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Planning a healthy new year
national New Year's message from the Departments of
Agriculture, Education, and Health and Human Services
31, 2002]
On behalf of all of the
families of the dedicated employees at the Departments of
Agriculture, Education, and Health and Human Services, we want to
take this opportunity to wish you and all Americans a happy and
healthy new year. We especially want to invite you, along with our
nation's children, youths, families, educators, health practitioners
and faith-based leaders, to make healthy New Year’s resolutions
along with us.
The beginning of a new year is a
traditional time when we make promises anew to ourselves, our
families and especially our children. Preparing to return to school
and work from a busy winter break, we often pledge to do something a
bit healthier -- spend more time with our children and families,
read more for ourselves and to our children, finish homework on
time, eat more sensibly, exercise more, get more rest, procrastinate
less, be in touch with family and friends more often.
As we reflect upon 2002, many of us
think about what went right over the year, especially for our
children, and in what areas we want to improve. In looking forward
to 2003, New Year's Day will be a time to enjoy festivities,
football, food and family fun. It is also a time when we want to
challenge ourselves to keep New Year’s resolutions that will help
make our lives and our children's futures brighter -- resolutions
that will help our children to learn, to grow and to develop their
full potential.
In June, President Bush unveiled his
Healthier U.S. initiative (www.healthierus.gov),
a common-sense approach to healthy living, designed to raise
awareness about the steps individuals can take to improve their
overall health and wellness, including healthy eating. The
initiative has identified four keys to a healthier America:
[to top of second column in this
A good deal of the work we perform at
our three departments focuses on achieving the president's goals. We
do research to learn more about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle,
educate families and children on what we have identified as healthy
behaviors, and help meet the nutritional needs of our citizens --
particularly our young people, who will be tomorrow's leaders.
We are a nation of abundance and
opportunity; we have advantages no other nation or generation has
enjoyed. A healthy lifestyle can improve our readiness to learn,
increase our energy to perform day-to-day tasks, promote well-being,
and prevent disease and disability. All of us can take simple,
effective steps to improve our health:
As we look to the new year, we want to
encourage our children and young people -- in fact all Americans --
to join us in promoting a healthier lifestyle. We encourage
opportunities to engage in healthful eating, exercise and playing
together with our children. Let us enjoy the fruits of our harvest,
albeit in moderation.
We wish you
a happy and healthy 2003.
[News release] |
birth report shows
more moms get prenatal care
27, 2002]
A new U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services report, released Dec. 18, shows a
significant increase in the number of women receiving prenatal care
-- especially among Hispanic and black women.
The report shows that 83 percent of
women received timely (in the first trimester) prenatal care in
2001, up from 76 percent in 1990. In addition, only 1 percent of
women did not receive any prenatal care in 2001. During this period,
timely prenatal care increased among all race and ethnic groups but
was particularly evident among Hispanic and black women.
"We're continuing to make excellent
progress in our efforts to have more women, particularly minority
women, receive early prenatal care," HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson
said. "Timely prenatal care is one of the best ways to ensure the
health of mothers and their infants, and we will continue working to
expand access to this essential care for all Americans."
The report, "Births: Final Data for
2001," prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
found that the percentage of Hispanic women who did not receive any
prenatal care fell from 4.0 percent to 1.6 percent between 1990 and
2001, and the percentage of non-Hispanic black women who did not
receive any prenatal care fell from 4.7 percent to 2.3 percent
during the same time period.
"Good prenatal care protects a women's
health not only during pregnancy but encourages good health habits
-- such as not smoking -- which have lifelong health benefits," CDC
Director Dr. Julie Gerberding said.
The report, based on birth certificates
filed in state vital statistics offices and reported to CDC, tracks
many other important indicators of maternal and infant health and
contains other positive findings. Cigarette smoking during pregnancy
continued to decline, to 12 percent in 2001, compared with 20
percent in 1989, when smoking was first reported on the birth
In 2001 the teen birth rate declined
for the 10th consecutive year, as first reported in preliminary data
released earlier this year. Over the past decade, the decline has
been particularly significant for young teens, those 15-17 years of
age, with the birth rate down by more than a third. For young black
teens, the birth rate declined by nearly half.
