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[August 19, 2008]
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Financial Peace
University (FPU), the 13-week program taught by Dave Ramsey, has
helped more than 500,000 families alter their financial future.
This life-changing program teaches families and individuals how to
handle their money through common-sense principles. FPU is
available for churches, companies, military bases, financial
literacy programs, Spanish organizations and community groups. --

classes are beginning at Lincoln Christian Church, Wednesday
September 10th at 6:30 p.m. A free orientation session will be held
on Wednesday, September 3rd at 6:30pm. To register or for
more information contact Todd Parmenter at 732-7618 or
As they work on a total money makeover, the
average family pays off $5,300 in debt and saves $2,700 in the first
91 days after beginning FPU and is completely out of debt, except
for the mortgage, in 18 to 24 months. “We’ve actually relieved
ourselves of over $50,000 worth of debt in two years just from using
these principles,” said Russ Lee, former FPU participant. During
the last course held at Lincoln Christian Church, the class
participants were able to put $2,228 in savings and pay
off $4,744 in debt on average per family. In addition to those
figures one family saved up and bought a car with cash; another
family started saving for their children’s college; another family
began saving for their vacation so they could pay cash; every
family began to but money into an emergency fund so they would not
have to rely on credit cards when those emergencies arose; many of
them had over $1,000 in their emergency fund at the end of the 13
weeks; and as a class they cut up and cancelled over 250 credit

Dave Ramsey began teaching FPU classes in 1994
every night around Nashville, Tennessee. In 1997, FPU was made
available on video across the country with thousands of classes
around the nation today. The program is made up of 13 life-changing
lessons taught by Dave in a fun and entertaining way. “I like to put
the cookies on the shelf where everyone can reach them,” says
Ramsey. After each lesson the group meets to help each other plan
budgets, discuss successes and temptations, and support each other
in their journey to beat debt and build wealth. Topics covered
- Saving for emergencies
- Budgeting
- Relationship and money issues
- Buying big bargains
- Getting out of debt
- Understanding investments
- Understanding insurance
- Retirement and college planning
- Buyer beware
- Real estate mortgages
- Careers and extra jobs
- Collection practices & Credit Bureaus
Included in the cost of the class materials is
a lifetime family membership to FPU, allowing the participant to
return to any class at anytime for a refresher course. The kit also
includes an FPU workbook, an FPU envelope system, 13 audio lessons,
bonus CD, budgeting forms, debit card holders, and Ramsey’s
best-selling book – Financial Peace Revisited.
[to top of second column]

“FPU classes are changing lives across the country every day,” says
Louis Falzetti, executive vice president of Financial Peace
University. “There is something for everyone in this program whether
you are barely making ends meet, just trying to plan for retirement,
or seeking to build wealth. No matter what your financial situation,
you will find FPU to be the best motivational tool available across
the nation to help you attain financial peace.”
To register or for more information about
the upcoming class at Lincoln Christian Church contact Todd
Parmenter at 732-7618 or todd.parmenter@lincolnchristianchurch.org.
About Dave Ramsey
By age 26 Dave Ramsey had accumulated a
personal real estate portfolio worth more than $4 million. Just four
years later he was so far in debt he was forced to declare personal
bankruptcy. This experience gave Ramsey a first-hand perspective on
the best and worst practices in financial management. Ramsey rebuilt
his financial life and has spent the last decade counseling hundreds
of thousands through live events, FPU, syndicated newspaper columns,
and as the host of the nationally syndicated radio program “The Dave
Ramsey Show.” Ramsey authored the New York Times best sellers
Financial Peace, More Than Enough and The Total Money
Makeover. He also authored Priceless and a four book
children’s series Super Red Racer, Careless at the Carnival, The
Birthday Surprise, and My Fantastic Fieldtrip.

Ramsey founded The Lampo Group, Inc. to provide
financial counseling and live events for the public. Ramsey created
Financial Peace Jr. – a kit designed to help parents teach
sound financial principles to their children. The Lampo Group also
offers “Financial Peace for the Next Generation” a program designed
to educate Junior High and High School students on the importance of
wise money management and the dangers of debt. The program is
currently active in more than 300 schools in 27 states. Ramsey’s
syndicated newspaper column reaches more than 700,000 newspaper
subscribers weekly. “The Dave Ramsey Show” is syndicated to more
than 200 radio stations nationwide with more than two million weekly
[Lincoln Christian Church - Press