Calendar | Community | Family & Friends in the Armed Forces | Good Neighbors | Milestones
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Draft of Logan County Comprehensive Plan
Draft of Logan County Greenways Plan
HOPE June schedule
Mount Pulaski community calendar for June
Mount Pulaski announces dates for landscape waste pickup Through Nov. 16
Temporary closure of landfill June 1-16
Addresses of city and county officials
Addresses of state legislators
Community Action Corner
American Legion
Girl Scouts
Lincoln Jaycees
Lincolnland Chapter, ABATE of Illinois
Community links
Earthquake Awareness and Preparedness Guide
Landfill hours
Lincoln Art & Balloon Festival (external link)
Logan County Fair (external link)
Logan County LEPC appointments
Operation Child Care for National Guard and Reserve personnel on leave
Area recycling information (May 2008 update: The Lincoln Public Library is not a recycling site for laser printer cartridges; however, used cell phones may be dropped off at the library.)
Recycle your used cell phones; help the library
Sen. Brady: Old cell phones help domestic violence victims
Where do all the old computers go?Local recycling protects environment
Electronics collection a successYou can continue recycling computers year-round
Glass recycling resumes Second Saturday, April -October
Renew your license plate online(external link)
Serving in the military Sponsored by American Legion Post 263
Website helps explain terrorism to kids (external link)
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