[to top of second column in this
The report also found that the
percentage of infants born prematurely (at less than 37 completed
weeks of gestation) rose to nearly 12 percent (11.9), its highest
level in at least two decades. The rate of low birth weight climbed
to 7.7 percent in 2001, up 13 percent from the mid-1980s. Some of
the increase in low birth weight and preterm birth can be attributed
to the rise in multiple births experienced over the past decade.
Changes in obstetrical practice, such as greater reliance on induced
labor and other efforts to safely manage delivery, may also be
playing a role.
Other significant findings from the
report include:
--There were 4,025,933 babies born in
2001, 1 percent fewer than the year before. The birth rate declined
from 14.7 to 14.5 births per 1,000 population from 2000 to 2001.
--The twin birth rate rose in 2001. For
the first time, twin births exceeded 3 percent of all births in the
United States. Triplets and other higher-order multiple births rose
3 percent between 2000 and 2001.
--Births to unmarried women accounted
for 33.5 percent of all births in 2001. This percent has been
inching up over time as married women are having fewer children and
the number of unmarried women grows. The number of births to
unmarried mothers increased to a record high of more than 1.3
million in 2001, although the birth rate among unmarried women of
childbearing age (15-44) actually declined slightly between 2000 and
2001, from 45.2 per 1,000 in 2000 to 45.0 in 2001.
--The proportion of births with induced
labor has more than doubled since 1989. More than one in five births
were induced in 2001.
--In 2001 Cesarean deliveries increased
for the fifth consecutive year, to the highest level reported since
at least 1989. The primary cesarean rate jumped 5 percent, and the
rate of vaginal birth after previous cesarean delivery fell 20
The report,
"Births: Final Data for 2001," can be found on CDC's National Center
for Health Statistics website at
Department of Health and
Human Services news release] |
Research uncovers nutritional
boost for patients on IVs
26, 2002]
It's been more than eight
years since Helen (not her real name) underwent two life-altering
traumas in the brief span of two weeks. First, the vessels to her
small intestine became blocked, much the way that vessels become
obstructed in a heart attack. In Helen's case, she experienced what
amounted to a "small intestine attack."
As a result, doctors had to remove her
small intestine, forcing her to receive all of her nutrition for the
rest of her life through intravenous feeding. What's worse, two
weeks after Helen lost her small intestine, the vessels to one of
her arms became blocked, and doctors had to remove her arm at the
Kelly Tappenden, U of I assistant
professor of nutrition, is doing work that might have a significant
impact on people such as Helen -- or anyone who must receive IV
feeding, either for short periods or throughout life. In hospital
stays, the average length of time that patients receive intravenous
feeding is seven days. But after three to five days, the small
intestine begins to atrophy because of lack of use.
What Tappenden and other researchers
have discovered is that short-chain fatty acids from dietary fiber
can revive an atrophying gut. In fact, the short-chain fatty acids
can actually cause the small intestine to grow in size, she said.
More people than you might expect find
themselves in situations similar to Helen's, Tappenden said. For
whatever reason, they have lost more than 50 percent of their small
intestine, as a result experiencing "short bowel syndrome." Like
Helen, they receive all of their nutrition, seven days a week,
through a scientifically assembled mixture delivered intravenously.
The technical name: total parenteral nutrition, or TPN.
In addition to adults who suffer severe
trauma to the intestine, a key population of those with short bowel
syndrome is premature infants. One of the most common surgeries
performed on premature babies is the removal of a portion of the
small intestine because of "necrotizing enterocolitis."
According to Tappenden, the slang for
this disease is "dead gut," because the premature infant's small
intestine is indeed dying. To save the child's life, much of the
intestine is removed, and the child ends up receiving TPN for life.
[to top of second column in this
Prior to the late 1960s, when TPN was
first developed, these patients would have starved to death.
