Releases to the MediaElection InformationReferendums,

Meet the CandidatesLetters of Endorsement,

Calendar of EventsDistrict Maps

Releases to the Media

Turner receives endorsement from
Committee For Honest Government

[OCT. 11, 2002]  Justice John Turner, candidate for the 4th District Appellate Court, announced he has received the endorsement of the Illinois Committee For Honest Government. Turner has been serving on the appellate court since June 1, 2001, following his appointment by the Illinois Supreme Court.

The Illinois Committee for Honest Government was formed in 1986 to work for a variety of reforms and to promote increased responsiveness in all levels and branches of government. After evaluating Turner's credentials the committee found Justice Turner clearly worthy of the organization’s support, stating, "Turner will be an outstanding member of the appellate court."

Judge Turner is a former lawmaker, having served in the Illinois General Assembly from 1994-2001. He was a member of the House Judiciary Criminal Law Committee, Prosecutorial Misconduct Committee and Spokesman of the House Judiciary Civil Law Committee. Prior to his seven-year stint as a lawmaker, Turner was twice elected as Logan County state’s attorney. Turner is also the former Logan County public defender, and he was engaged in a private law practice, most recently with the firm Kelly & Turner, P.C.


[to top of second column in this article]

"My many years of practice in the courtroom, as well as my experience as a lawmaker, are serving me well on the bench. I immensely enjoy my duties on the appellate court, and I thank the justices of the Illinois Supreme Court for the faith and trust they reposed in me by appointing me as an appellate court justice," said Turner.

Turner lives in rural Atlanta with his wife, Kim, and their 9-year-old son, Jack. Justice Turner has been campaigning in all 30 counties comprising the 4th Judicial District.

"I am taking my message to the good people who live in the 4th District. I am working hard for them on the bench, and I am working well with the other justices on the court. I have participated in handing down hundreds of decisions, and I am asking the citizens of the 4th District to allow my continued service," Turner said.

[Press release]

Lisa Madigan: Loan raises serious ethical questions

[SEPT. 27, 2002]  CHICAGO — A spokesperson for Democratic attorney general candidate Lisa Madigan today called on DuPage County State’s Attorney Joe Birkett to immediately pay back a $10,000 loan that Birkett admits he solicited from DuPage County Circuit Judge John Elsner to support his campaign. Birkett says he intends to repay the loan only after the election is over

"This practice of a state’s attorney soliciting and accepting a loan from a sitting judge in his home county raises serious ethical questions and undermines the public’s faith in a fair and impartial judicial process," Melissa Merz said. "Paying back the loan after the election is like returning groceries after you’ve eaten them. It does nothing to correct the potential conflict of interest between Birkett and Judge Elsner."

Birkett has been under fire in recent weeks for accepting contributions and loans from defense attorneys involved in plea bargaining to get lighter sentences for their clients. In addition, he has solicited and received loans from well-connected DuPage County criminal defense attorneys. Birkett received loans of $100,000 from DuPage County lawyer Tim Martin and $10,000 from attorney Terry Ekl. Martin and Ekl, Birkett’s former campaign manager, both represent clients being prosecuted by Birkett.

Martin’s firm played up its insider connection with Birkett’s office in a promotional brochure that boasts of the firm’s "knowledge and ability to conduct very favorable plea negotiations." Another part of the brochure says the firm can often "win your case by filing a motion to quash arrest and suppress evidence."


[to top of second column in this article]

In another case, a lawyer who contributed $3,100 to Birkett’s campaign secured a plea bargain that resulted in a sentence of probation, and 34 days of jail time already served, for a man who attempted to murder his wife by pushing her into a fire.

Since August 1995, Birkett has received approximately $244,430 in direct contributions from criminal defense attorneys located in DuPage County. He has received approximately $141,000 in loans from the same group during the same time period.

"A clear pattern has emerged in DuPage County that shows a tight circle of well-connected lawyers manipulating the criminal justice system to their benefit. Joe Birkett is at the center of that circle," Merz said

[Press release]


Election Information

New district information for voters

Logan County divisions create new representative and legislative districts

County board is also by districts now

[OCT. 4, 2002]  Logan County has been divided into the 87th and 100th representative districts through the state’s redistricting process. The division has also created new legislative districts for senators. The 87th and 88th representative districts will now form the 44th Legislative District, and the 99th and 100th representative districts create the 50th Legislative District.

Most of the northern and southeastern portions of Logan County are in the 87th Representative District and 44th Legislative District. The southwest portion of the county and the majority of Lincoln are situated in the 100th Representative District and 50th Legislative District.

