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Real Estate [see
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314 Wayne, Mt. Pulaski
Repossession-Lots of potential! Good space inside and
out. Offers three bedrooms, possible bonus room upstairs
and spacious kitchen. Great yard space.$33,300
Sale: 205 S. Second, Hartsburg. Repossession-Great project for the
handyman. Build equity quickly in this two bedroom home in quiet area.
Small town living offers low taxes, and is located just a few minutes
from amenities. $11,800
Sunday, February 22nd
1:00-3:00, 528 N. McLean Street. Hosted by Nancy Carter. From the oval
lead glass front door to a picturesque gazebo, this turn of the century
home speaks warmth and charm. A professionally painted interior, medium
oak kitchen, Mark Shew cabinetry and a restored tub with brass claw
feet, make this home stand out. Entertain in the backyard by the outdoor
brick fireplace, patio and wood carport. This is a great open feel &
lots of basement and top floor storage space. Recent improvements
include: water heater, ceiling fans, main level and upper level
bathroom. The D.R. fireplace has an antique iron cover and ceramic tile.
This well cared for home, with lots of street appeal, is located just 3
blocks from town.
Sunday, February 22nd, 12:00-1:30. 450 Eighth Street. Hosted by Cindy
Pagel. You must view the interior of this home. The entire house has
been updated since 2007. Improvements include all interior doors,
baseboard, trim and crown molding. The kitchen features all newer
appliances, counter top, tile back splash and hardwood flooring. Baths
feature updated vanities and tile flooring. Stylish colors and newer
carpet complete the look. This home will surprise you. It is larger than
it looks and stylishly decorated. Call office for complete list of
1304 N. Kickapoo Street. Lovely starter home. Open floor plan gives lots of
living space. This home has hardwood floors in most rooms. Large other
room could be master bedroom or family room.
2200th Ave, Chestnut - Tasteful log home on 10
expansive acres has been recently updated throughout. Property also
includes a huge barn / machine shed with a 2 bedroom guest apartment –
truly your own private world! Call Connie 217-796-3356
Eaton - Quality Brick Ranch - You’ll find sparkling hardwood
floors, a newer kitchen & bath, newer Anderson windows on a tree-shaded
corner lot. This home has been lovingly maintained. Call Dale