairman Dick Logan said state grants are available for enforcement of such laws.

•  Awarded the bid for repair of a section of road in Sheridan Township to P.H. Broughton for $118,307.63. Township motor fuel funds will pay for the project.

•  Awarded the bid for carpeting the state’s attorney’s office, including removing and disposing of old carpet, to Carpet House for $6,473.89.

•  Awarded the contract for painting the interior of the animal shelter building to Michael Simonson Painting for $3,325.

•  Made five appointments to county boards: Shirley Bartelmay to the cemetery maintenance district, Janet Schultz to the housing authority, Dr. Dean Hauter to the tuberculosis board, and Norma Bathe and Jim Altig to the E-911 board.

•  Approved a property sale for delinquent taxes. Terry Werth abstained.

Despite the presence of city and development officials, the issue of the industrial park proposed by Economic Development Council did not come up at the meeting. However, Logan informed the board that Loren Birnbaum of rural Lincoln, whose property is next to the northeast-side site of the proposed park, south of Kruger elevator, has filed an objection to rezoning the site commercial.

[Lynn Shearer Spellman]


Greenway development
in early planning stages

[MAY 22, 2002]  What is a greenway development? It’s more than a bicycling and hiking trail. It includes waterway activities where available and attracts tourism. At Monday evening’s city council meeting, Phil Mahler, Logan County Regional Planning Commission director, shared the newest information regarding the development of a recreational trail through Logan County.

Mahler has received letters of support to pursue this project from Lincoln Mayor Beth Davis, LCHS Superintendent Fred Plese and Marcia Greenslate, director of parks and recreation. The project is still in its early planning stages, but Mahler has been in touch with Scott Schuett, landscape architect for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

A letter from Mahler to Schuett indicated that with support from planning director Phil Mahler, zoning officer Bud Miller and county board chair Richard Logan, "resource areas are being identified to facilitate the project."

Miller also wrote, "We are anxious to work closely with IDNR so the original concept of a bike trail can evolve into a Greenway Preservation Program. This may include the original bike and fitness trail but also could develop a canoeing route along with boating, fishing, picnicking and other healthy activities."

The creation of a greenway along this section will provide continuity on a north-south corridor connecting McLean and Sangamon counties. The addition of two more counties, Livingston and Macoupin, is needed to complete the greenway corridor from Lake to Monroe counties.

State funding is available in the form of grants up to $20,000. The Department of Agriculture has offered to assist with getting these grants. No financial commitment is required with the grant that is being looked at now, but a certain percentage of matching labor or materials is expected. Mahler sees no problem getting local labor for this, as he’s already had some interest from local businesses with resources to make commitments toward it.

The project will take place in stages, with further grants available from one year to the next. "Some dollars can be gotten, if not this year, then next for certain, and planning can begin," he says.


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Completing the Logan County section will make a Chicago-to-St. Louis greenway. There are three sections for the local trail: entering, around and leaving Lincoln. All run along old Route 66. The first section is south of town, running along the train tracks from Elkhart to Madigan State Park. The second goes around Lincoln following old 66. The third runs from Lincoln to Atlanta beside the train tracks and old 66.

The first to be developed would be the middle section around Lincoln. Mahler believes that getting permission for land use from landowners for the projected trailway should be no problem, as 20 percent of the land is flood plain.

Also up for consideration as part of the greenway is keeping a section of Salt Creek maintained for canoeing. The section currently proposed runs from Rocky Ford to Middletown. It would be encouraged to get an outfitter to run canoes on it.

[Jan Youngquist]



Lincoln’s Historic Homes and Buildings Commission will take over polling building, the grass is greener, and other issues at city council meeting

[MAY 21, 2002]  A number of varied and diverse issues were discussed and voted on at Monday evenings Lincoln City Council meeting. It was noted that Alderman Verl Prather was absent due to illness.

Though it was on the agenda to discuss the first sewer plant upgrade bids, discussion was deferred until June 11 when the next set of bids are due in. EMC’s sewer plant manager, Grant Eaton, and Mark Mathon, city engineer, both had questions on some of the bids, and the EPA also suggests waiting until all bids are in.

