Free to good
home: 5 kittens, 2 male tiger striped 2 female tiger striped and 1
male black with small patches of white. Great with kids and other cats.
Litter trained. Good Christmas gift... will be ready Dec 21st Call
Ashley at 217-737-5347
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Lost & Found
Lost: Long-haired Gray
Female Cat, some peach coloring. Her name is Sophie, she is a Family Pet
and missed very much. We live a block from washington-monroe school at
1227 Delevan St. She was last seen Friday Dec. 4TH. Please help us find
her. Call 671-5540 or 651-8170
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MISSING: Family dog, approx. 5lbs, white toy poodle, only has two
teeth, approx. 7 years old, pink collar, was wearing a dress at the time
she went missing. Went missing the night of 11/21 from Lincolnwood Dr.
She is microchipped and well loved. REWARD for info or her return.
Please return her... my kids miss her dearly! Please call 750-1236
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2-year-old white and tan longhair neutered male cat. In Jefferson School
Area. Reward for return., 732-7668
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