San Jose United Methodist Church is having a Fish Fry on Friday,
March 27, 2009 from 4:00 to 7:00 P.M. A tasty meal of catfish, hash
brown casserole, baked beans, cole slaw, homemade desserts and
drinks will be served. Chicken Fingers will be available for
children and non-fish eaters. Tickets are available at the door or
may be purchased from ticket chairmen Sandy Shepherd 247-3394, Joyce
Reed 247-3396 and church members.
You may dine in the handicap
accessible Fellowship Hall or carry-out for the same price.
Proceeds will benefit Children and Youth Ministries (Camping
Scholarships, Bible Zone and Vacation Bible School). The San Jose
United Methodist Church is located at 600 South 1st St. (1st St. at
Linden) in San Jose.
March 29: the Lady Railer Softball Pancake and Sausage
Fundraiser. It's all you can eat pancakes, sausage, biscuits and
gravy, milk, juice and coffee. Carry-outs are available. Adults $6
and children 12 and under $4. The time is 7am-12pm. This is
sponsored by the Lady Railer Booster Club and the public is invited.
of C Family Fun Dinner Night is Saturday, March 28. Sponsor:
Lincoln Knights of Columbus Council 1250. The event is open to the
public. Dinner will be lettuce salad, ham or turkey ponyshoes,
dessert, iced tea and coffee. Bring the whole family for dinner, and
then, while the adults are being entertained, there will be a movie
in the meeting room for the kids. Buy your tickets in advance at
Carroll Catholic School or at the door that night. The event is at
the Lincoln K of C Hall: Dinner 6-7:30 pm, entertainment 7:30-8:15
pm, comedian from Mason City Limits 8:15-8:45 pm.
[to top of second column] |

Stephen Schwartz's "Godspell" will be presented March 26, 27
& 28, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. in the Earl C Hargrove Chapel Building on
the campus of Lincoln Christian College.
Tickets are available by calling 217-732-3168, ext 2232. Adults -
$9.00 and Students - $7.00.
The cast includes Devon Stribling from Atlanta, Illinois as Jesus
and Jeremy Goeckner from Mt. Vernon, Illinois playing John the
Baptist/Judas. Other cast members include: Aaron Zapata, Allison
Jackson, Emily Davis, Josh Corbin, Shannon Miller, Julie Browning,
Sarah Kimes, Allison Campbell, Brandon Davis, Lauren Smith, Rebeccah
Campbell, Lex Reed, Scarlett Lee and Lindsey Capperune. The Living
Stones Players Drama Club from Lincoln Christian Church will also be
part of the cast and includes: Antonia Snell, Amanda Jones, Allison
Bone, Garrett Maupin, Ryder Mills, Ethan Golden, Jesse Mangano,
Abbie Ramsey, Matthew Squaire, Samuel Squaire, Zack Hazel, Shannon
Halpin and Koey Smith. The production is under the direction of Tim
Searby and Jim Allison with Linda Storm serving as accompanist and
Gary Shull choreographer.
Got a good piece of news, information or something that we
can all brag about? If you do, e-mail Mike and let us tell everyone
about it. Plus you can win cash. Every submission, whether we use it
or not, will get your name in the "Close Up" grab bag. At the end of
the month we will draw a name and someone will get $25.00 just for
dropping us an e-mail. If you wish, we will be happy to donate your
winnings to the organization of your choice.
You can contact Mike at