Wednesday, October 22, 2008
sponsored by Jake's Furnishings

Ordinance amending billboard regulations

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[October 22, 2008]  The text of the Lincoln city ordinance amending billboard regulations is below:





WHEREAS, the City of Lincoln is a municipal corporation situated in Logan County, Illinois; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Lincoln has certain Ordinances pertaining to billboards and signs found in Chapter 7 of Title 4 of the City Code of the City of Lincoln; and,

WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lincoln believes that such Ordinances, as hereinabove referred to, need to be redrafted and should be modified, amended, and redrafted in order to provide for more current rules and regulations with respect to billboards within the City limits of the City of Lincoln, Logan County, Illinois; and,

WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lincoln believes that such Ordinances regulating billboards within the City are necessary because billboards can detract from the aesthetic beauty of the City; and,

WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the existence of billboards throughout the City could be detrimental to the safety of motorists in the City and believes billboards should be regulated for safety reasons; and,

WHEREAS, the City Council believes that unregulated billboard proliferation may contribute to a lowering of residential and commercial property values; and,

WHEREAS, the City Council believes it is in the best interest of the citizens of Lincoln, Logan County, Illinois, that such billboard regulations be amended and that the regulation of billboards is a proper use of the City’s Police Power.

NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Lincoln, Logan County, Illinois, does hereby amend the City Code in the following regards:

1. That Chapter 7 of Title 4 and all subsections of the City Code of the City of Lincoln is hereby deleted, and the following Chapter 7 and Subsections are substituted in place thereof:

"Chapter 7: Billboards

4-7-1: Billboards Definition:

a) Billboards: The term "billboard" is hereby defined to mean any structure with a square footage of more than 200 square feet directing attention to or advertising a business, commodity, service, product or property.

b) Panel: The term "panel" shall mean any advertising surface having a square footage of 110 feet or more.

4-7-2: Enforcement Authority:

It shall be the duty of the Building and Safety Officer to enforce the provisions of this Chapter, and he is hereby authorized to do so.

4-7-3: Permits Required:

1. Required: It is unlawful to construct a billboard within the City without having first secured a permit therefore from the Building and Safety Officer.

2. Application: Applications for billboard permits shall be made in writing to the Building and Safety Officer. Each application shall state thereon the name of the owner of the premises where the Billboard is to be located, the name of the person or entity constructing the billboard, and specifications showing the size, material, cost and manner of construction of the billboard, with plans sealed by our Illinois Registered Architect or Structural Engineer.

3. Fee: The fee for a permit to construct any such billboard shall be assessed utilizing the current schedule in the Building and Safety office for all building permits.

4-7-4: Billboard Requirements:

1. Billboards Limited: Billboards must meet the following requirements:

a) A billboard may only be placed on lands zoned C2, I-1, and I-2

b) The billboard must comply with all provisions of subsections C2, I-1, and I-2 of Title 11, Chapter 5 and Title 11, Chapter 6 of the City Code.

c) No billboard shall have more than four (4) panels.

2. Size, Height and Mounting of Billboards: The size, height and mounting of billboards shall be regulated by the following.

a) The maximum area for any one billboard panel shall be three hundred (300) square feet with a maximum vertical dimension of fifteen feet (15’) and a maximum horizontal dimension of twenty feet (20’) inclusive of boarder and trim but excluding the base or apron, supports, and other structural members.

b) The maximum height of a billboard shall not exceed fifty-five feet (55’) in a C-2 zone; fifty-five feet (55’) in a I-1 zone, or seventy-five feet (75’) in a I-2 zone above the natural grade where the sign is installed.

c) No sign shall be located on the roof of a building or on a non-sign structure.

d) Billboards shall be free standing and not attached to any other structure or building.

e) Billboards may be stacked such that a billboard panel is placed immediately above or below another billboard panel, but no more than two high.

f) No billboard shall have blinking, flashing or fluttering lights or illuminating device of variable light intensity, brightness or color.

3. Separation Requirements: No billboard or any part of the billboard structure shall be erected:

a) Within two hundred feet (200’) of any residentially zoned property; or,

b) Within fifty feet (50’) of any existing building; or,

c) Within two hundred feet (200’) of any park, playground, school, library or place of worship; or,

d) Within fifty feet (50’) of an overhead power line; or,

e) Within three hundred feet (300’) of another billboard; or,

f) Within fifty feet (50’) of a City right of way.

4. Inspection Reports: Whenever a billboard is erected or maintained within the City, the owner of such billboard shall cause an inspection of it at least every five (5) years and a photocopy of the inspection report shall be submitted to the Building and Safety Officer.

4-7-5: Billboard Violations:

1. Any person erecting or constructing a billboard or billboards in violation of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and a further fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day after such construction in violation of this chapter that such billboard or billboards shall be maintained and until such billboard or billboards shall be removed or brought into compliance.

