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Letters to the Editor

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Welcome to Illinois: Closed for the holiday

To the editor:

Immediately I looked for the date on the byline. I wanted to confirm it said May 23rd, not April 1st. I thought just for a moment it must be April Fools' Day and the AP story carried by the Chicago Sun-Times that Illinois historic sites would be closed on Memorial Day was a joke.

The story wasn't a joke. Once again it seems we are. Illinois with all its problems, with all its foibles, has now added stupidity to its national resume.

Illinois, the "Land Of Lincoln," the "Visit Illinois" state, now needs an asterisk next to the millions of dollars in ads promoting tourism throughout the state and country. The asterisk needs to denote: "Closed On Holidays."

Fifty-four years of life and still a story pops up that makes a person believe they have never heard anything so dumb in all their life.

I scanned my news source pool on the Web looking for further confirmation of the Associated Press article. Maybe Jayson Blair wrote the article, I hoped. I could find nothing in any other Illinois papers to confirm that 25 of the 26 state-owned historic sites would be closed Memorial Day. It seems the AP wire service story slipped past most newsroom desks.


I believe that is what the director of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency was counting on. Something as important as this would have caused a furor if reported in a timely fashion. Timely as in before people were on their way to visit Illinois' historic sites. Illinois newspapers, including the State Journal-Register in their local activities and events page, listed their area's historic sites among things to do Memorial Day as a family. None of the newspapers carried any notification to potential travelers that the sites would be closed on Monday the 26th.

Did in fact agency director Maynard Crossland purposely withhold this information until it was too late for a media backlash or for anyone in state government to tell him he had best have our historic sites open? In this observer's opinion that is exactly what happened. An agency that has to face a 15 percent reduction in manpower, just like every other state agency, decided to get even with the governor and legislature by pulling the pin on the vacation plans of possibly thousands of tourists.


[to top of second column in this letter]

Mr. Crossland didn't even care to break the story himself. Instead he had agency spokesman Dave Blanchette give his crocodile tear statement to the Associated Press. Mr. Crossland no doubt was already gone with his family for the long weekend. No doubt visiting another state that decided to be "open" for the holiday.

The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency did not even have the decency to advise potential travelers in their website that plans to visit all but old Abe's tomb should be scrapped because Illinois sites would be closed on Monday. Thus many out-of-state travelers as well as Illinoisans had the pleasure of driving long distances just to see a "closed" sign.

I haven't seen this big of a screw-up since Clark Griswald drove the family all the way across America just to find Wally World closed for repairs.

The agency's website brags that three million Americans visit state historic sites every year. One would imagine that a majority of those travelers visit during the big three summer holiday weekends. One can also imagine that many of those travelers finding their plans canceled without proper notification now have "The Hell With Illinois" bumper stickers amidst the myriad of stickers they proudly display on their vans and RVs.

On the agency's website, Mr. Crossland states he hopes readers find the site "helpful and informative." Not hardly, Mr. Crossland. Failure to keep your site posted with up-to-date information voids you and your agency of claiming any vestige of being helpful or informative. The only information on the Web page that would be helpful now is the information that Mr. Crossland has been fired from his post. It wouldn't hurt to also know if the governor and legislature knew of this tourism gaffe as well. It's important to know who to be mad at, you know,

Abe's tomb was open on Monday. It was the only state historic site that was. I need to hear from a reader who was there that day. I need to know if they could sense Abe rolling over in his grave when he heard the news.

Mike Fak


(posted 5-27-03)


Serving in the military

To the editor:

I'm glad to see this column ["Serving in the military," posted in Lincoln Daily News].

After graduating from LCHS in the spring of 1967, I served in the U.S. Air Force from July 1967 until October 1989.

Looking back I can see a marked improvement in the way the military folks are perceived now versus then. Keep up the good work.

Thomas M. Dickerson

Retired Master Sergeant

U.S. Air Force

(posted 5-17-03)


Please send your letters by e-mail to ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com or by U.S. postal mail to:

Letters to the Editor
Lincoln Daily News
601 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL  62656

Letters must include the writer's name, telephone number, mailing address and/or e-mail address (we will not publish address or phone number information). Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to edit letters to reduce their size or to correct obvious errors. Lincoln Daily News reserves the right to reject any letter for any reason. Lincoln Daily News will publish as many acceptable letters as space allows.

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