In research on piglets with short bowel
syndrome, Tappenden found that if a TPN mixture includes short-chain
fatty acids, it can begin to increase the size of the small
intestine within 24 hours. In laboratory models, she has found that
the gut can increase in size by 30 to 50 percent -- although the
increase wouldn't be quite as dramatic in human patients.
In addition to boosting the small
intestine's size, short-chain fatty acids can increase its function
-- the ability to transport nutrients through the lining and to the
rest of the body.
Tappenden's research has documented
this increase in nutrient transport, specifically with glucose and
glutamine. She says the dramatic improvement in nutrient transport,
thanks to fiber, may offer help to the elderly. Of people over age
65, roughly 50 percent suffer from inadequate absorption of
At one time, common knowledge said that
fiber did little more than provide bulk to the diet, creating the
sensation of being full after a meal. But this and other research
shows that fiber can do so much more.
As for Helen, Tappenden met this
remarkable Copenhagen woman during a visit to Denmark in 2000, and
she found that Helen was coping with courage, grace and her sense of
humor intact.
"She had gone through horrendous
trauma, but I was impressed with her wonderful outlook," Tappenden
noted. "She said the loss of her small intestine and arm certainly
changed her life, but she was still able to do everything she wants.
She said the biggest problem is that she likes to swim, but with one
arm she just keeps swimming in circles."
Tappenden: "How many people could cope with everything she has gone
of I press
Home together for
another Christmas
23, 2002]
Though they're both in
wheelchairs, Ted and Mary Smith will be at home for Christmas.
Together they get their own breakfast.
Mary usually makes the coffee, sometimes getting it ready the night
before. Ted, who still likes to putter in his garage workshop, has
just put up a new electric can opener at a height that makes it
easier for Mary to open coffee cans. Mary usually does the dishes.
After breakfast, Mary helps Ted dress
and get ready for the day, which can sometimes be a challenge. But
Mary is an experienced caregiver; besides raising her two daughters,
she took care of her mother, who died of cancer when Mary was 18,
and helped raise a younger brother.

[Photos by Joan Crabb]
[Home Health Service nurse Leslie Brummett
talks with Mary Smith about ways she can help her husband, Ted,
remain in his Mayfair home.]
At noon on weekdays Ted gets Meals on
Wheels, but Mary, who says she doesn't have much appetite, prefers
to fix her own lunch. For supper there may be leftovers or something
one of their two daughters brings in. The daughters, Lana Goldhammer
and Linda Klockenga, both work full time but always bring food on
weekends. Son-in-law Ron Goldhammer, now retired, takes care of the
lawn and does the grocery shopping.
Even though he's wheelchair-bound, Ted
hasn't given up all his former hobbies. He raises African violets,
using special watering pots, and has just started half a dozen new
plants. He hasn't done any oil paintings lately because the oils are
"too messy, and can stain things," but he had been making cardinal
feeders, balanced so only the weight of that particular bird will
open the port and allow the bird to feed. Two of the feeders hang
outside the kitchen window.
Mary says her hobby is taking care of
Ted. Ted says another of her hobbies is talking on the phone, and
she smiles and acknowledges that. Her daughters call every day to
check on their parents.
Both love sports and watch many games
on television. They especially like to watch Illini basketball games
to keep track of former Lincoln Railer Brian Cook.
"That's why we have cable," Mary says.
Living at home makes it much easier for
the Smiths to remain active in family affairs. Ted boasts that this
year they had two Thanksgivings, one on the designated day and the
other on Saturday, because the grandchildren couldn't all make it on
the same day.
They will see members of both
daughters' families at Christmas, Linda's on Christmas Eve and
Lana's on Christmas Day. Ted says he's already finished his
"Christmas shopping," writing checks for his family of five
grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
What makes it possible for this senior
couple, one already 90, the other approaching that birthday, to
remain in the Mayfair home where they have lived for the last 33
The answer is a lot of resourcefulness,
a positive attitude, a supportive family and the help they get from
the Logan County Health Department.
"I couldn't be here in my own home if
it wasn't for Leslie and Teresa, the girl that comes to bathe me,"
Ted says.
