centuries the early Church debated the identity of Jesus. Some
thought he was a prophet. Some believed he was a fully divine being.
Others believed he was a very special human. Opinions were diverse
and controversial. But in this passage from John we see the core of
who Jesus the Christ is. He is the perfect representation of God. In
other words, if you want to know who God is and what God is about,
check out who Jesus is and what Jesus is about. It is that simple.
Or should be. But seeking Jesus can be both a difficult and
dangerous proposition. It is difficult in that Jesus' presence can
prove elusive in our lives and it is dangerous in that when we find
him he often asks us to step outside our comfort zones.
Today, I encourage you to think about Jesus' presence and role in
your life. In what ways have you found him and what has he taught
you about God? Ask yourself how well you know him and how you might
come to know him better. These are not just important questions for
Christians they are vitally important questions for us as humans
because if Jesus tells us about God then there can be no more noble
pursuit in our lives than the pursuit of God's Truth. |

Prayer: Holy God, help me to find Jesus in my life that, through
him, I might be drawn closer to you. I pray in the name of him who I
seek. Amen.
[text from file received by Phil Blackburn, First Presbyterian