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Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the Editor

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601 Keokuk St.
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Greetings from sunny Kuwait!

To the editor:


Greetings from sunny Kuwait!  I had the opportunity to look at the LDN site today and saw the postings about our vets from the county.  I just wanted to let you know that I am still in the ARMY and serving in Kuwait for Op Iraqi Freedom.  I am now the First Sergeant (1SG) of HHC 335th Theater Signal Command.  Our troops are doing an awesome job and their commitment to our great nation should command the respect of each citizen regardless of their views on this war.

Chuck Brainard

(posted 3-29-03)

Click to see other troops serving from Lincoln and Logan County.

The U.S. should leave the United Nations

To the editor:

Democracy is, theoretically, a system where the people have the power. [Greek] δήμος (demos) = people, κράτος (kratos) = power. If we apply this norm to the United Nations, I would say that the democracy in the U.N. is to respect and follow the majority voice.

With respect to the U.S.-U.K and Iraq war, the majority voice said this war is "inappropriate." The U.S. did not accept the majority voice of the U.N. Security Council even though the U.S. is one of the members of the U.N. This U.S. action made the U.N. meaningless...

  I accept a simple fact that the strategy of the U.S. and the other nations did not match at this time. However, we cannot deny another simple fact that the U.S. and U.K. did not respect the democracy of the U.N., and in so destroyed it.


[to top of second column in this letter]

  My philosophy is that the U.S. needs to listen to the majority voice of the U.N. regardless of whether it agrees or disagrees as one of the members of the U.N. But the U.S. did not respect the majority voice of the U.N.... The U.S. should leave the U.N. if the U.S. is not happy to accept the U.N.'s democracy.

  The U.S. does not know how to accommodate the political strategy and democracy, or does not know how to accomplish her diplomatic goal in terms of democracy.

  I would hate to see the U.S. leave the U.N., but I would feel better than if the U.S. remains in the U.N. being selfish. This is the very destiny of the democracy that the U.S. promoted in the human history.

Kenichiro Kira


(posted 3-29-03)

Sales tax increase

Dear editor:

I just read a letter to the editor urging a "no" vote on the sales tax issue for the city of Lincoln and feel a sense of responsibility within me to at least mention why I would hope the citizens of Lincoln would give serious consideration to giving a "yes" vote on the issue.

Few of us would disagree that the streets are in need of considerable improvements and repairs if we are going to be happy not only about how our city appears to visitors, but also how they satisfy us as we drive to and from different places within the city. Our infrastructure must be improved if we are to move forward into a more progressive and improved economic future for our community.

All of us are aware that as a voting public we can prevent tax issues from being approved in the voting booth. I totally agree that anytime a governing body raises taxes for special purposes that they should take the issue to the voters for their approval or disapproval. I sincerely believe that when people know what will be done with the increased taxes and those increased taxes are truly needed, that those people, particularly in Lincoln, Ill., will look favorably upon such increases.

In the past, as superintendent of District 27 schools, it was necessary for me to take three tax increases before the people of Lincoln for their approval. The people of Lincoln supported each of those tax increases because they knew those increases were vital to providing the best possible education for the children of Lincoln and they realized that the need for the additional monies was sincere. I have a great respect and admiration for the people in this community for the value they place in education.


[to top of second column in this letter]

The one-half of 1 percent sales tax issue on the ballot on April 1 is definitely a request to raise taxes. Much has been said about what is and what is not taxed by such an increase; therefore, we need not get into that again. As city treasurer, I know the increased funds made available by a sales tax increase are needed if the city is going to improve the streets and other infrastructure in our community. If the city had ample funds to do this work, I would be the first to stand up and tell the public that the increase wasn't necessary.

I sincerely believe that the city council will make every effort to get their operating budget in line for the next fiscal year. They have a difficult task ahead of them in this endeavor. Unfortunately, when budgets are reduced, the number of options for such reductions are quite limited.

I am asking the people of Lincoln to take a close look at the sales tax increase issue and decide if it is within their means to approve the issue for an improved infrastructure in Lincoln. If it is, then please consider a "yes" vote on April 1.

Les Plotner


(posted 3-26-03)

Vote 'no' on tax increases

To the editor:

We are asking every voter, including those from both parties, to vote "no" regarding the city's proposal to raise the sales tax and to also vote "no" regarding the Logan County tax increase proposal. Both of these tax increase proposals will be offered to local voters at the polls on Tuesday, April 1.

The city and county governments cannot raise these taxes without voters' approval. We rarely get to vote on tax increases. We voted the above city tax increase down last November. Let's do the same thing now by voting "no" again April 1.

We cannot think of a worse time for Lincoln and Logan County governments to be expecting voters to approve their tax increase proposals. Many people believe we are experiencing the worse economic conditions now since the Great Depression in 1929.


[to top of second column in this letter]

Because of these grave conditions and uncertain times ahead, we believe local voters will be wise to vote "no" regarding these tax increases or any other tax increases that may appear in the near future. Instead, we need to send a message to our city and county governments to tighten their belts and cut expenses first before asking us for tax increases.

We can all once again learn a lesson from history, because high taxes led to the fall of the great Roman and British empires. Another reminder: Taxes were not raised during the Great Depression.

We need to prevent a tax increase now by voting "no" to these two tax increases on Tuesday, April 1.

Les Van Bibber


(posted 3-24-03)

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