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Make a bid on a fix-upper house with a one-bedroom upstairs apartment. Two
bedrooms downstairs. Lot is worth $7,200. No bid under $1,600. Cash or
certified check only. This house is at 828 N. Kankakee St., Lincoln, Ill.
Bids will be taken for 30 days starting March 15 to April 15. Send bids to
Ron Scott, 49 Denis Road, Quitman, AR 72131; or call 1 (501) 556-5165.
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Buying a home?
You can avoid falling into
a money pit!
Call a Home Inspector you can trust, for an
unbiased factual report on the current condition of the property. Over 10
years of experience in related fields. Certified, Licensed, Insured. Jude
Bennett, TRAINED EYE INC., (217) 737-2200. Mention this ad and receive a
10% discount on a whole-house inspection.
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New price, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, Garage.
2,000-sq.-ft. living area. $94,900. Call Nobbe Realty Group, Inc. today!
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Lots of home for the money! Brick 3 bedroom, open
living, dining and kitchen. $59,500. Nobbe Realty Group, Inc. 735-5090
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Cute and nice for the money. 2 bedrooms plus
all-season room. Excellent neighborhood. $64,900. Nobbe Realty Group, Inc.
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New listing! Small town offers spacious 4
bedrooms, beautiful stone fireplace, large lot. $93,000. Nobbe Realty
Group, Inc. 735-5090
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Want to sell or buy? We can help! Need help obtaining
financing? We can assist you, even with not-so-perfect credit! Call Nobbe
Realty Group, Inc. today! 735-5090
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All work and no play?
Take a break!
I'll do your cleaning and run your errands.
Exceptional Service at Affordable Prices.
Honest and Dependable
(217) 737-2200
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Mother of
three will baby-sit in my home. Any hours. Can supply references. Will
take state pay. Call my cell phone (309) 750-9385.
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