Les Plotner, the city treasurer, presented a detailed financial report that assessed issues likely to impact city revenues. He listed and compared both calendar and fiscal year tax distributions. Using those figures he predicted how the city may sustain losses of tax incomes, and there are a lot of them this year. He also reported how they should manage savings monies, suggesting when and where the savings should be invested. [See report below this article]

In conclusion, he stated that in his personal opinion he did not advise supporting the proposed commerce park at this time. He said, "I cannot see the logic or feasibility of trying to issue bonds in the amount of $1.3 million to provide funding for the proposed industrial/commerce park without the vote of the people that says they are willing to increase taxes via referendum to pay off such liability."

"I believe an industrial park is something we need, but I’m not sure I buy into the current plan," he concluded.

Alderman Steve Fuhrer countered, saying, "Now is the time to borrow money because it is at the lowest interest rate in years."

Still expressing uncertainty, Plotner finished by saying, "That’s been one of the stumbling blocks with this whole thing — how to pay the money back."

The company considering locating a cell tower here has run into a snafu. The site they were looking at has a sewer line running right through the middle of it. They have another site chosen elsewhere, but it is outside of city limits.

On a positive note, it was announced that Cornbelt Enterprises, Elkhart site has received final approval of their new Lincoln/Logan Enterprise Zone. The property will be used for expansion of their generating plant. The construction phase will employ a hundred workers.


[to top of second column in this article]

Betty York and Mayor Beth Davis, having just come from a Historic Homes and Buildings Commission meeting, extended a request to the city to procure the old polling building that sits at Fifth and Adams streets. The building is currently owned by West Lincoln Township. The commission is willing to foot the bill for moving the building to Postville Park, citing that it will make a good tourist attraction as a visitor center. It is intended that the historical building will become the focal point for the 2003 sesquicentennial. Once moved to the new site, depending on costs and funds available from the historical commission, the building will receive signage, new lighting, split-rail timbers and wildflowers, and possibly restrooms and picnic tables could be added.

The council agreed to receive the property from West Lincoln Township, provided that the property transfer costs do not exceed $300. The council will then allow the historical commission to take over, as long as the commission is responsible for all costs involved in the moving, etc.

Permissions and approvals granted

There will now be parallel parking on the south half of Pulaski Street, east from the alley (corner of Pulaski and Sangamon streets), since a new ordinance was passed.

New sidewalk work will be done at the expense of the city at 442 Ninth St.

Poppies will be sold by Legion, Auxiliary and S.A.L. Post 263 on May 24 and 25. Flashing lights will again be permitted at the intersection of Broadway and McLean streets.

Chief Richard Montcalm can begin searching for a new employee to replace Faye Huneke, who retires May 31. [Read about Huneke in LDN archives: "Faye Huneke is more than a secretary."]

It has come to the attention of many that a number of properties around Lincoln have been neglected lately, simply needing mowing in particular. It was observed that many of these are properties for sale. It was suggested that someone from the council contact the realtors handling the properties when this is observed.

Along this same line of thinking, at the conclusion of the meeting Mayor Beth Davis announced the formation of a new committee for Lincoln beautification. The first meeting will be Monday, May 28. Interested people are invited to attend the 5 p.m. meeting at City Hall.

[Jan Youngquist]

Copy of a report from Les Plotner

Update on financial matters
having an impact on city revenues

1. A report has been given to Council Members which provides a comparative summary on Sales Tax distribution using the STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION (SIC) REPORT DESCRIPTION. The report provides a brief description of the categories used by the Illinois Department of Revenue for sales tax reporting purposes. You will first note a comparison of the 4th Quarter or the distribution months of October, November and December for 2000 with the 4th Quarter of 2001. The liability months for this Quarter are July, August and September of both years. The State operates with a Liability month, a Collection month, an Accounting month, and a Distribution month. For example: Sales taxes paid in the month of July and not distributed to the municipality until October.

