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District 27

(Milk served with all meals)


Breakfast fact

School breakfast provides one-fourth of the daily nutrients needed for a child.

Thursday, Sept. 25 -- Apple slices with peanut butter, toast

Friday, Sept. 26 -- Cereal, doughnut holes, juice

Monday, Sept. 29 -- Cereal, pop tart, juice

Tuesday, Sept. 30 -- French toast sticks with syrup, fruit

Wednesday, Oct. 1 -- Cereal, cinnamon toast, juice

Thursday, Oct. 2 -- Breakfast pizza, fruit

Friday, Oct. 3 -- Cereal, graham crackers with dip, juice


[to top of second column in this section]



Thursday, Sept. 25 -- Beef tamale pie with salsa, green beans, graham crackers, fruit cocktail

Friday, Sept. 26 -- Chicken strips with sauce, mashed potatoes, bread and butter, strawberry applesauce

Monday, Sept. 29 -- Hot dog on bun, potato rounds, snack crackers, peas

Tuesday, Sept. 30 -- Salisbury steak, baked potato with butter, bread and butter, broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce

Wednesday, Oct. 1 -- Texas tacos with Fritos and cheese, green beans, pears

Thursday, Oct. 2 -- Chicken and noodles, lettuce salad, peanut butter sandwich, fruit cocktail

Friday, Oct. 3 -- Breaded turkey patty on bun, corn, applesauce, brownie

West Lincoln-Broadwell District 92

(Milk served with every meal)

Thursday, Sept. 25 -- Soft tacos, lettuce, cheese, tortilla chips, cheese sauce, corn, jello with fruit

Friday, Sept. 26 -- Tenderloin on bun, cheesy potatoes, corn, peaches

Monday, Sept. 29 -- Ham horseshoe, french fries, green beans, pears

Tuesday, Sept. 30 -- Spaghetti with sauce, salad, peas, garlic bread, mixed fruit

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