Leslie Brummett, their case manager,
sees that Ted gets the skilled nursing care he needs. Teresa Newlun,
their home health aide, comes three times a week to help Ted with
personal care.
"Without them, we would be in a nursing
home," says Mary.
Leslie started working with Ted 3½
years ago, when he could still walk a little. Now he is completely
paralyzed from the waist down, for reasons his doctors do not fully
understand. However, Ted has kept his upper-body strength so he can
easily propel himself around the house in a regular wheelchair, and
he still does some handyman chores.
Mary has severe arthritis and has lost
some of the strength and flexibility in her hands, so she uses a
motorized wheelchair to get around their comfortable home. She
doesn't do as much cooking as she used to because she's afraid of
dropping heavy pans and dishes. She can stand when necessary, as
long as she has some support.
Because Ted must be able to move from
his wheelchair to his bed or his recliner, where he often sleeps,
and because Mary no longer has the strength to help lift him, he's
devised a custom "slide board" so he can move himself. It's made of
polished maple, with a handhold cut in one end. Ted can wheel
himself up to his bed or recliner and, using his board, move himself
from one place to another.

demonstrates the “slide board” he made to help him get from his
wheelchair to his recliner or his bed.]
[to top of second column in this
In spite of their resourcefulness,
however, the Smiths couldn't stay in their home if Ted didn't have
skilled nursing care. Through the Home Health Care Services offered
by the Logan County Health Department, Ted gets that care from
Leslie, a registered nurse who also has a bachelor's degree in
nursing. Ordinarily Leslie visits Ted every 14 days, but when
medically necessary she can see him oftener. Right now she's coming
to his home three days a week to keep him from developing pressure
ulcers. Pressure sores from skin breakdown is a common problem for
immobile patients.
Home Health Services, a Medicare-funded
program, allows Leslie to care for Ted at home and also funds his
personal care from Teresa, a certified nurse's aide. Through another
program, Caregiver Education, Leslie works with Mary to teach her
how to care for Ted's medical needs, in particular, just now, his
skin care. The education program is funded by Project LIFE (Local
Involvement for the Elderly), through the regional Area Agency on
Aging, part of the Illinois Department on Aging.
Project LIFE also funds In-Home
Respite, a new program Mary can use if she decides she needs it. It
provides a home health aide to come in and relieve the caregiver,
who can then leave to do necessary errands or simply have some free
time to care for his or her own needs.
The Caregiver Education program and the
In-Home Respite program were added to the Health Department's
services this spring. In spite of the funding cuts in health
programs in recent years, the Health Department still has room for
more clients in all of these programs, according to finance director
Karen Booher.
The Smiths regard Leslie as "one of the
family." She, in turn, describes them as "an amazing couple,"
especially because they do so much to help each other.
Being able to stay at home is often
best for the patient, and it saves money for everyone: the state and
federal governments and the patients and their families. Leslie and
Betty Larson, the Health Department's nursing supervisor, want
people to know there are programs available through the Logan County
Health Department to help both the patient and the caregiver. If the
Health Department can't help with a particular problem, they can
often refer a family to another agency that can.

and Larson talk over a Home Health case.]
Both the Smiths like to talk about the
40-plus years they've spent in Lincoln. Ted, whose real name is
Louis, came to Lincoln Developmental Center in 1960 to be the chief
engineer. He retired in 1980. Mary worked for Myers Brothers
Department Store, then Witzigs. At Myers, she managed the Carriage
Shop for teenagers; at Witzigs she worked in sportswear
After they retired they did a lot of
traveling. "We've been in every state but three. We haven't been in
Alaska, Connecticut or Maine. We even went to Hawaii," Ted says.
Many of his oil paintings depict scenes from their travels, like the
Colorado mountain scene above the sofa.
Their last trip was to Eastern Illinois
at Charleston to see granddaughter Lindsay Klockenga play softball.
One big regret is that they can't go to Florida to see the softball
and volleyball teams Lindsay is coaching at a Deltona high school.
Ted's advice to younger people is to
take time to smell the roses. "Do what you want to do. Go where you
want to go when you can," he says.