The report also includes a comparative summary of Sales Tax distribution for the Calendar Year 2000 with the Calendar Year 2001. We believe this report clearly points out that the economic downward trend had taken place long before the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. That event has helped to slow down economy even more than it was before the event took place.

2. The May thru April sales tax distribution (Fiscal Year) in FY 2001-2002 was $1,892,592 which was $104,976 less than our sales tax distribution in FY 2000-2001. That is a 5.25% loss in revenues in that specific revenue source for the past Fiscal Year.

3. The State Shared Revenues distribution for April was not received until May 8, 2002; therefore, those revenues, which includes the STATE INCOME TAX, STATE USE TAX, AND PHOTOPROCESSING TAX, totaling $101,598 were not counted in the total revenues received in FY 2001-2002. Now the question is will we receive 13 payments in FY2002-2003 or is this the beginning of a delayed payment process by the State of Illinois to municipalities? If we do receive 13 payments we must remember that only 12 payments truly belong in the Fiscal Year and not project future State Shared Revenue distributions on the total of the 13 payments. If we had received the distributions in a timely manner in FY 2001 2002 the City would have received $122,426 or 8.68% less than the total received the previous FY 2000-2001. ($1,286,760/$1,409,186)

4. Your Illinois Municipal League legislative bulletin of May 10, 2002 warns that the State of Illinois is considering reductions in the State Shared Income Tax as a Budget balancing measure. That would cause a $6.75 annual loss per person to Municipalities. Using our latest population count of 15,369 for Lincoln the loss would be $103,275 for the Fiscal Year if enacted. The estimated income tax receipt estimate for FY2002-2003 has already been lowered from $75.60 to $74.10.


[to top of second column in this section]

5. The State of Illinois is also considering the elimination of the Photo Processing tax for budget processing purposes. The cost to municipalities is projected at $2.10 per person for an annual loss of $32,130 for the City of Lincoln. The receipt estimate next fiscal year (2002-2003) had already been lowered from $2.23 to $2.10.

6. A provision contained in SB 1543 would maintain up to $400 million in annual Corporate income tax money by decoupling the Illinois Income tax from the additional three-year 30% depreciation allowance provision contained in the Federal Economic Stimulus Package adopted in March. This corporate tax reduction is estimated to cost municipalities $2.00 per person in personal property replacement tax received last year if decoupling is not approved. Lincoln’s loss, if rhetoric is understood, could be $32,600 annually.

7. Interest rates are very poor right now and it doesn’t look as if things will change very much in the foreseeable future. This source of revenue for FY 2002-2003 may not be a much as the amount received in FY 2001-2002 and we know that wasn’t anywhere near what we expected for the year. The last C.D. bid for $1,450,000 was 1.561%. The Illinois Funds were paying only 1.803% and 1.896% on May 15, 2002. T.B.’s and T. Notes are quite low even for long-term investments.

8. Don’t forget to get the ball rolling on issuing General Obligation Bonds as soon as it becomes possible to complete the paperwork and issue the bonds.

9. For what it is worth, I cannot see the logic or feasibility of trying to issue bonds in the amount of $1.3 million to provide funding for the proposed Industrial/Commerce Park without the vote of the people that says they are willing to
increase taxes via referendum to pay off such liability. Further, I do not see the option on the property proposed as a problem. At that price for land, the option will be available for quite some time in the future. I believe an industrial park is something we need, but, I’m not sure I buy into the current plan.

Les Plotner

City Treasurer

May 20, 2002


[See comparative summary below on state sales tax distribution.]

Sales tax distribution -- Illinois Department of Revenue

Standard industrial classification report description

  • Ten categories used for reporting purposes
  • Each category group by tax type

MT - Municipal Tax: This is the 1% municipal share of the 6.25% statewide rate on general merchandise (equivalent to 16% of tax collections) and 100% of the tax collections of the 1% rate on qualifying food, drugs, and medical appliances for taxable sales made within the corporate limits of the municipality. This amount is returned to the municipality where the sale is made.

