Moehring attends leadership conference
Moehring, chapter reporter from the Hartsburg-Emden FFA chapter,
attended the Illinois FFA Reporter's Workshop at Lincoln Land
Community College in Springfield recently. In this workshop,
presented by the Illinois FFA state reporter, Rachel Baum, section
and chapter reporters were instructed and motivated to report FFA
news promptly and efficiently. The reporters were also able to
exchange ideas from other reporters and ask questions about their
duties for the upcoming year.
Rachel Baum, state FFA reporter, with Alyssa Moehring, Hartem
chapter reporter
[click on picture for larger image]
FFA wins tug of war
On Aug. 23,
the Hartem FFA won the second annual Horizon Genetics Tug-O-War.
This is the second year in a row that the FFA has won, and it was
the second tug of war the chapter has won this year. Many other
schools participated in this event.
Hartem team participants pose after winning tug of war.
[click on picture
for larger image]
[to top of second column in
this article]
FFA attends horse judging contest
The Hartem
FFA attended the State Horse Judging CDE on Sept. 13. The team
placed in the red ribbon category, and Nicole Buse received top team
placing. In this contest members have to judge horses in many
Hartem horse judging team members: top left, Kasey Hoerbert; top
right, Nicole Buse; bottom left, Annie Sanders; bottom right,
Brittney Kavanaugh
[click on picture
for larger image]
Moehring, Hartem chapter reporter]