sponsored by:



Holy Family Parish
316 S. Logan St.

  Rev. Jeffrey G. Laible
Rev. John Huy Pham
Liturgy schedule:
  5PM Saturday
  8AM & 10AM Sunday




Elkhart Christian Church

113 S. Gillett St.

Elkhart, IL  62634-0229



Jefferson Street Christian Church
1700 N. Jefferson St.

Preaching minister:
  Dustin Fulton

  9AM & 10:45AM Sunday
Midweek activities:
  "Truth North": 6PM Wed.
Website: www.jeffstreet.org
E-mail: dustinf@jeffstreet.org

Lincoln Christian Church
Independent Christian Church
204 N. McLean St.

Preaching minister:
  Ron Otto

  8:15, 9:30, 11AM & 6PM
Midweek activities:
(Beginning Sept. 12)
  Adult, Youth & Kids' Club:
6:30PM Wed.
Website: www.lincolnchristianchurch.org

Prairieland Christian Church
P.O. Box 108, 1st St. Hartsburg, IL 62643

 Vance Russell

Sunday School:  9:30AM
Worship: 10:30AM

Church of God

Lincoln Church of God
1415 Fourth St.

  Jacob Skelton

Sunday School:  9:30AM
Morning Worship:
Evening Service: 6PM
Wednesday Family Hour:


Trinity Episcopal Church
402 Pekin St., Lincoln
 James Cravens

 7:30 & 9:45AM Sunday
 9:00AM Wednesday


Kingdom Life Ministries
2500 Woodlawn Road
Pastor: Joe Bennett
 10AM & 6:30PM Sunday

Lincoln Bible Church
2316 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln

 Ron Denlinger
Worship: 10AM Sunday
Sunday School: 9AM


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Association of Free Lutheran Congregations
1140 N. State St., Lincoln
Pastor: Clarence Mankin
Worship: 9AM Sunday
E-mail: gslc@ccaonline.com

Immanuel Lutheran Church  ELCA
1409 Pulaski St., Lincoln
Pastor: Andrew Nyren
Worship: 9AM Sunday
Sunday School: 10:15AM
Praise Service:
 5PM Saturday
Website: http://www.immanuellincoln.org
E-mail: immanuel_lincoln@verizon.net


Open Arms Christian Fellowship
311 Broadway St., Lincoln
Pastors: Larry Crawford
, 309-830-0461
Kevin Wolf
, 309-838-8564
Worship: 10AM Sunday
Home Group:  Various dates and locations
please call for more information)
Website: http://comebackministries.com
E-mail: comeback7@msn.com

United Methodist

Chestnut United Methodist Church
313 N. Logan St.              Chestnut

First United Methodist Church
302 Broadway St.,  Lincoln
Mark Kaley
Asst. Pastor: Becky Barrow
 9AM Sunday
Sunday School: 10:15AM

First United Methodist Church
303 E Jefferson,               Mt. Pulaski

Latham United Methodist Church
241 N. Walnut St.             PO Box 246               Latham

New Holland United Methodist Church
201 N. Mason St.,  New Holland

United Church of Christ



Seventh and Maple Street,



Pastor: Rich Reinwald


10:30AM Sunday

Sunday School:


E-mail: stjohnucclincoln




First Presbyterian Church
301 Pekin St.,  Lincoln
Pastor: Rev. Phillip Blackburn

 10AM Sunday
Celebration: 6PM Wed.

Website: www.preslincoln.org
E-mail:  office@preslincoln.org

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
110 Broadway St.,  Lincoln
Pastor: Dr. David West
Cell phone: 871-9940

 10:00 AM Sunday
Sunday School: 9:00AM

To inquire about listing your congregation's worship information, please e-mail us at ads@lincolndailynews.com or call us at 217-737-7418.

Church Activities & Announcements

What ever happened to the hymns we sang in church years ago? They're still alive and well!
Join the folks at St. John's United Church of Christ for an OLD FASHIONED HYMN SING!
Sunday, October 18th at 1:30 p.m.
at St. John's, 204 7th St. in Lincoln
Sing your favorite hymns once again!
Listen to special music!
Everyone is welcome...Please come and sing, sing, sing!

For more information, call 732-6957.