SIC categories

General Merchandise: Dept. stores, variety stores, miscellaneous general merchandise stores.

Food: Grocery stores, meat/fish markets, fruit/vegetable markets, confectionery stores, dairy product stores, retail bakeries, misc. food stores.

Places: Eating places, drinking places, hotels and motels.

Apparel: Clothing stores, shoe stores, misc. apparel and accessory stores.

Furniture, Household, and Radio: Furniture and floor covering stores, household appliances, radio/TV/electronic stores, computer and hardware stores, repair stores of all kinds.

Lumber, Building and Hardware: Single family construction, residential/non-residential construction, industrial buildings and warehouses, highway/street/bridge/water/sewer line construction, plumbing/heating/air conditioning, masonry, carpentry, concrete work, etc.

Automotive and Filling Stations: New and used car dealers, auto/home supply stores, gasoline service stations, boat dealers, recreational vehicle dealers, motorcycle dealers, vehicle leasing firms, car washes, auto repair shops, etc.

Drugs and Miscellaneous Retail: Drug stores, liquor stores, used merchandise stores, sporting goods, bicycles, book stores, jewelry stores, gift shops, fuel oil dealers, florists, tobacco stores, optical stores, etc.

Agriculture and All Others: Crop sales, nursery products, veterinary services, lawn/garden services, office equipment, taxicab services, and many others.

Manufacturers: Candy products, manufactured ice, millwork, glass containers, concrete blocks, ready-mixed concrete, lawn and garden equipment, burial caskets, and numerous other types of manufacturers.

Comparative summary for fourth quarter

October 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000 / October 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001




+ or -

Gen. Merchandise

$ 91,244

$ 96,316

































Drugs/Misc. Retail





Agriculture/All Others















  • For the period, Lincoln received $16,082 less in 2001 than in 2000.
  • The largest losses occurred in: Food ($10,446); Furniture and Household ($4,040); and Automotive and Filling Stations ($16,528).
  • The largest gains occurred in: General Merchandise ($5,072); Drugs and Misc. Retail ($10,778); and Agriculture and All Others ($5,775).
  • Can you explain why Automotive/Filling Stations were down while Drinking and Eating Places were about the same in the two comparative periods?
  • Why the gain in Drugs and Misc. Retail while Furniture and Household Sales were down?
  • The number of Taxpayers (Retailers) who filed returns during the period were almost the same: 2000 (462) and 2001 (464).

Comparative summary for the calendar year

January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000 / January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001




+ or -

Gen. Merchandise






























Automotive/Gas Stat.





Drugs/Misc. Retail





Agriculture/All Others















  • For the reporting year (Jan. 1 to Dec. 31) there was a $71,029 drop in sales tax in 2001 compared to 2000.
  • The largest losses in 2001 as compared with 2000 were: Automotive/Filling Stations ($65,166); Furniture and Household ($19,360); Agriculture and All Others ($8,351); Manufacturers ($7,038) and Food ($6,328).
  • The only gains in 2001 as compared with 2000 were: Drugs and Miscellaneous Retail ($25,560); General Merchandise ($12,115); and Lumber, Building, and Hardware ($3,752).
  • In the Drinking and Eating category we lost only $1,480 in sales tax revenues in 2001 as compared to 2000. I guess we have our priorities, don’t we?
  • The number of Taxpayers (Retailers) who filed returns for the two years were virtually the same: 628 (in 2000) and 626 (2001). One probably asks why the numbers of Taxpayers is higher for the year than for the Fourth Quarter Comparison. We suspect that the extra vendors for the Logan County Fair and the Arts and Balloon Fest add to the yearly totals.

District 27 continues
cost-cutting on new school

[MAY 20, 2002]  The board of School District 27, in its meeting last week, continued trying to cut construction costs for the new Central School, with somewhat mixed results.

Cuts are necessary because in February, when bids were opened, the board found costs were almost $800,000 more than estimated for the approximately $6 million project.

Board members learned they can save about $64,000 on food service equipment, but they will not be able to save an estimated $80,000 to $90,000 on the exterior building system by using a combination of brick and a synthetic material instead of all brick.