Logan County will also have new county board districts.

District 1: Atlanta 1, Atlanta 2, Atlanta 3, Eminence, Orvil 1, Orvil 2, Prairie Creek, Sheridan and part of West Lincoln 7 (north of Route 10 West and Interstate 55).

District 2: Broadwell, Corwin, Elkhart 1, Elkhart 2, Hurlbut, West Lincoln 6 and part of West Lincoln 7 (south of Route 10 West and Interstate 55)

District 3: Mount Pulaski 1, Mount Pulaski 2, Mount Pulaski 3, Mount Pulaski 4, Aetna, Chester, Lake Fork, Oran and Laenna.

District 4: East Lincoln 1, East Lincoln 2, East Lincoln 3, East Lincoln 6, East Lincoln 8 (part) and West Lincoln 1.

District 5: West Lincoln 2, West Lincoln 3, West Lincoln 4, West Lincoln 5, West Lincoln 8, West Lincoln 9 and West Lincoln 10.

District 6: East Lincoln 4, East Lincoln 5, East Lincoln 8 (part), East Lincoln 9, East Lincoln 10, East Lincoln 11 and East Lincoln 12.

[to top of second column in this article]

Districts are printed on the registration cards that voters received earlier in the year. If you are confused about your voting districts, please feel free to contact the county clerk’s office in the courthouse in Lincoln.

If you need to change your address, have incorrect information on your voter registration card, or have married and changed your name, it is necessary for you to contact our office by Oct. 8 in order to be eligible to cast a full ballot in the Nov. 5 general election.

As always, we encourage your participation in the election process. It is through the process of democracy that our great nation will continue to enjoy the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

[Sally J. Litterly, Logan County clerk and recorder]



Register to vote in the
November general election

[SEPT. 27, 2002]  SPRINGFIELD –– Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White is reminding citizens that Oct. 8 is the deadline for applying to register to vote in the Nov. 5 general election through the motor voter program. The secretary of state’s office gives citizens the opportunity to fill out an application to register to vote when applying for or renewing a driver’s license or state identification card. However, the secretary of state’s office only sends the application to the voter’s election authority, which is responsible for registering voters.

"Voting is one of our most precious rights that we cannot and should not ignore," White said, "especially at a time when America is uniting to exercise the very freedoms upon which this country was founded."

White said that all secretary of state facilities take applications for registration through the motor voter program from those who come to the facility to obtain or renew their drivers’ licenses or identification cards. But after Oct. 8, people who file applications through the motor voter program will not be registered for the general election on Nov. 5.

In 2000, White formed a committee headed by Dr. Paul Green of Roosevelt University’s School of Policy Studies that reviewed the motor voter program and recommended a number of changes. The secretary of state’s office has implemented those changes to streamline the motor voter program and make it more efficient.

For more information on voter registration, call the Illinois State Board of Elections at (217) 782-4141.

[Press release]

Lincoln alderman candidate petitions available

[SEPT. 20, 2002]  Public notice:

Petitions for nomination of candidates for alderman for the city of Lincoln consolidated primary election to be held Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003, are available in the city clerk’s office at City Hall from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday (except holidays).

[Juanita Josserand, city clerk]



Lincoln sales tax referendum

Chester-East Lincoln School referendum

City issues fact statement
on sales tax referendum

[OCT. 22, 2002]  The Lincoln City Council, in an effort to promote the sales tax referendum that will be on the ballot Nov. 5, has issued a fact sheet explaining the tax. Aldermen will be passing out the sheet to city voters.

Compiled by city treasurer Les Plotner, the fact sheet explains what the tax will cost and why it is needed. Because of historically low interest rates and also lower sales tax revenue, the city has no money to upgrade its infrastructure, Plotner said. There is no money for street repair in the current city budget, he pointed out, not because the council doesn’t see the need but because funds are not available.

The projected annual income of $550,000 from the tax increase will be used only for improvements to city streets and alleys, drains and sewer line extensions, and other infrastructure.

See fact sheet below.

[Joan Crabb]

Fact sheet on sales tax referendum

•  The voters of Lincoln will have the opportunity to vote on the sales tax increase referendum at the general election on TUESDAY, NOV. 5. Your city council in Lincoln is asking you to approve an increase of one-half of 1 percent on the Retailers’ Occupation Tax, which is commonly known as the SALES TAX.

•  People want to know how such an increase in the sales tax would affect them. Perhaps the following examples will give people an idea about how the sales tax increase would directly affect them as individuals purchasing various items:

Consumer pays $10 for a pair of gloves.

