Devonne Coppinger, Shay Lynn Rose Girard, Josh
The healthy baby girl is named Shay Lynn Rose
Girard. Her proud parents are Devonne Coppinger and Josh Girard of
Lincoln. She was delivered by Dr. Kristin Green-Morrow. Her birth
weight was 7 pounds 2 ounces and she was 18 inches long.
Since she was the first baby of the new year, ALMH presented Shay
Lynn Rose and her family with gifts. Babies R Us in Springfield also
presented the family with items from their store.
ALMH’S Family Maternity Suites is a state-of-the-art obstetrical
center, which offers private labor-delivery-recovery rooms with
private restrooms and shows, an operating suite for cesareans, and
individual care for moms and babies. It opened in August 2001. To
see photos of the Family Maternity Suites or to learn more about the
other healthcare services offered at ALMH, visit
[News release] |