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Friday, August 10, 2007

Clemens, Torre hit with suspensions       Send a link to a friend

[August 10, 2007]  NEW YORK (AP) -- Roger Clemens was suspended for five games Thursday and New York Yankees manager Joe Torre for one, the fallout from the Rocket hitting Toronto's Alex Rios with a pitch this week.

During a testy three-game series, the Blue Jays' Jesse Litsch threw behind Alex Rodriguez's legs in Monday's opener and Josh Towers hit A-Rod on his calf with a pitch in the third inning Tuesday.

The benches and bullpens emptied twice, but no punches were thrown. Clemens then hit Rios in the middle of his back in the seventh inning. Clemens and Torre immediately were ejected.

Clemens, Rodriguez and Torre were fined along with Yankees coaches Larry Bowa and Tony Pena, Toronto's Matt Stairs and Towers, and Blue Jays coach Brian Butterfield.

Toronto's anger seemed to stem from the May 30 game, when Rodriguez yelled to distract third baseman Howie Clark during a late-inning popup.

Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said he didn't have any thoughts on the penalties. Torre will serve his suspension Friday at Cleveland, and Clemens is likely to appeal, delaying his suspension.

Torre was suspended for one game in May after reliever Scott Proctor, then with the Yankees, threw an inside pitch to Seattle's Yuniesky Betancourt.

[Associated Press]

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