Increased tax cost, 5 cents.

Consumer pays $50 for two gallons of paint.

Increased tax cost, 25 cents.

Consumer pays $100 for a new lamp.

Increased tax cost, 50 cents.

•  The new sales tax WOULD NOT be imposed on certain items. It would not be added to food products people purchase for home consumption. Other items that are exempt from the increased sales tax include prescription and nonprescription medicines, drugs, medical appliances, insulin, urine testing materials, syringes and needles used for diabetics. In addition, the tax WOULD NOT be charged on the sale of motor vehicles.


[to top of second column in this section]

•  The burden of a sales tax would be spread out over anyone who purchases items in Lincoln, including out-of-town shoppers. Lincoln has one of the lowest sales tax rates among the larger cities in the central Illinois area.

•  Lincoln has a desperate need to expand and improve our public infrastructure. We simply don’t have the funds to complete projects or to maintain our current infrastructure, nor do we have the funding for future growth expansion.

•  What does this word "INFRASTRUCTURE" mean? Public infrastructure includes streets and roads, bridges, access roads, sidewalks, sewer line extensions, storm water drainage, and sewer treatment facilities.

•  Based upon current projections the city of Lincoln should be able to realize about $550,000 each year in increased revenues as a result of the sales tax increase. The increased revenues must by law be used to update the city’s infrastructure system.

[Compiled by Les Plotner, city treasurer]

Meet the Candidates

Links to candidate information on the Web


Illinois Senate, 44th District

Bill Brady (R):

Gerald A. Bradley (D):
no website available


Illinois Senate, 50th District

Larry Bomke (R):

Don Tracy (D):
Citizens for Tracy


Illinois House, 100th District

Rich Brauer (R):

Carl Oblinger (D):
no website available


Illinois Supreme Court, 4th District

Rita Garman (R):

Sue Myerscough (D):

Illinois Appellate Court, 4th District

John Turner (R):

Bill Trapp (D):

U.S. House of Representatives,
18th District

Ray LaHood (R):



U.S. Senate

Jim Durkin (R):

Dick Durbin (D):

Steven Burgauer (L):



Jim Ryan/Carl Hawkinson (R):

Rod Blagojevich/Pat Quinn (D):

Cal Skinner/James Tobin (L):

Marisellis Brown (I):
no website available


Attorney general

Joe Birkett (R):

Lisa Madigan (D):

Gary Shilts (L):


Secretary of state

Kristine O'Rourke Cohn (R):

Jesse White (D):

Matt Beauchamp (L):



Judy Baar Topinka (R):

Thomas Dart (D):

Rhys Read (L):



Thomas Jefferson Ramsdell (R):

Daniel Hynes (D):

Julie Fox (L):


Letters of Endorsement

The Lincoln Daily News publishes letters to the editor as they are received.
 The letters are not edited in content and do not necessarily reflect 
the views of Lincoln Daily News.

Lincoln Daily News requests that writers responding to controversial issues address the issue and refrain from personal attacks. Thank you!

Against Joe Birkett

Dear Editor:

I have been a Republican for the past 20 years, but I would like my fellow Republicans to know why they should not vote for Joe Birkett.

As state’s attorney for DuPage County, Birkett’s office chose to prosecute a disabled child for being late to school, though they knew the child’s disability is what caused him to be late, and the school record showed his tardiness was excused. Birkett’s theory was that being five minutes late was the same as being truant for the entire day, even though the law says the opposite.

For 11 months Birkett’s men prosecuted this disabled boy, his pregnant mother and his physician father. Then they simply decided not to prosecute any further. There was no statement of innocence, no apology — just a prosecutor and a judge smirking at the family that they tore apart.


I would like your readers to know that Joe Birkett is not the kind of man we want in office. We all want law and order, but this is not the sort of man who will give it to us. Too much American blood has been spilled in the cause of freedom to allow this type of man to take it away.

No honest man or woman is safe when Joe Birkett is in office.

Please vote against Birkett.

Christian P. Struven, M.D.


(posted 10-30-02)

Heartland Community College
Your pathway to lifelong learning!

Community Education Class through the Lincoln Center of HCC

For more information or to register, call 735-1731,
stop by HCC at 620 Broadway,
or go online at

Classes currently available:

So You Want to Buy a Horse
6:30-8:30 pm, 11/6 & 13,
TC Stables

Check online for classes on
the Normal campus

What classes would you like to see?
with your suggestions!

is the place to advertise

Call (217) 732-7443
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Vote no on sales tax increase

To the editor:

This letter is in response to the letter from Aldermen Verl Prather and Steve Fuhrer in support of raising our taxes again.