Saturday, October 17th at St. John's United Church of Christ
204 7th St., Lincoln

10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Market Strasse (Craft/Home show vendors, used book sale)

11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
German Meal ($7.50 - Brat, German potato salad, red cabbage, Sauerkraut, applesauce, dessert and drink)
Hot Dog Meal ($3.50 - hot dog, chips, applesauce, drink)
The Alley Kats Band

Meal information:
Tickets are available at the church office or at the door.
Drive thru carry-out will be provided.
Free delivery in town with order of 6 or more pre-paid tickets.
Call 732-6957 for more information!
All proceeds will be donated to various mission projects.

Our Thoughts and Prayers to Eddie Smith

We learned Monday of the passing of one of our contributing columnists, Eddie Smith. While our hearts mourn with her husband, Walter, in his loss, our hearts enviously rejoice at the gain our sister has achieved in reuniting with our Lord. We thank Eddie for her self-less contributions and offer our heartfelt prayers for her family who will no doubt be counting the days until they join her at the foot of the throne.



Send your church announcements and articles to 




















Recent Spiritual Life Articles

Present Yourself Back to God


Ken Read in his book Created to Worship tells us: “Another aspect of worship is to actively respond to His nature and His deeds, by presenting ourselves back to God. Romans 12 urges us, after taking a good, long look at the mercies of God and the forgiveness that He has given us, to turn the gift around and give ourselves back to Him as living sacrifices, which is our spiritual act of worship.


(Click Here for Full Article)

Rough Seas

The most powerful enemy of the Christian is fear. Fear is the one thing which can most easily undermine our faith and overwhelm our desire to serve and follow Jesus. We may have a loved one who is behaving like a boor, but we won't confront him. Why? Because we are afraid he will be angry at us. We may see payday loan shops littering our town and functionally stealing from our neighbors, but we won't challenge them.


(Click Here for Full Article)



This healing story is working on several different levels. First, Jesus is healing a man who had been sick for 38 years. The man was lying by the Bethzatha pool, known in those days for its healing powers, but he had no one to help him into the pool. Jesus asks the man if he would like to be made well, the man of course says "yes," and Jesus calmly tells him to take his mat, stand up and walk.


(Click Here for Full Article)


It is the only miracle story to appear in all 4 Gospels. It is the one story almost everyone knows outside of the birth story and the crucifixion. It is the feeding of the five thousand. So, what's the big deal? Why all the repeat this particular story so many times? Well, I think there is a simple reason for that. In this story we find the richness and depth of who Jesus is. We see the compassion, the power, the love. We find a powerful metaphor for Holy Communion


(Click Here for Full Article)

The Living Water


These days most of us probably spend a lot of time thinking about what we don't have. Most of us have less money than we did 18 months ago. Most of us are older than we'd like to be. Most of us have lost someone that we wish we could have back. Most of us don't have the car or television or house we want. Most of us look around our lives and we see what is absent. And that is because our lives are filled with things that are finite, that have limits. Not to bring you down, but someday, everything we have will be gone.


(Click Here for Full Article)



"Now standing there were six stone waters jars for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to them, 'Fill the jars with water.' And they filled them up to the brim. He said to them, 'Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward.' So they took it. When the steward tasted the water that had become wine...he said, 'everyone serves the good wine first and the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.'"-John 2: 6-10


(Click Here for Full Article)

Local Women Attend LWML Convention


 The 64th Annual Central Illinois District-Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (CID-LWML) convention was held on June 6, 2009, in Springfield IL. The theme of the convention was “A Crown of Life,” based on Revelation 2:10. Local women attending the convention were Elaine Ray, Edith Keller, and Linda Huelskoetter, all of Lincoln.

(Click Here for Full Article)

The Gift of Faith

Have you heard these words before? They are both very familiar and very controversial. In this passage Jesus is trying to explain his ministry to one of the religious leaders, a man named Nicodemus, who has come to see him under the cover of darkness


(Click Here for Full Article)

The Holy Spirit


The work of the Holy Spirit is and always has been mysterious. No one really understands it and no one can predict its movements in the world. Yet despite this lack of understanding the Spirit remains at the core of the Christian life because it is our tangible connection to God.


(Click Here for Full Article)

"Love is too Familiar a Word"


There is a poem entitled, "Love is too Familiar a Word" and when I approach passages like this it often pops into my head. Over and over again we hear two things as Christians; God loves us and we should love other people. We hear these words so often, and we are told of God's love so frequently, that the saying becomes too familiar. The word "love" loses its power and becomes a cliche with little weight or influence in our lives. And when this happens it is tragic.


(Click Here for Full Article)

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