Lincoln Daily
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
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[Click here]
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The mission of Lincoln Daily News is to tell the stories of Logan County in a contemporaneous manner, with lively writing and a predilection for simple truth fairly told.
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Letters to the Editor
Lincoln Daily News
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Letters must include the writer's
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will not publish address or phone number information).
Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to edit letters to
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Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to reject any letter for
any reason. Lincoln Daily News will publish as
many acceptable letters as space allows.
Dear LDN:
When looking at Logan County's local
online news sources, yours usually stands a cut above the other
Internet choice. You are usually the most thorough, with the most
coverage of local events.
However, I am sorry to say that you
really dropped the ball this time.
Lincoln Community Theatre presented the
popular play "Steel Magnolias" from July 11 to 19. This familiar
show drew 200-plus crowds nearly every night of production. But it
failed to draw a story from our favorite online news source -- LDN!
I was fortunate enough to participate
in this glorious show sponsored by LCT. Director Paul Cary is an
incredible talent who brought six strangers together and created a
family of diverse women on stage. The bond that had formed was
obvious to anyone who saw this incredible, heart-wrenching show.
Women (and men) were emotionally moved and amused by the interaction
of these characters.
I would like to credit those involved
in the production, if I may. Sherry Miles of Springfield played
Truvy, the beauty shop owner who has her fingers in everybody's
hair. Sherry was outstanding as a caring friend to her customers.
Erica Smith of Auburn portrayed Shelby, a 20-something independent
young woman who struggles to find meaning in her life as she deals
with brittle juvenile diabetes. Erica captured this character with
such joie de vivre that we often forgot to call her Erica in a
real-life setting. She will always be Shelby to me! Kay Mullins of
Lincoln played Ouiser, the cranky millionairess with heart. Kay
performed, as always, with grace. We loved her cynical look at life.
Debbie Poynter of Greenview played Clairee, a recently widowed
socialite. Her grace and quick wit gave hope to others who have
faced the loss of a spouse and have gone on to live powerful,
worthwhile lives. Kelly Dowling portrayed young Annelle, a spirited
girl who found Jesus through her tragic young life. Kelly's
versatility and gifts came alive on this stage again. I was blessed
to play the role of M'Lynn, Shelby's worrisome mother, who would
give a kidney to save her daughter. The role was challenging, and
made me reassess my relationships with my own children and realize
how valuable they are to me. Jim Ash played the voice of KPPD with
his usual enthusiasm and humor.
[to top of second column in
this letter]

The production staff included director
Paul Cary; production coordinator as well as LCT president Teri
Fink; technical director Paula Stone, along with Paula's
set-building family: Jim, Danielle, Miranda and Jimmy; stage manager
Ashley Giberson; lights and sound manager Sarah Bryant; stage crew
Lee Kalka; lighting assistant Adam May; hair stylist and consultant
Robin Barton; LCT board liaisons Judy Rader (who also did box office
and publicity) and Margo Schwab (who also did hospitality
committee); house chairman Marlene Perry; and J.R. Turner, who
photographed and produced the programs and bulletin board. These
individuals helped to make this simple community theater production
a professional-caliber extravaganza.
If you missed this show, you missed a
Patricia Rankin