These two aldermen failed to remind the citizens of Lincoln that the city council, along with the support of Mayor Beth Davis, increased our sewerage bill to $56 earlier this year. It is my understanding that we will be receiving our second sewerage bill increase in January, as they promised us earlier this year.

The city council also increased our water bills, by over 18 percent, earlier this year.

If these tax increases aren’t enough to disturb you, the mayor and city council allowed the cable company, licensed by the city, to increase their rates without uttering even a whisper of a complaint.


Now in this same 12-month period we have Aldermen Verl Prather, Steve Fuhrer and Mayor Beth Davis leading the drive to raise the city sales tax and ask the voters of Lincoln to vote for this, a fourth, tax increase this year.

As I stated in my earlier letter, be wary of anyone who advocates raising your taxes, especially four times in the same year.

We once again are asking all voters from both parties to vote no in November on the sales tax increase.

Les Van Bibber


(posted 10-29-02)

Blagojevich and Durbin airport expansion plans disrespect the dead

What would you think of politicians and power brokers who are determined to totally destroy cemeteries owned by churches? Rod Blagojevich and Richard Durbin, along with the Chicago Machine, want to do just that as part of their misguided plan to expand O’Hare Airport.

Downstate media hardly ever reports about the proposed airport expansion, and when the subject does come up, it’s only to mention the destruction of homes and businesses. The destruction of the cemeteries is overlooked completely, but it should be a major issue because of its implications. If Rod Blagojevich and Richard Durbin have such complete disregard for sacred ground, what does that say about their attitudes toward the people of Illinois?


These are not abandoned cemeteries that are threatened, and the larger of the two, which is owned by St. John’s United Church of Christ in Bensenville, has about 2,000 burials. The smaller cemetery is owned by the Methodist Church and has a mass grave that contains the remains of an unknown number of people who were moved there in 1952 during the first expansion of O’Hare.

When you vote, please consider the fact that both Blagojevich and Durbin are in favor of this — destruction of homes, businesses and the final resting place of several thousand people. Men like that obviously have no morals or ethics and can’t be trusted to run this state or represent us in Washington.

Gloria Scott


(posted 10-29-02)

Madigan for attorney general

Dear Editor:

I support Sen. Lisa Madigan for attorney general. She is smart and conscientious. She is sincere in her desire to be an advocate for all the people of Illinois and has backed up the rhetoric with comprehensive plans on the issues that matter to all of us — lowering prescription drug costs, protecting our communities from sexual predators, targeting meth labs across the state, and safeguarding senior citizens against fraud and abuse. I know Lisa Madigan will fight to protect our families.



There are already 102 state’s attorneys in Illinois. Having worked in the attorney general’s office for 16 years, I know that it is much more than just the 103rd "state’s attorney." Criminal cases are only 20 percent of the work. The Office of Attorney General deserves a person with vision for the future. That person is Lisa Madigan.


Jane L. Ryan



(posted 10-29-02)

A vote for ethics and experience

Dear Editor:

A very important day in Illinois is coming up. Nov. 5 may well be the most important election in 25 years in this state. This election is about character and who has the experience to turn this state around. Jim Ryan has been a prosecutor who has brought dozens of public officials and literally thousands of criminals to justice for violating the public trust and committing criminal acts. He has protected women and children in this state, stood up for consumers, protected the environment, and honored the public trust we placed in him. Ethics and personal responsibility has been a consistent theme not only in Jim Ryan’s career but also in his life.



Jim Ryan’s opponent, Rod Blagojevich, tells us how hard he is going to work for us, yet as a congressman he has missed more than 50 percent of his votes in Congress while he has been campaigning for the office he is now seeking. He has missed 31 of 52 (60 percent) of voting days from March 20 to July 24, 2002, according to official U.S. House of Representatives records. Would you get a promotion if you showed up for work half of the time?

We have a moral and ethical man in the White House that we can be proud of. I intend to vote for Jim Ryan, a moral and ethical man to lead the state of Illinois, to provide stability and integrity for our future. I hope Illinois voters will join with me in doing so; our state’s future depends on it.


Bill Johnson


(posted 10-28-02)

Clear choice for Ryan ticket

Dear Editor:

Affordable health care, protection from domestic violence, strong towns and villages, expansion of research and development into expanded uses for coal, and safe schools should not be left to the hands of the Chicago machine! Maps don’t lie, and all six of the statewide candidates for constitutional office on the Democrat ticket live within a seven-mile radius of each other in Chicago!

