Free to a
good home: 3 kittens, 2 female, 1 male. Call 217-671-2242
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Free to good home: Adorable 9 week old kittens. Please call 217-737-2128.
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Free to good home(s): 4 indoor cats. Ranging from 3 to 6
years old. All are fixed. Please call 735-3028.
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Lost & Found
Brown glasses found north of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital
parking lot that borders 9th street. Please contact 217-735-1340 or
contact Lincoln Daily News at 217-737-7418.
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Female Yellow Lab Mix, approx. 5 years old. Found in the area of
Nicholson Rd. Please call 217-737-8246
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[Click for larger image]
LOST: Our large brown tiger
striped cat is missing. He answers to Big Boy. He is a gentle &
friendly, declawed, neutered, housecat with long hair. He was
last seen on Heritage Ave/Airport Rd area. Please call 737-6383
if you have seen him. Thank you.
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