Sponsored by IGA and the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Task Force

Features,    Announcements,    Hallway Buzz   Drug Prevention Lady,
Reviews by You,    Of Interest

~~~~~~~   Features   ~~~~~~~

Be prepared to help a friend

[APRIL 4, 2003]  It may seem that while spring is in the air and the days are full of sunshine everyone should be happy and no one should have a worry or a care. The end of another school year is just around the corner. Everyone is talking about prom and graduations, college acceptances are arriving, and soon it will be summer vacation and work plans. Yes, it would seem like life is good for most students in this leg of the race through the school year. The completion of another year and the promise of a new future and summer fun feel exciting and liberating for most students. But not for everyone.

This is a major time for making those not-so-easy decisions some find pressure-some or discouraging. For some students, everything appears to be just falling into place. Be aware: This is merely a perceived impression. It always takes lots of work, some risk, planning and sometimes persistence for anyone to get what they want in life. It’s not so easy.

In reality, not every student will get what they want. Some will not get summer jobs or get into the college they so wanted into. Others may not get to go to college at all and will be searching for full-time work in the midst of a slow economy. Often students feel pressured about making quick decisions or may even feel their decisions are not their own to make. Feeling trapped or stuck with inconclusive plans could lead to feelings of despair.

These feelings may even be heightened when others around are having successes and seem to be happy.

It isn’t just seniors who are vulnerable to such tensions. It can be anyone. Be prepared to be supportive if a friend seems agitated or upset. They may confide that they are feeling sad or overwhelmed and may not even know why. Don’t ever dismiss their feelings. Try to check to see if they may be having more serious thoughts, such as self-harm. If they are, you can help them find help.


[to top of second column in this article]

Friendships play a crucial role in our lives. Friends help us celebrate, support and encourage us during all our special times.

If you know someone who is struggling with too many pressures, gently suggest that they seek professional help. A trained professional can help put a new perspective on troubles that makes them manageable. The school nurse may be a good place to start.

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, seek help immediately. The following is one of many sites that offer guidelines of what to do and say. It also offers a hot line to call: http://www.teachhotline.org/.

Be prepared to help a friend!

[Jan Youngquist]

Previous articles:

Lincoln youth help African students

Introducing a new page with special features for, about, from local teens

Attention, seniors: You could be facing personal financial stress when you go to college

~~~~~~~   Announcements   ~~~~~~~

It’s the A’s against the B’s; it’s for everyone

[APRIL 11, 2003]  Student government at Lincoln Community High School has been approached by Alan Feinstein, a leading philanthropist, who is offering 50 awards of $1,000 to the schools that collect the most canned goods. LCHS students would like to earn the award money for the school, and they are having a competition between A and B clubs to collect canned goods, which will go to the Community Food Pantry.

This opportunity is open to anyone from LCHS and the community. Student government would like to have your support in reaching the goal of 1,500 canned goods and would really appreciate any you can donate. Please drop off your canned goods by the front office.

As of Wednesday, the Math Club was leading with the most canned foods collected. Approximately 500 cans have been collected so far. The canned goods drive will continue until April 30.

~~~~~~~   Hallway Buzz   ~~~~~~~

Provided by the LCHS Advanced Public Speaking class

This week's question...

[APRIL 4, 2003]  Is there anything in the community you would like to change?

Jamie Eckert, senior

"Maybe add something so the town wouldn’t be so boring for teenagers. Perhaps a shopping mall or something like that."


Blake Brown, senior

"A type of automobile assembly plant could bring many new jobs to Lincoln. Along with these jobs would come more businesses to support all of its new employees. This would be one thing that could bring a lot to the town of Lincoln."


Jennifer Whalen, senior

"I think the city of Lincoln is in need of a new teen hangout. I have been to Playdiums in other cities, and many teens enjoy hanging out there. A Playdium is basically a building filled with virtual reality games. I think it would be a great place for high school and college kids to have a safe yet fun place to relax."

Jared Marten, senior

"I would add a Weinerschnitzel to Lincoln because I like food. Food is good. I would also add Larry’s arcade again, because it was a cool place and had pool tables, video games, and was in a bad part of town to traverse by foot."

Thomas Gramley, senior

"We should have a mall, some more public parks and another prison.


~~   Teen or Teen Group of the Month   ~~

Send us your nominations for teens doing good work as individual volunteers or for group efforts.  E-mail ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com or call 732-7443.

