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Real Estate [see
Publisher's Notice]
For sale by owner: 529 Seventh St.
Must see inside this updated charmer! 3 BR, 1 BA, new C/A & 200
amp service, 2-car garage, main floor laundry, 10-foot ceilings,
beautiful white woodwork, dishwasher, ceramic tile in bathroom,
wood deck and concrete patio, many perennial flowers. $88,000,
with $1,000 carpet allowance at closing. Call 671-1448.
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Sale: 302 N. Madison, Lincoln. Almost everything is new here!
Including furnace, central air, roof, siding, flooring, porch and much
more! Offers two bedrooms, nice corner lot. Located next to a park for
easy relaxation. $49,900
Sale: 114 Oglesby Avenue, Lincoln. Located close to all
amenities! You must see the lovely interior of this very nicely updated
1 1/2 story home. All the work has been done, nothing to do but move and
enjoy. Call the office for an appointment to view! $100,000
House: Sunday, September 30, 2007. 12:00-1:30 P.M. 507
N. Adams. This home is in perfect condition. Ready to move into.
Sale: 1027 N. Madison Street. Perfect place to begin.
Sale: 608 W. Chestnut, Mason City - New Listing - Charming
bungalow with lots of updates. It has 3 bedrooms, basement and detached
garage, close to school. Call Nobbe Realty Group for your personal
Sale: 1328 N. Ottawa - New Listing - Move in ready 3 bedroom
home with garage, corner lot, freshly painted, some new flooring,
located in nice area. Give Nobbe Realty a call and check it out for
yourself. Priced to sell!
House: Saturday, Sept 29, Noon-1pm at 704 N Monroe
(Hosted By: Brenda Short) Lots of new in this cozy 2-3 Bdrm home.
2 car attached garage. Nice fenced yard, all appliances stay.
Reduced: 538 Fourth St. Cozy 2 Bdrm bungalow with lots
of updates. Newer 2 car detached garage, C/A, 200 amp service, windows &
Listing: 2055 2150th Ave., Atlanta. Like new!
Country close to I-55, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, oak kitchen, family room
with fireplace, full basement. 1.07 acres. $160's
Pat White, Listing Agent
Family Home: 400 NW Chestnut, Atlanta. 4 bedroom home,
located on a 120x120 lot. Fenced yard. Spacious rooms, sun room, deck,
eat-in kitchen with pantry. $160's
Gordon Johnson, Listing Agent
