Democrats offer the good, the bad,
the ugly
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-- Democratic lawmakers offered
a proposal that smacks in the face of the newly approved ethics
legislation, according to state Sen. Larry Bomke, R-Springfield. He
said Senate Bill 82 has been coined "the good, the bad and the ugly"
for its impact on Illinois election laws.
"Today we learned how serious the
Democrats were about adhering to good government ethics," said Bomke.
"They asked us to support legislation that could lead to voter
fraud, and they asked us to erase campaign finance violations
pending before the State Board of Elections or they would not put
President Bush on the ballot. I stood up for the laws we passed
yesterday and voted no."
"This is the good portion of the
legislation, and while I fully support the president, I cannot
jeopardize the integrity of Illinois election laws by allowing other
portions of this bill to become law. It's the bad and the ugly that
I refuse to support," Bomke said.
Senate Bill 82 as amended in the House
would also allow voters to vote absentee the first time they vote.
Current law requires them to vote in person the first time. This is
a precautionary measure to prevent voter fraud, but the Democrats
want to remove that provision from Illinois law.
[to top of second
column in this article]

Even worse, according to Bomke, the
amended legislation would dismiss without prejudice any matters
currently pending before the board. This especially applies to A-1
violations that were levied after the original State Gift Ban Act,
meaning that candidates who failed to file proper financial
disclosure statements of campaign contributors would get away with
their violations.
Bomke and his colleagues pledged to
launch a write-in campaign for President Bush rather than bow to
Democratic pressure.
The measure
failed to pass, 23-27-0.
[News release from
Sen. Larry Bomke]