Jim Ryan leads a balanced ticket — balanced in terms of geography, skill, dedication and talent. As a voter and taxpayer I want good representation by honest, thoughtful, intelligent and dedicated public servants — not puppets of the Chicago machine.

Jim Ryan’ record is clear:

•  He launched the most aggressive statewide effort in the nation against violence in our schools. I know because I saw the results of those efforts in my grandchildren’s schools.


[to top of second column in this letter]

•  He made sure that hospital emergency room personnel were better prepared to respond to victims of domestic violence. I know because I helped implement changes in our hospital.

•  He has worked for the small communities in Illinois, not just Chicago. I know because I live and work in small communities, and I have seen his support.

•  He supports the funding of research and development for new uses of coal. New uses for coal could benefit not only the community in which I live, but by bringing new jobs and a stronger economy to the state, all communities would benefit.

For me, Jim Ryan and the Republican ticket is the clear choice for a strong Illinois — for small villages, farms and urban areas — for ALL Illinois.


Dayle Eldredge


(posted 10-25-02)

Heartland Community College
Your pathway to lifelong learning!

Community Education Class through the Lincoln Center of HCC

For more information or to register, call 735-1731,
stop by HCC at 620 Broadway,
or go online at

Classes currently available:

Which Horse Is Best for You?
6:30-8:30 pm, 10/29 & 11/5,
TC Stables

So You Want to Buy a Horse
6:30-8:30 pm, 11/6 & 13,
TC Stables

Check online for classes on
the Normal campus

What classes would you like to see?
with your suggestions!

is the place to advertise

Call (217) 732-7443
or e-mail

Ryan’s record demonstrates commitment

Dear Editor:

In the race for Illinois governor there is a clear distinction in the two candidates. Jim Ryan has demonstrated his commitment to serving the public through his lifetime of service to the people of this state. He has protected our children and our families by creating the most aggressive statewide effort in the nation to address the problem of deadly violence in our schools that led to the nationally recognized "Safe to Learn" plan. He created Illinois’ first Child Advocacy Center, which treats young victims of child sexual abuse in a child-friendly manner. As DuPage County state’s attorney, Jim Ryan started the first such center in 1987, which has culminated in 28 centers throughout Illinois.

Jim Ryan supports a ban on partial-birth abortion. Rod Blagojevich voted against legislation to ban partial-birth abortions on two occasions when the issue came up in Congress. Jim Ryan supports a federal law making it a crime to transport a minor across state lines for the purpose of obtaining an abortion. Blagojevich voted against that proposed law in Congress.


[to top of second column in this letter]

As voters we have a responsibility to make intelligent informed choices. I encourage all voters to look in depth at the two candidates and their distinctive differences. Jim Ryan has a record he can be proud of — one that has protected Illinois families and children. He has made promises, and he has kept his promises. Check the record of the two candidates; don’t be fooled by the rhetoric. As the mother of three daughters, I am proud to support Jim Ryan for the future of Illinois and for the future of our children.


Vickie Bowen


(posted 10-25-02)

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Rita Garman, Supreme Court justice

Dear Editor:

This November we will have an opportunity to elect a Supreme Court justice. This chance comes around only once in a generation, if even that often. The last time we elected a Supreme Court justice was in 1984 when Justice Ben Miller was elected. Prior to that it was 1964 when we elected Justice Underwood.

Supreme Court Justice Rita Garman is running in this election to retain her seat on the Supreme Court of Illinois. She has been a judge for nearly 29 years, serving at the Associate, Circuit, Appellate and Supreme Court levels. As the only candidate to have served at every level of the Illinois judicial system, she brings a wealth of experience and unmatchable qualifications to the court.

Justice Garman’s vast judicial experience and exemplary qualifications demonstrate why she is uniquely qualified to serve us on the Supreme Court. Just as important, however, is her strong personal character. Having the privilege of knowing Justice Garman, we know unequivocally that she serves the people every day with fairness and an unwavering commitment to integrity. As circuit court clerks, we are keenly aware of the qualities that are required of a judge. Justice Garman exemplifies those qualities.


It is for these reasons that Justice Garman has been endorsed by former Govs. Edgar and Thompson, several newspapers, other judges, congressmen, and state and local elected officials too numerous to name. It is also for these reasons that Justice Garman received the Illinois State Bar Association Judicial Evaluation Committee’s highest rating in 2002. We encourage you to cast your vote for a seasoned professional, Rita Garman for Supreme Court.