Architect Dave Leonatti and members of the construction management firm S.M. Wilson had hoped to cut costs by using the synthetic material on 40 percent of the building but found this would not be less expensive.

The board decided to stay with the original design of an all-brick exterior. Board members chose a color from a number of samples brought in by Leonatti, selecting a blend of reddish bricks showing a slight variation in color.

They also chose a seal brown color for the building’s standing seam metal roof.

The choice of brands of high-efficiency boilers is still up in the air, pending more research by the architect and construction management firm, but the board has already decided to use only three boilers instead of the four originally suggested.

A fire department connection on the outside of the building will not be recessed, as originally planned, and a closed-circuit TV system to monitor hallways and entries was entirely eliminated.

Drywall and acoustical ceilings will be rebid. A local firm, Myers Industries, is bidding on bookcases and cabinetry for the classrooms.


[to top of second column in this article]

In other business, John Welsh of the Junior High Booster Club asked the board if the club could build a concession stand at the ball diamond.

The stand would be added to the front of the storage shed that is already on the property. Welsh said that because the park district will be using the ball diamond in the summer, this would give the booster club a good opportunity to raise funds. He said volunteers would do most of the work.

Welsh also said he would like to consider adding restrooms to the concession stand if that is feasible.

Board member Marilyn Montgomery asked who would maintain and clean the restroom. Welsh said the booster club would maintain them during the summer.

Welsh said the club was asking the board for $3,500 at most for the concession stand and that another local organization would contribute the other funds needed.

Board president Bruce Carmitchel asked him to give the board more specific numbers on the cost of the project, including costs with or without the restrooms.

[Joan Crabb]

A previous story on cost cuts for the building project ran April 18 in LDN:  "District 27 halts construction, cuts costs on Central School"

Judge orders Ryan administration
to halt layoffs

[MAY 18, 2002]  BELLEVILLE — St. Clair County Circuit Court Judge Alexis Otis-Lewis issued a preliminary injunction delaying the Ryan administration’s scheduled layoffs of 1,800 employees. The ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed by AFSCME Council 31 which seeks to compel the governor to submit disagreements regarding the layoffs to an independent arbitrator. The union represents the affected employees, most of whom work in the areas of public safety and human services.

"We’ve been saying all along that laying off state employees cannot solve Illinois’ budget crisis," said Henry Bayer, executive director of AFSCME Council 31." The intended layoffs would inflict pain on state employees and deny the citizens of Illinois vital public services."

Previously AFSCME had won a temporary restraining order from Judge Otis-Lewis on March 8 against the Ryan administration’s plan to institute one-day furloughs for state employees. The judge allowed AFSCME to amend the complaint three weeks ago to cover permanent layoffs as well.

On Wednesday Judge Otis-Lewis agreed with AFSCME that allowing the state to proceed with the layoffs as scheduled without going through proper arbitration procedures for resolving the union’s grievance would cause "irreparable harm" to the affected employees.


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"Instead of trying to scapegoat AFSCME, violating collective bargaining agreements and circumventing state law, Governor Ryan should show some leadership and propose real, responsible solutions to the state's fiscal problems," Bayer said.

"We're hopeful that the General Assembly will pass a budget that provides for the continuation of state services and makes the issue of layoffs moot," he added.

[AFSCME Council 31 news release]

Republicans roll up their sleeves
and continue budget work

[MAY 18, 2002]  SPRINGFIELD — The cancellation of Thursday’s scheduled session of the Illinois House did not stop state Rep. Jonathan Wright and his House Republican colleagues from continuing their work to address the state budget crisis. Rep. Wright and his fellow House Republicans conducted six working sessions on the budget Thursday, painstakingly going through the state budget and asking questions of agency directors to identify areas where spending can be cut without impacting services crucial to our families and communities.

"The Democrats who control the House schedule decided to take the day off and go home; that’s their choice. My Republican colleagues and I chose to stay here, roll up our sleeves and go through the agencies’ budgets with the directors to find the money we need to make sure programs that help our families will continue to receive the funding they need," Wright said.

