City briefs
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Dog fine
could bite
[July 09, 2007]
There will be no more excuses
for pet owners who don't clean up after their dog at Lehn and Fink
Park, and it could cost violators $25 to $500. The Lincoln City
Council reviewed a petition with over 30 signatures that requested
that dog owners take their dogs to do their duties in a field out
back, away from play areas.
After discussion and advisement by the city attorney Bill Bates, the
council approved installing signs citing the city ordinance.
However, this is an ordinance that is applicable citywide, signs or
no signs.
For those who may have forgotten, volunteers are also providing
refuse bags for use at the park.
The council also approved:
First-time cash
rental of 40 acres to Darrel Benner. This is ground the city
acquired from Wal-Mart.
To install four new
computer docking stations and equipment in squad cars. The cost
is $3,981, to be paid out of alcohol fines.
To replace aerators
at the wastewater treatment plant: $8,280.
To amend the south
plant lift station engineering agreement with Donohue &
Associates. There was a change in a location that affected the
plans and made the cost less. It is now $39,940.
Youngquist] |