~~~   Places to Go & Things to Do   ~~~

Healthy living and fun too


LCHS sports directory


Dance instruction

Audra's Studio of Dance, 214 S. Kickapoo, 732-9137

Susan Collier School of Dance, 726 S. Spring, Mount Pulaski, 792-5590 or 486-6252

LCHS clubs


Lincoln Gator Swim Club

Heidi Heidbreder, coach


Lincoln Park District

Primm Road, 732-8770

Lincoln Public Library

725 Pekin, 732-8878 or 732-5732

Martial arts

Lincoln Tae Kwon Do, 918 Woodlawn Road, 735-3363


Activity center, 721 Wyatt Ave., 732-9935

Administrative office, 319 W. Kickapoo, 735-3915

Other lessons and activities

Send us the information to post



For the latest local movies and videos, check these links:

Lincoln Cinemas

Family Video

Classic film series, sponsored by the Logan County Arts Association, at Lincoln Cinemas, monthly on the second Thursday, 7 p.m., (217) 735-4422

[Upcoming films]


High school and junior high plays, competitions

Send us the information to post.

Lincoln Community Theatre,

[2003 season schedule]

List of local bands and upcoming shows.

P.S.  If anyone is interested in sending music reviews or event news to us, click here to send it!


LDN Games Archive

Index page

Action Games

Card & Board Games

Logic Puzzles

Sports Games

Word Puzzles

Arcade Games

Dynamic Puzzles

Games for Kids



~~~   Ask the Drug Prevention Lady   ~~~

The "Drug Prevention Lady" is Kristi Lessen, substance abuse prevention specialist from Logan-Mason Mental Health (a division of Mental Health Centers of Central Illinois). She can be contacted at lessen.kristin@mhsil.com.

This feature is for educational purposes and not intended to be an alternative to emergency services. In case of emergency, dial 911.

[APRIL 4, 2003] 

Dear Drug Prevention Lady --

Does smoking marijuana sterilize a man or a woman?

Dear Student --

Marijuana does not sterilize anyone. However, research has shown:

--Alcohol and drug use on the part of men and women can impair fertility or lead to birth defects.

--Marijuana can lower sperm count in men and can also cause slow-moving or abnormally-shaped sperm.

--Marijuana use may increase testosterone (the male hormone) levels in women and decrease testosterone levels in men.

--Marijuana use has also been linked to increased risk of infertility in women and increased difficulty in having children for men.

- - -

Dear Drug Prevention Lady --

How long do drugs stay in your system?

Dear Student --

It depends on the drug. Examples: Alcohol stays in a person’s system an average of an hour for each drink. That means if someone has four beers in one hour, it will take four hours for the alcohol to be out of their system. Marijuana’s active ingredient is THC, and that is what is detected in a person’s system. THC can be detected up to six months after smoking one joint. Ecstasy and other club drugs can be detected only up to 24-48 hours after ingestion. Each drug is different. That is why each one stays in a person’s body for differing amounts of time. 


[to top of second column in this section]

Dear Drug Prevention Lady --

How much ephedra is actually safe?

Dear Student --

Right now the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does not regulate products that are classified as "dietary-herbal supplements." Taking products not regulated by the FDA means you are taking a risk. There is no way to know what is actually in the pill, powder, capsule, etc. that is being consumed. For instance, a bottle of Black Beauties (which contain ephedra and are not regulated by the FDA) could have pills with differing amounts of ephedra in them or no ephedra at all. There are some over-the-counter sinus remedies that contain ephedra or pseudoephedrine, are regulated by the FDA and at this time are considered safe. Before taking any products containing ephedra, you should contact your primary care physician.

- - -

~ Substance Abuse Prevention Program is paid for in part by the Illinois Department of  Human Services.

~~~~~~~   Reviews by You   ~~~~~~~

If you would like to submit a movie or video review, contact ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com.

For the latest local movies and videos, check these links:

Lincoln Cinemas

Family Video

~~~~~~~   Of Interest   ~~~~~~~

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Former Lincoln Community High School students serving our country

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