"We heard tragic reports this week of three separate incidents where
babies were abandoned illegally, one of whom died," Blagojevich
said. "These stories emphasize the importance of continuing the
Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act in Illinois and helping
desperate parents avoid leaving their babies in unsafe settings. By
removing the sunset provision, we may save more lives and protect a
process that gives parents a safe and legal way to give up their
newborn babies in confidence -- no questions asked as long as the
baby is left in one of the many ‘safe havens' covered in the law."
The governor's approval of
House Bill 175 comes during a week when three babies were
abandoned in the Chicago area.
House Bill 175, bipartisan legislation sponsored by Rep. Beth
Coulson, R-Glenview, and Sen. Donne Trotter, D-Chicago, and approved
unanimously by the General Assembly, removes the scheduled July 1,
2007, expiration of the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act.

The Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act grants parents
immunity from criminal prosecution if they safely abandon their
infants within 72 hours of birth with personnel at designated safe
havens, which are police stations, fire stations, hospitals and
medical emergency facilities.
"Clearly there is a demonstrated need for the continuation of
this law and for funding for outreach to educate parents about the
opportunity to give their children what they themselves feel they
cannot provide: a start at life," said Trotter, sponsor in the
Senate. "This week has been marked by the tragic death of a newborn
infant who was abandoned and the miraculous recovery of another
infant who was found in time. We've got to stop these senseless
tragedies, and this law gives us a fighting chance at doing so."
Since the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act was approved in
2001, 16 abandoned infants who met the age requirement were reported
to the Department of Children and Family Services. While abandonment
of an infant can be done anonymously, staff at accepting facilities
can provide an information packet to parents or guardians to help
explain their rights and available resources.
Staff at the facilities also can distribute the Illinois Medical
Information and Exchange Form to gather medical information about an
abandoned infant on an anonymous basis -- information that might
prove useful for the baby later in life.
If a newborn infant is relinquished to staff at a police or fire
station, they will transport the infant to the nearest hospital as
soon as possible. If the parent of a newborn infant returns to the
police or fire station within 72 hours after relinquishing the
infant, staff must inform the parent of the name and location of the
hospital where the child was taken. A parent wishing to regain
custody of their infant must petition the court within 60 days.
[to top of second column in this article] |
 "The law has more than proven its effectiveness by saving 16
infants since it was passed in August, 2001," said Coulson, sponsor
in the House. "Sadly, during the same period that 16 infants were
saved, a total of 36 infants that were unsafely abandoned were
recorded, and of those only 17 were found alive. It's clear that the
more the word gets out, the more infants can be saved."
Illinois became the 15th state to pass a safe haven law that
protects abandoned infants and offers immunity for the parents and
guardians who relinquish them. At least 45 states now have similar
"Illinois was pleased to be among states with a safe haven law,
but even more so now that it's been made permanent," said Bryan
Samuels, director of the Department of Children and Family Services.
"Also, our agency continues to promote public education throughout
Illinois in an effort to save innocent babies that deserve loving
homes," he added.
In April, the department joined the Abandoned Babies Foundation
in launching a campaign to raise public awareness of the Abandoned
Newborn Infant Protection Act. In addition to helping fund the
production and distribution of public service announcements, over
the last year the department also:
- Distributed posters and brochures in English and Spanish to
public schools and private organizations and communities
throughout Illinois.
- Sent agency representatives to speaking engagements to
educate organizations and other state agencies about the Abandoned
Newborn Infant Protection Act
- Maintained information about the Abandoned Newborn Infant
Protection Act on the Web at

"We feel great pride today to see the law become permanent,
especially during a week when its need is powerfully demonstrated,"
said Dawn Geras, president of the Save Abandoned Babies Foundation
in Illinois. "Now we can concentrate on the public awareness needed
to save more babies. There are not many times in life that you have
an opportunity to make a life-or-death difference. This is one of
them. Please help us spread the word. Tell a friend. Tell a
neighbor. Talk about it. It truly is a matter of life and death."
The number to call for parents or guardians who are thinking of
abandoning their newborn infant is 1 (866) 694-BABY.
[News release from the governor's
office] |