Carla Bender

Logan County Circuit Court Clerk

Sandra K. Parker

McLean County Circuit Court Clerk

(posted 10-18-02)

Jim Ryan for governor

Two local views

Dear Editor:

Integrity, genuinely concerned, compassionate are just a few words that come to mind when I think of what we need in our governor. Attorney General Jim Ryan is that type of person and will be that type of governor. He is concerned with the direction in which our state is going and wants to make a difference by expanding our state’s economy without raising taxes.

The leadership of our state needs to focus on what everyone needs, including jobs, education for our children, affordable health care and restoration of the public’s faith in our government.

I recommend that everyone should participate in the voting process by showing his or her support for a governor that will be there for everyone, not just a few.

Please show your support for Jim Ryan by voting on Nov. 5. Voting is the only way we can make a difference.


Mick and DiAnne Turner


(posted 10-18-02)

Dear Editor:

I paid the price to bear arms by serving my country. Why should I have to pay again?

Rod Blagojevich has already stated he wants to raise gun owners’ ID cards from $5 to $500. Maybe the people up north can afford that, but Jim Ryan knows about the burdens it could cause on downstate hunters. Jim Ryan represents all Illinoisans. He wants to restore our fiscal sanity to the whole state of Illinois, including the capital.


We pay Rod Blagojevich’s salary but he doesn’t show up for work every day, only when it’s convenient for him. This is his way of evading important voting issues. He picks and chooses the issues he wants to deal with and avoids the issues important to me.

Jim Ryan wants to ban partial birth abortions. That one statement alone should be enough to win your vote for Jim Ryan.


Bruce A. Huskins


(posted 10-18-02)

Democratic sweep predicted — not a good sign for Illinois

To the editor:

The experts are predicting a Democratic sweep of state offices in November. That includes Rob Blagojevich, son-in-law of Chicago Alderman Richard Mell, as governor, bringing Chicago-style politics to Springfield. In the last 20 years, about 20 Chicago aldermen have gone to prison. In the last 20 years, about 20 Cook County judges have gone to prison. Remember the last two Democratic governors? Dan Walker and Otto Kerner both went to jail. The sweep would include Lisa Madigan, daughter of Chicagoan House Leader Mike Madigan, as attorney general. The sweep would also include Dan Hynes, son of former Cook County Assessor Tom Hynes, as state comptroller. They all live within a few miles of each other in Chicago and owe their allegiance to the Chicago machine.


If higher taxes, bans on smoking, gun control, lousy schools, slavery reparations and corruption appeal to the voters of Lincoln, they should flock to the polls and vote Democratic — making sure to vote early and often. Then move over and let the Chicago thugs intrude on their town and their lifestyle.

Jack Hughes


(posted 10-11-02)

Jim Ryan office helpful in phone scams

Dear Editor:

I am writing to share my experiences with Attorney General Jim Ryan’s office with your readers. I am a senior citizen living alone on a fixed income. I am contacted regularly by telemarketing firms and salespeople. I have had two occasions recently in which I have needed to contact the attorney general’s office. I contacted Jim Ryan’s office because I did not know where else to turn to get assistance. In both instances I was treated with courtesy and respect. Both times I could have easily been a victim of consumer fraud and, because of the efforts of Jim Ryan and his staff, my problem was addressed and those responsible were dealt with. The attorney general went beyond the mere solution of the problem and even followed up later with me to ensure that I was not experiencing any further difficulties. I see this as an example of public service the way it is meant to be.


If we can expect the same type of response to citizen needs for assistance and support when Jim Ryan is governor as I have experienced with him occupying the office of attorney general, this state and its people will be well served. Jim Ryan is not a political insider. He has shown me and countless others that he is not afraid to stand up for what is right for each citizen who needs assistance. He filed suit to block the discounted deal for the settlement of debt for a Springfield hotel, and he has filed suit against major tobacco manufacturers, in just two examples of his willingness to stand up for his principles even in the face of political adversity.

I urge your support for this fine public servant. We need more like Jim Ryan in public office.


Shirley Cox


(posted 10-11-02)

Calendar of Events

Tuesday, Nov. 5
Registered voters
General election

WHERE: Logan County polling places

Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2003
Registered voters
Consolidated primary election

WHERE: Logan County polling places

District Maps

Click on images to see larger maps

County board:

[to top of second column of maps]

State representatives:

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Letters to the Editor