He's glad he and Mary did, because now
they can enjoy looking back at the places they've been and the
things they've done.
"If it wasn't for that, we wouldn't
have much to talk about," Mary jokes.
They love to visit, but they don't have
as much company as they would like. Many of their old friends are
gone, and many of the neighbors they once enjoyed visiting with have
The Health Department staff members
have become their friends, and the Smiths look forward to their
visits. Leslie looks forward to them, too, and is proud that she can
help this couple live where they are happiest.
The Smiths have never lost their zest
for life or their sense of humor. As her visitors leave, Mary says,
"Come on over anytime. We're always here."
They are
hoping -- and planning -- to be at home next October to celebrate
their 65th wedding anniversary. "It won't be our fault if
we're not," Ted says. Both will tell you that they wouldn't still be
there without the help they get from the Logan County Health
[Joan Crabb]
Matters A
monthly feature from Logan County Health Department
How to quit smoking
2, 2002]
As the New Year approaches,
we all begin to make resolutions for a healthy and happy New Year.
If you smoke, you may be contemplating giving up cigarettes as your
New Year's resolution. There is nothing easy about giving up
cigarettes. But as hard as quitting may be, the results are well
worth it. In the first year after stopping smoking, the risk of
heart disease and lung disease drops sharply. Quitting will also
save you money. With the average cost of a pack of cigarettes
reaching $4.25, a pack-a-day smoker can save $1,400 a year by not
smoking cigarettes.
Take time to think about other benefits
of being an ex-smoker. This is an important first step in kicking
the smoking habit — figuring out for yourself what you have to gain.
And don't just switch to smokeless tobacco — the dangers and the
addiction are just as damaging as with cigarettes.
Once you decide to stop smoking, a few
preparations are in order. Set a target date for quitting. Don't
choose a time when you know you will be under a lot of stress. To
help you stick to your quit date, write the date on your calendar,
find another friend or family member to give you special support in
your efforts to quit or another smoker to quit with you, and make a
list of how you'll reward yourself for becoming an ex-smoker.
On the evening before your quit day,
throw away all cigarettes, matches and lighters and give away your
ashtrays. Plan some special activities for the next day to keep you
busy. Ask family members and friends not to smoke in front of you.
Your goal is to get through that first important day smoke-free.
To quit successfully, you need to know
your personal smoking "triggers." These are the situations and
feelings that typically bring on the urge to light up. Especially
during the first weeks after quitting, try to avoid as many triggers
as you can.
[to top of second column in this
Replace "triggers" with new activities
that you don't associate with smoking. For example, if you always
had a cigarette with a cup of coffee, switch to tea for awhile.
Keep busy. Get involved in projects
that require you to use your hands. When you feel the need to put
something in your mouth, have low-calorie snacks on hand.
Know what to expect. You may experience
some temporary withdrawal symptoms. It is important to know that
these are signs that your body is recovering from smoking and
symptoms will end.
Call the Illinois Tobacco Quitline 1
(866) QUIT-YES — 1 (866) 784-8937 — for help.
If you "slip," don't worry. It doesn't
mean that you've become a smoker again. Most smokers "slip" three to
five times before they quit for good. Get back on the nonsmoker
track: (1) Don't get discouraged. Keep thinking of yourself as a
nonsmoker because you are one. (2) Learn from experience. What was
the trigger that made you light up? (3) Take charge. Make a list of
things you will do the next time you are in that particular
situation. Reread your list of all the reasons you want to quit.
You're on
your way!
County Health Department]
health and safety classes offered
through American Red Cross in Lincoln
24, 2002]