Rep. Wright participated specifically in the review of the budgets for the Department of Human Services and the State Board of Education. Other hearings reviewed budgets for the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, the state Board of Higher Education, the Department of Corrections and the Department of Public Aid.

Wright noted that House Republicans have already found ways to cut sufficient administrative overhead and unnecessary items from the budgets of the Department of Human Services to restore funding for programs crucial to the most vulnerable members of our community — those with developmental disabilities and mental illnesses.


[to top of second column in this article]

"Our goal is to identify $300 million in cuts from these six agencies, and we received a lot of very useful information from the agency directors and their representatives today that will help us do that, " Wright said. "I was also able to speak with Secretary Baker of the Department of Human Services specifically about our community’s continuing concern about the situation at the Lincoln Developmental Center."

Wright added that he and other members did their overtime work Thursday at no cost to taxpayers. They will accept no per-diem pay or other compensation.

[News release]

Telemarketing bill heads to governor

[MAY 18, 2002]  SPRINGFIELD — Under legislation approved Tuesday by the Illinois Senate and sent to the governor, Illinois residents who are tired of telemarketing calls will soon have means to lessen the number they receive.

Sen. Larry Bomke, R-Springfield, sponsored Senate Bill 1830 to create a statewide restricted call registry for which Illinois residents can sign up, pay a $5 fee and have their name removed from telemarketing lists.

"Telemarketing has simply gotten out of hand," said Bomke. "Constituents have approached me about the large number of calls they receive. Senate Bill 1830 gives them recourse to reduce the number of calls they receive."

According to Bomke, other states have had great success with similar programs.


[to top of second column in this article]

In addition to the $5 fee paid by consumers, the program will be funded through the $1,000 fee telemarketers will pay four times each year for the updated lists. If they continue to call numbers on the registry, they will be fined up to $1,000 for the first offense and up to $2,500 for subsequent offenses.

Exempt from the registry requirements are calls for charitable contributions, real estate or insurance agents, established business relationships, polling or advocacy calls, and telecommunications providers.

Senate Bill 1830 now awaits action by the governor. Once signed into law, it will take effect immediately.

[News release]

Illinois Senate week in review

[MAY 18, 2002]  SPRINGFIELD — The Illinois Senate continued action on legislation this week while budget negotiators continued work on the state budget, according to Sen. Claude "Bud" Stone, R-Morton.

Following adjournment of the General Assembly for the week, key negotiators continued to work on the state budget for fiscal year 2003, which begins on July 1. Negotiators met with the Bureau of the Budget to identify what the state can afford within available revenues. For the first time in 47 years the state will receive less than in the previous budget years.

Budget experts estimate the state faces a $1.4 billion deficitfar less than other states are facing following a downturn in the economy and the tragedy of 9-11. Senate Republicans have rejected income and sales tax increases, instead proposing cuts in state bureaucracy while preserving key areas of spending for education and human services.

In other business, Illinois’ top public health official told lawmakers that Illinois is well ahead of many other states in implementing plans to respond to bioterrorism or chemical attacks. Dr. John Lumpkin, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, testified before the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee about the state’s readiness.

Lumpkin contends Illinois is out in front of many other states because it already had a strong network of emergency response programs in place before Sept. 11. More plans have been developed since then as specific needs have been determined.

The following legislative measures are among those approved by both chambers and sent to the governor for approval this week:

Brownfields (SB 1803) — Expands the Brownfields Redevelopment program to help businesses clean up contaminated sites.

School bus (SB 1795) — Allows school bus drivers to use two-radio service while operating a school bus, but not a cell phone.

Restricted call registry (SB 1830) — Creates a statewide database of those who do not wish to receive telemarketing calls.

Energy efficiency (SB 1565) — Creates a low-interest loan program for the purchase and installation of high-efficiency energy equipment or appliances, energy monitoring devices, or clean small-scale energy production devices.


