Other News...
Gov. Blagojevich Urges President Bush to Maintain Homeland Security Funding to States
State Budgets Slide
Officials to Pick Site for Coal Plant
Fed to Unveil Home Mortgage Plan
Cell Phone Spending Surpasses Land Lines
Hollywood Writers Reject Award Shows
Congress Seeks Passport Rule Delay
Castro: I Won't Cling to Power Forever
Japan Completes Missile Intercept Test
Turkish Army Sends Soldiers Into Iraq
Sharif Blocked From Pakistan Election
Clinton Dig at Obama Has Ring to '92 Race
Giuliani Pins Hopes on Big Later States
ODD & Extraordinary
Child Shot Protecting Mom Hailed a Hero
Dry Cleaners on N.J. Santa's Naughty List
Widow Takes Husband's Ashes to NFL Game
Body Found in Tow-Yard Car After Crash
Police Reward Good Drivers With Coffee
N.D. Bank Giving Workers Money to Donate
New Zealand Robbers Return Christmas Goods
Caught on Tape: Death Star Galaxy
This Day in History
The Nation's Weather
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