SPRINGFIELD --- The Illinois
Capital Area Chapter of the American Red Cross is announcing their
lifesaving health and safety classes being offered in January. All
classes listed below will be conducted at the Logan County office,
125 S. Kickapoo in Lincoln.
Infant and child CPR -- Learn
the skills necessary to perform CPR on an infant and child. This is
an excellent class for new or expectant parents. Certification is
good for one year. The class is $25 and will be offered Jan. 15 from
5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Adult CPR/AED -- Learn the
skills necessary to perform CPR on an adult, and learn how to use an
automated external defibrillator. Certification is good for one
year. The cost is $25, and the class meets Jan. 13 from 5:30 to 9:30
First aid -- Learn basic first
aid skills for controlling bleeding, immobilizing and treating
sudden illness, and dealing with emergencies related to hot and
cold. Certification is good for three years. The cost is $20, and
the class meets Jan. 14 from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
“Our health and safety classes are
about helping families stay safe,” says Mary Ogle, chief executive
officer of the American Red Cross Illinois Capital Area Chapter. “We
have a long-term goal of making sure that at least one member of
every household in central Illinois is trained in how to save a
To register or for more information
call (217) 732-2134 or register online at
[to top of second column in this
All American Red Cross disaster assistance is provided at no cost,
made possible by voluntary donations of time and money from the
American people. The Red Cross also supplies nearly half of the
nation's lifesaving blood. This, too, is made possible by generous
voluntary donations.
To help the victims of disaster, you may make a secure
online credit card donation at
www.il-redcross.org or call
1 (800) HELP NOW -- 1 (800) 435-7669 -- or, for Spanish, 1 (800)
257-7575. Or you may
send your donation to your
local Red Cross or to the American Red Cross,
P.O. Box 37243, Washington, D.C. 20013.
To donate blood, please call
1 (800) GIVE-LIFE -- 1 (800) 448-3543).
[Provided by Heather Adams, coordinator of
emergency services and education, Illinois Capital Area Chapter,
American Red Cross]
West Nile Virus
West Nile virus links
LDN articles
Federal websites
State websites
& Awards
American Red Cross January blood drives
7, 2003]
The Lincoln Kiwanis will
sponsor two blood drives at the Lincoln Sports Complex in January.
On Wednesday, Jan. 8, the hours for the blood drive will be noon to
6 p.m., and on Wednesday, Jan. 15, the hours will be noon to 5 p.m.
There will also be two blood drives
sponsored by local churches. On Wednesday, January 22, Mount Pulaski
Christian Church will have a blood drive from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. On
Wednesday, Jan. 29, Atlanta Christian Church will have a drive from
noon to 6 p.m.
following blood donors reached milestones recently: Kurt Hullinger,
one gallon; Tamera Banister, two gallons; Anne Conrady, three
gallons; Lyndol Kingsley, five gallons; and Bob Gephart, eight
[Provided by Katie Schlichter,
Illinois Capital Area Chapter,
American Red Cross] |

health unit schedule
Rural Health Partnership has announced the schedule for its mobile
health unit for 2002.
9-11 a.m. |
1-3:30 p.m. |
Monday |
1st and 3rd |
Hartsburg |
1st and 3rd |
Emden |
2nd and 4th |
San Jose |
2nd and 4th |
Greenview |
Tuesday |
Weekly |
Chestnut |
Weekly |
Mount Pulaski |
Wednesday |
Weekly |
New Holland |
Weekly |
Middletown |
Thursday |
1st and 3rd |
Elkhart |
Weekly |
Atlanta |
2nd and 4th |
Manor-Lincoln |
Friday |
1st, 2nd,
4th |
Village Hall-Latham |
1st |
Beason |
2nd and 4th |
Broadwell |
3rd |
Maintenance/ special
events |
3rd |
special events
mobile health unit does not operate on the following dates for
during 2002: Jan. 21 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), Feb. 18 (Presidents' Day),
March 29 (Good
Friday), May 27 (Memorial Day), July 4 (Independence Day), Sept. 2 (Labor Day), Oct.
14 (Columbus Day), Nov. 11 (Veterans Day), Nov. 28-29
(Thanksgiving break) and Dec. 24-25 (Christmas break).
For more
information on the mobile health unit schedule and services, contact
Dayle Eldredge at (217) 732-2161, Ext. 409.
resource list
family resource list to save and use is provided by the Healthy
Communities Partnership and the Healthy
Families Task Force, 732-2161, Ext. 409.
