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Antique & Household Auction
Location: The White Auction House
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL
Saturday, November 7, 2009 10:00 a.m.
See full listing at or at,
Auctioneer #7327
Antiques & Collectibles: Cookie jars; depression glass-pink,
green, amber; individual salts; salt/peppers; blue Cambridge candy dish;
pedestal cake plate; pie bird; charcoal iron; sad irons; pressed serving
dishes; Laughlin ‘Virginia Rose’ china; flatware; beer barrel radio
w/shot glasses; sheet music; graniteware; jewelry; hankies; brown 5 gal.
crock; buttons; porc. urinal; hats/boxes; bracket for kerosene lamp;
kerosene lamps; Stand Atlas of Logan and DeWitt counties – early 1900’s;
Terry Redlin plates; Toys: Rolls Royce toy radio, Tonka #100 steam
shovel, tin wind up cat & noise maker, Tootsie Toy truck, Buddy L
Greyhound bus, Nylint emergency vehicle & aerial hook & ladder truck.
Antique Furniture: Porcelain top kitchen table-white/black design
w/pull out leaves; white porcelain top table; oak secretary; oak cheval
dresser w/hat cabinet; oak parlor table w/turned legs; flat top trunk; 6
leg oak dining table w/3 leaves; fern stand; 5 leg oak dining table w
turned legs, 5 leaves/5 chairs; oak half and half (combo china cabinet &
sideboard; oak parlor table; oak library table; maple library table;
side by side secretary; oak side chair; walnut drop leaf table with 6
chairs; maple rockers; Rohrer & Campbell upright piano; ladies drop
front desk; treadle sewing machine; oak roll top desk; painted walnut
drop leaf table; oak library table from Central School; oval lamp table
w/ porc. casters;12 ft. church pew; Oak Dressers: 6 drawer w/serpentine
front, wishbone mirror, 4 drawer w/wishbone mirror, 3 drawer dresser
w/wishbone beveled mirror, 5 drawer w/serpentine front w/oval mirror;
oak wash stand; cedar chest; iron dbl. bed; treadle sewing machine;
armoire; walnut 4 drawer dresser; blanket box; slipper rocker.
Household Goods & Miscellaneous: Handmade oak gun cabinet-8 guns;
dbl. bed w/oak head board; couch; chair; Whirlpool chest freezer;
bookcase; fruit jars; pictures/frames; coffee table; floor/table lamps;
TV stand; magazine rack; pots/pans.
Tools & Outdoor Equipment: Hatchet/ planes; coal miners pick;
knife w/case; brass knuckles; billy club; ladders; sprinkling cans; coal
buckets; flower pots.
This sale has a great selection of quality antique furniture.
Viewing the day before the sale from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm.
Lunch will be served.
Cash on day of sale with photo ID. Not responsible for accidents or for
items after they are sold. Announcements on day of sale take precedence
over printed material.
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Il. License numbers: 440000381 & 441000185
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL 62656
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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Methodist Church Benefit Auction
2200th Ave Chestnut IL
Chestnut Methodist Church Benefit
Auction-Soup Supper-Homemade pies
Saturday Nov 7, 2009 6:00 PM
Mike Maske Auction Service
119 S. Lafayette St.,
Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
(217) 519-3959
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Public Auction
Sunday November 08, 2009
AUCTION LOCATION: 4111 Rt. 29, Green Valley, IL
Directions: ˝ Mile North of the Rt. 122 Turn Off or Approx. 2 Miles
South of Green Valley on the West Side of Rt. 29.
Andrew Gillenwater, having sold his home will sell the following at
Public Auction:
JD Riding Lawn Mower - Furniture - Appliances - Tools - Misc.
John Deere C130 Lawn Tractor w/Kohler 23 HP, V-Twin engine, Hydo. & 48”
Deck; Wizard Lawn Tractor 18˝ HP, 14 Speed, 46” Cut, NR; Pull-type
fertilizer spreader; Craftsman 42” Lawn sweeper, pull type; Polan Model
1950 Chain saw; Small mini bike; Pro-tech Table saw; Sanborn 60 gal.
Stand-up Air Compressor 6 ˝ HP; 6” ˝ HP Bench grinder; 90 Degree Elec.
grinder; ˝” Air impact, 3/8” 90 Degree air ratchet; Small power tools,
wrenches, sockets, floor jack; (2) 22 ft. Aluminum ext. ladders; 8 ft.
Aluminum step ladder; Craftsman tool boxes (1) 4 drawers, (1) 10
drawers; Lawn chairs, vinyl & metal; Other misc. tools.
FURNITURE: (2) 20”x6’ Cabinet w/glass door, shelf across top (can
be entertainment center for large TV); Matching couch & love seat
(Burgundy); 3 Rocker/recliners (1) brown, (1) blue, (1) burgundy; Small
roll top desk; Small Grandfather clock; Misc. end tables; (2) Wooden
book shelves; Small wooden entertainment center; 54” Dining table
w/leaf; (4) Armed office chairs; Oak 48” table w/claw feet base & 4
chairs; 50” China cabinet w/glass doors; 8 Place setting of Rose china;
Matching sofa & love seat (Tan) near new; Coffee tables; Wooden rocking
chair; Table lamps; Modern 5 pc. Bedroom suite w/full bed, (2) night
stands, dresser, chest of drawers/armoire; 3 pc. Bedroom suite, Full
bed, dresser, & chest of drawers; 3 pc. Bedroom suite, Queen Size Poster
bed, dresser, 4 drawer chest of drawers; Dressing mirror; (2) Night
stands; Wooden (2) drawer filing cabinet.
APPLIANCES: Magnavox 50” TV; Apex DVD player; GE 27” TV; Detrola
turn table/ CD, radio combo; Honeywell floor fan; Roper washer and elec.
dryer (Bisque); Gibson small chest-type freezer; Demi meat slicer.
MISC: Angel collection (30-40); Figurines; Exercise bike;
Pictures; Fans; Mirrors; many items too numerous to mention.
OWNER: Andrew
Mason City, Ill. • Office 217/482-5351
RON KNOLLENBERG, Auctioneer (Ill. License #440000160) • Cell:
MATT SWANSON (Ill. License #041000157) • 217/482-3010
Auctioneer’s Note: Only a partial list. A nice selection of
usable, clean furniture and household items. See you Sunday. Ron & Matt
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