virtue of honesty, evidenced at Illinois State Fair
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[AUG. 16, 2005]
SPRINGFIELD - Honesty still occurs at
the Illinois State Fair. State Police District 9 Commander Captain
Dennis Sloman stated, “Integrity is commonly displayed by fair goers
during the fair.”
One of the many services performed by the Illinois State Police
during the State Fair is providing for lost and found items. Captain
Dennis Sloman stated, “Year after year we have hundreds of people
turn in items found throughout the fairgrounds. We have had unusual
items turned in like dentures, a walking cane and even a prosthetic
leg. We also have more common items turned in like cell phones,
wallets and US Currency.”
Recently, a fair goer found the $81.00 in loose US currency, which
consisted of three twenty-dollar bills, one five-dollar bill, and
sixteen one-dollar bills.
A short time later a young girl and her mother came to ISP
headquarters on the fairgrounds to report the young girl had just
lost the money she had saved for the fair. The young girl explained
she had made some purchases at the fair, but knew she had three or
four twenties and sixteen one-dollar bills.
Both were delighted to find the money had been located and turned in
to an Illinois State Police Trooper, who had relayed the money to
headquarters to be entered into the lost and found.
Illinois State Police reunited a young lady with $81.00 in cash.
Sloman stated, “ This just goes to show that honesty is a core value
for most people and it makes you feel good to see this young girl
get her money back and enjoy the fair”.
[News release]

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