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Mayfield's Mutterings -- Current posting: College hoops wrap-up

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Thursday, April 27

Park district volleyball tournament          Send a link to a friend 

[APRIL 27, 2006]  Characters took first place in the regular season of co-rec volleyball at Lincoln Park District. They were followed by Werth & Associates Real Estate, Schwantz Farms and Graue Inc. Maple Ridge Care Centre held fifth place, finishing ahead of Style Points and Fricke-Calvert-Schrader.

The photo is of the Characters team. They were challenged to the very end by Werth & Associates.

The Werth team did give Characters a run for their money! Werth fought back from the loser's bracket to go up against undefeated Characters the second time. In what could have been the final match, Werth served up Characters their first loss in the double-elimination tournament, forcing Characters to come back to either take the tourney or suffer their second loss.

So the competition began again. Werth took the first game and Characters took the second. With an even split, the deciding game three began. After several long volleys Characters took home the trophy and T-shirts.

[Provided by Roy Logan, Lincoln Park District]

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