Champion rabbit
Audra Ballinger, Atlanta
Reserve champion rabbit
Dustin Aylesworth, Mount
Best of breed New Zealand
Nathan Runyon, Broadwell
Best opposite of sex New Zealand
Nathan Runyon, Broadwell
Best of breed Californian
Dustin Aylesworth, Mount Pulaski
Best opposite of sex Californian
Chase Aylesworth, Mount Pulaski
Best of all other four class breeds
Audra Ballinger, Atlanta
Best opposite of sex in all
other four class breeds
Jonathan Thomas, Hartsburg
Champion meat pen
Abrigail Sasse, Beason
Reserve champion meat pen
Jonathan Thomas, Hartsburg
Junior rabbit showmanship
Dustin Aylesworth,
Mount Pulaski
Senior rabbit showmanship
Casey Ballinger, Atlanta
New Zealand
Senior buck
Blue awards
Matthew Runyon
Nathan Runyon
Senior doe
Blue awards
Mathew Runyon, 2
Nathan Runyon, 2
International buck
Blue award
Mathew Runyon
International doe
Blue award
Mathew Runyon, 2
Nathan Runyon, 2
Junior buck
Blue awards
Matthew Runyon
Nathan Runyon
Junior doe
Blue award
Mathew Runyon, 2
Nathan Runyon, 2
Senior buck
Blue awards
Dustin Aylesworth
Andrew Fulton
Senior doe
Blue awards
Chase Aylesworth, 2
Dustin Aylesworth
Daniel Fulton
Abrigail Sasse, 2
Red awards
Andrew Fulton
David Fulton
International buck
Blue awards
Chase Aylesworth
Dustin Aylesworth
Red award
Andrew Fulton
International doe
Blue awards
Dustin Aylesworth
Andrew Fulton
Junior buck
Blue awards
Chase Aylesworth, 2
Dustin Aylesworth, 2
Andrew Fulton, 2
Daniel Fulton, 2
David Fulton, 2
Abrigail Sasse, 2
Rachel Tibbs, 2
Junior doe
Blue awards
Chase Aylesworth, 2
Dustin Aylesworth
Andrew Fulton, 2
Daniel Fulton, 2
David Fulton
Abrigail Sasse, 2
Rachel Tibbs, 2
Red award
David Fulton
[to top of second column in
this section] |
All other four
class breeds
Senior buck
Blue awards
Audra Ballinger
Casey Ballinger
Kelsey Jurgens, 2
Jonathan Thomas, 2
Senior doe
Blue awards
Audra Ballinger, 2
Casey Ballinger, 2
Kelsey Jurgens, 2
Jonathan Thomas, 2
Junior buck
Blue awards
Audra Ballinger
Casey Ballinger
Kelsey Jurgens, 2
Jonathan Thomas, 2
Junior doe
Blue awards
Casey Ballinger
Kelsey Jurgens, 2
Jonathan Thomas, 2
Click here for coupons
and to preview rides.
Tuesday, July 29
Dollar Night
6, 11 p.m.
All rides take one ticket
16 for $15 or $1 each
Wednesday, July 30
Carnival opens at 6 p.m.
Thursday, July 31
Ride-A-Thon Night
5, 11 p.m.
$15 per person
Ride any ride as often as you like!
Friday, August 1
Carnival opens at 6 p.m.
Saturday, August 2
Carnival opens 2 p.m.
Free gate till 5 p.m.
Sunday, August 3
Family Day
Carnival opens at 1 p.m.
rides take one ticket
16 for $15 or $1 each
*All times are