Agency |
Phone number |
Address |
agencies |
911 |
911 (emergency)
732-3911 (office -- non-emergency)
911 Pekin St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital
315 Eighth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
American Red Cross
www.il-redcross.org |
732-2134 or
1 (800) 412-0100
125 S. Kickapoo
Lincoln, IL 62656
Catholic Social
www.cdop.org |
732-3771 |
310 S. Logan
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lincoln/Logan County Chamber
of Commerce
www.lincolnillinois.com |
735-2385 |
303 S. Kickapoo St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Community Action (CIEDC) |
1800 Fifth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Crisis Pregnancy Center/
Living Alternatives |
735-4838 |
408 A Pulaski St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
DCFS (Department of
& Family Services) |
735-4402 or
1 (800) 252-2873
(crisis hotline)
1120 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Heartland Community
- GED program |
735-1731 |
620 Broadway St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Housing Authority |
1028 N. College St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Illinois Breast &
Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP)
www.logancountyhealth.org |
735-2317 or
1 (800) 269-4019
109 Third St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Illinois Employment and Training Center (replaces JTPA office) |
735-5441 |
S. McLean St., Suite B
Bureau Building
IL 62656
Lincoln Area YMCA
735-3915 |
319 W. Kickapoo St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lincoln/Logan Food
Pantry |
P.O. Box 773
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lincoln Parents'
Center |
735-4192 |
100 S. Maple
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lincoln Park District |
732-8770 |
1400 Primm Rd.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Logan County Department
of Human Services (Public Aid)
www.state.il.us/agency/dhs |
735-2306 |
1500 Fourth St.
Box 310
Lincoln, IL 62656
Logan County Health
www.logancountyhealth.org |
735-2317 |
109 Third St.
P.O. Box
Lincoln, IL 62656
Logan-Mason Mental
Health |
735-2272 or
(crisis line)
304 Eighth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Rehabilitation Center |
735-1413 |
760 S. Postville Drive
Lincoln, IL 62656
The Oasis
(Senior Citizens
of Logan County) |
732-6132 |
501 Pulaski St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Project READ
735-1731 |
620 Broadway St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Salvation Army |
1501 N. Kickapoo
Lincoln, IL 62656
Senior Services of
Central Illinois |
732-6213 or
1 (800) 252-8966
(crisis line)
109 Third St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
U. of I. Extension
www.ag.uiuc.edu |
732-8289 |
980 N. Postville Drive
Lincoln, IL 62656
agencies |
Department of Aging
www.state.il.us/aging |
785-3356 |
421 E. Capitol, #100
Springfield, IL 62701-1789
American Cancer Society
www.cancer.org |
(24 hour) |
1305 Wabash, Suite J
Springfield, IL 62704
Community Child Care
www.childcaresolutions.org |
(217) 525-2805 or
1 (800) 676-2805
1004 N. Milton Ave.
Springfield, IL 62702-4430
Hospice Care of
Illinois |
1 (800) 342-4862
(24 hour) or
732-2161, Ext. 444
720 N. Bond
Springfield, IL 62702
Illinois Department of
Public Health
www.idph.state.il.us |
(217) 782-4977
535 W. Jefferson
Springfield, IL 62761
Legal Assistance
Foundation |
(217) 753-3300 or
1 (800) 252-8629
730 E. Vine St., Suite
Springfield, IL 62703
Sojourn Shelter &
Services Inc.
732-8988 or
1 (866) HELP4DV
(24-hour hotline)
1800 Westchester Blvd.
Springfield, IL 62704
U. of I. Division of
Specialized Care for Children
www.uic.edu |
524-2000 or
1 (800) 946-8468
421 South Grand Ave.
Second Floor
Springfield, IL 62704
Logan County
libraries |
Atlanta Library |
(217) 648-2112 |
100 Race St.
Atlanta, IL 61723 |
Elkhart Library |
(217) 947-2313 |
121 E. Bohan
Elkhart, IL 62634 |
Lincoln Public Library
www.lincolnpubliclibrary.org |
732-8878 |
725 Pekin St.
Lincoln, IL 62656 |
Mount Pulaski Library |
320 N. Washington
Mount Pulaski, IL 62548
2-15-02) |
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