[to top of second column in this article]

Active duty (SB 1583) — Provides members of the Illinois National Guard serving on state active duty the same civil protections as personnel on federal active duty.

Cell phones (HB 3938) — Repeals the ban regarding cell phone use on school property and allows local schools to establish policies.

Hate crimes (HB 4371) — Prohibits insurance companies from canceling or refusing to issue policies solely because one or more claims have been made as a result of a hate crime.

Rape (HB 2946) — Increases penalties for sexual assault with a weapon.

Emissions tests (HB 5255) — Allows vehicles from year 1996 and newer to be tested via computer diagnostic exhaust equipment rather the treadmill test.

The Senate also acted on resolutions this week. The following resolutions gained approval by the full Senate:

Auditor general (SJR 76) — Appoints William G. Holland as auditor general for a term commencing on Aug. 1.

High-speed rail (HJR 71) — Urges the president and the Congress to commit to an intercity passenger rail system and to develop a federal high-speed rail policy and program.

The following measures were among those approved by Senate committees this week:

Electronic voting (HB 5647) — Authorizes "touch screen" voting in Illinois.

Tollway (SJR 72) — Calls for a management audit of the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority.

O’Hare (SR 426) — Requires the University of Illinois to conduct an O’Hare International Airport expansion property tax impact study.

Alzheimer’s disease (SJR 65) — Creates the Illinois Legislative Alzheimer's Disease Task Force to help optimize the quality of life for people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and their families through advocacy, education, support and services.

[News release]


Military addresses sought

It is a time like no other. Since Sept. 11 we are a changed nation. Individually, our daily sensitivity toward whom and what we have in our lives has been heightened. We are more conscious and appreciative, first about those we love and see everyday. Next, we have a newfound appreciation for those who risk their lives every day as rescue workers and protectors of life and property in our communities. We also now think more about our military men and women who are committed to serve and protect our country. Many are away engaged in battle, some are in waiting to go, all are ready to lay their lives on the line in defense of our freedom.

Lincoln Daily News is seeking the names and addresses, including e-mail addresses, of friends and relatives who are serving in the armed forces. They need not be from here in Logan County. If you know someone serving, please send the information to A complete list will be made available and kept updated through the site so we might all hold them in our thoughts, prayers and well wishes.

[Click here for names available now.]

Name of person in military:

Branch of service:

Current location of service:

Postal address:

E-mail address:

Relationship to LDN reader sending information (optional):


Are we prepared for terrorism
in Logan County?

It’s on the radio, TV, in all the media. You hear it in the office, on the street and maybe at home — threats of terrorism. America is on high alert. Here in central Illinois, away from any supposed practical target areas, perhaps we feel a little less threatened, but we are still concerned. So how concerned should we be, and how prepared are we for the types of situations that could occur?

Whether the threat is domestic or foreign, violent, biological or chemical, our public health and rescue agencies have been preparing to respond to the situations. Lincoln Daily News has been at meetings where all the agencies gather together as the Logan County Emergency Planning Committee to strategize for just such a time. Our reports have not even provided every detail that every agency has reported; i.e., a number of representatives from differing agencies such as the health and fire departments, CILCO and ESDA went to a bioterrorism and hazmat (hazardous materials) seminar this past August.

Here are some of the articles that LDN has posted pre- and post-Tuesday, Sept. 11. Hopefully you will see in them that WE ARE WELL PREPARED. At least as much as any area can be. Every agency has been planning, training, submitting for grants to buy equipment long before Sept. 11. We can be thankful for all of the dedicated, insightful leaders we have in this community.


[to top of second column in this section]

America strikes back

As promised, the United States led an attack on Afghanistan. The attack began Sunday, Oct. 7. American and British military forces made 30 hits on air defenses, military airfields and terrorist training camps, destroying aircraft and radar systems. The strike was made targeting only terrorists.

More than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East have pledged their cooperation and support the U.S. initiative.

Online news links

Other countries









Saudi Arabia 


[to top of second column in this section]


United States


New York

Stars and Stripes
(serving the U.S. military community) 

Washington, D.C.


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