2. Whoever shall erect, keep, or maintain any billboard or board for advertising, upon any ground or place, or whoever keeps, or maintains any billboard or board for advertising purposes, upon any private premises adjacent to any sidewalk, street or footway, the same being so erected as to occasion danger or inconvenience to the public, shall be deemed guilty of erecting a nuisance, and be fined not less than twenty five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00)

4-7-6: Nonconforming Billboards:

1. Purpose: The purpose of this section is to provide for the regulation of billboards that legally existed prior to the effective date hereof, but which fail to comply with one or more of the applicable regulations or standards. It is the intent of this section to specify those circumstances and conditions under which such nonconformities shall be permitted to continue.

2. Applicability: This section applies to nonconforming billboards that were originally allowed and have been maintained over time. These billboards have legal nonconforming status and may continue so long as they are otherwise legal. Nonconforming billboards that were not permitted when they were established and have been maintained over time have no legal right to continue and shall be terminated.

3. Status of Legal Nonconforming Billboards: Any billboard which was lawfully established, erected or affixed prior to the effective date hereof and which complied with all regulations in force at the time it was erected or affixed, but which fails to conform to all applicable regulations and restrictions of this title, shall be considered a legal nonconforming billboard. A legal nonconforming billboard may be continued so long as it is otherwise in conformance with these standards and is maintained in good condition. The owner of a nonconforming sign or billboard shall register the billboard with the Building and Safety Official and shall provide documentation of the prior existence of the nonconformity within twelve (12) months of notification by the City of the nonconformity. Documentation shall include:

a) A dated receipt for sale or erection from a contractor; or,

b) Dated utility bills for separate meter to service the billboard; or,

c) Advertisements with a photograph of the billboard in dated publications; or,

d) Other evidence showing that the billboard existed prior to the effective date hereof.

4. Certificate Of Nonconforming Use: If the Building and Safety Officer determines that the nonconforming billboard was permitted at the time and has been legally maintained over time, the Building and Safety Official will issue a certificate of nonconforming use to the applicant.

5. Conditions Under Which Legal Nonconforming Billboards Are Permitted: An existing nonconforming billboard may continue to be used subject to the following conditions:

a) The message displayed on a nonconforming billboard may be changed, and painted messages on a nonconforming billboard may be repainted.

b) A nonilluminated, nonconforming billboard shall not be illuminated.

c) A nonconforming billboard may be changed or altered for the express purpose of making it a conforming billboard.

d) In order to eliminate an unsafe condition(s), the Building and Safety Officer may order that repairs and/or alterations be made to a nonconforming billboard. Such ordered repairs shall be the minimum necessary to correct an unsafe situation(s).

e) The type of materials used in the construction of the structural elements of a billboard shall not be changed after the date the billboard becomes a nonconforming billboard nor shall structural alterations be made to a nonconforming billboard.

f) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed so as to permit the enlargement of a nonconforming billboard.

6. Conditions Under Which Nonconforming Billboards Are Not Permitted: Under the following conditions, a nonconforming billboard shall be removed or brought into conformance with this title:

a) Illegal Billboard: The billboard was not established or expanded in conformance with the regulations of the chapter or previous ordinances adopted by the city to regulate advertising and billboards.

b) Destruction of Damage: If any nonconforming billboard is destroyed or damaged to the extent of fifty percent (50%) or more of the original cost of the billboard and its structure, as determined by proof submitted by the owner to the satisfaction of the Building and Safety Officer, the billboard shall not be replaced.

c) Excessive Maintenance Or Repairs: If the value of maintenance or repairs to ensure the safety and compliance of the billboard with the regulations of this Chapter is fifty percent (50%) or more of the fair market value of the billboard prior to the repairs, the billboard shall be brought into conformance with the provisions of this Chapter. Value shall be based on material costs and labor based on prevailing wage rates.

d) Cessation Of Use of Property: A nonconforming billboard shall be removed or made to conform to all the requirements of this Chapter if one of the following occurs:

i) The use of the property for which the billboard was intended to advertise is discontinued for a period of ninety (90) consecutive days.

ii) The products or services offered on the site for which the billboard was intended are no longer offered for a period of ninety (90) consecutive days.

iii) The nonconforming billboard ceases to be used for the purpose for which it was intended for a period of ninety (90) consecutive days.

e) Prohibited Nonconforming Billboards: Any billboard that is prohibited under this Chapter shall be removed or made to conform to the current billboard regulations within thirty (30) days of receipt of a notice of nonconformity."

2. That should any clause, sentence, or paragraph of the above-noted Ordinance be declared invalid by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect any other portion of said Ordinance.

3. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law.

The vote on the adoption of this Ordinance was as follows:

Alderwoman Anderson _____

Alderwoman Tibbs _____

Alderman Busby _____

Alderman Hoinacki _____

Alderwoman Horn _____


Alderman Henrichsmeyer _____

Alderman Prather _____

Alderman Armbrust _____

Alderwoman Rohlfs _____

Alderman Neitzel _____

Yes: _____________________________________________________________





Passed and approved this _____ day of ___________, 2008.



Elizabeth A. Davis-Kavelman, Mayor
City of Lincoln,
Logan County, Illinois


ATTEST: ________________________________(SEAL)

City Clerk, City of Lincoln,
Logan County, Illinois

[Text copied from file received]


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