Other bills that will become law Jan. 1: Adoption form (HB 6080/PA
96-1461): Requires forms for consent to adoption to be signed to
acknowledge that the birth parent received and had time to read the
Birth Parent Rights and Responsibilities -- Private Form before
signing the consent.
Administration certification (SB 2537/PA 96-0982): Makes changes
to how prospective school administrators can earn necessary
endorsements and certification by adding "chief school business
official" to the list of types of experience that make a prospective
administrator eligible to earn the superintendent endorsement, and
for the "chief school business official" endorsement, adds an
internship of six semester hours to the requirements of the MBA
AED (HB 5838/PA 96-1268): Eliminates the requirement that a
supervisor of an outdoor physical fitness facility be responsible
for ensuring that an automated external defibrillator is available
during the time that an event or activity at the facility is being

Affordability index (SB 374/PA 96-1255): Requires the Department
of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of
Transportation, and the Housing Development Authority to adopt the
Housing and Transportation Affordability Index as a tool for the
development of plans in Metropolitan Planning Organization areas.
All Kids eligibility (HB 5927/PA 96-1272): Deletes the All Kids
mandate that states nonpayment of the required monthly premiums will
result in the child's ineligibility for re-enrollment for a minimum
period of three months.
Animal disclosure (HB 5772/PA 96-1470): Requires animal shelters,
animal control facilities and pet shops to disclose certain
information regarding dogs and cats that are being adopted or
Bilingual education funding (SB 3635/PA 96-1170): States that at
least 60 percent of transitional bilingual education funding
received from the state must be used for the instructional costs of
transitional bilingual education.
Bilingual information (HB 5044/PA 96-1166): Requires the state to
publish a Web page written in Spanish that contains information
about predatory lending.
Brian's Law (HB 5152/PA 96-1235): Creates a system of independent
review teams to conduct inquiries into the deaths of residents of
state-operated facilities for people with developmental disabilities
and mental illness.
Burglary tools (HB 4715/PA 96-1307): Prohibits knowingly selling
any key, lock-bumping key or lock pick specifically manufactured or
altered for use in breaking into a building, motor vehicle or
depository designed for safekeeping or property.
Chicago Public Schools violence hot line (HB 4647/PA 96-1425):
Requires the Chicago Board of Education to establish a telephone hot
line for anonymous calls that may prevent violence in Chicago Public
Chicago School Council membership (HB 6017/PA 96-1412): Adds one
member to the Chicago School Council's membership, who will be a
non-teacher employee of the attendance center.
Child abuse terminology (SB 2605/PA 96-1196): Changes the
definition of the term "subject of report" to mean any child
reported to the central register of child abuse and neglect as an
alleged victim of child abuse or neglect and the parent, guardian or
other person responsible for the alleged victim.

Child protection (HB 4691/PA 96-0914): Increases penalties for
drivers transporting a child passenger who fail to properly secure
the child in the appropriate child restraint system.
Child sex offenders (HB 6464/PA 96-1094): Makes it unlawful for a
parent or guardian to leave their child in the custody of a
convicted child sex offender, and also requires registered child sex
offenders to report to law enforcement whether they reside in a
household with a child younger than 18 who is not their own child.
Child support (SB 2570/PA 96-1072): Establishes that following
the entry of a judgment for dissolution of marriage, a child support
order cannot be suspended or stayed due to the filing of
post-judgment motions.
Civil commitment (SB 3467/PA 96-1128): Allows the state to seek
the civil commitment of certain sex offenders who are about to
complete a sentence of imprisonment on their sex offense, if the
state proves the person has a mental disorder that predisposes
engagement in acts of sexual violence.
Commercial vehicles (HB 4673/PA 96-1179): Increases the minimum
fine to $500 for commercial trucks that fail to display the name of
the company on the side of the vehicle.
Construction school grant index -- cooperative and consolidated
schools (HB 5633/PA 96-1381): Allows the average of both school
districts' grant index to be used as the grant index for school
districts that have consolidated or have approved a cooperative high
school within a prior fiscal year and are seeking a school
construction grant.
Continuing education for psychologists (HB 5691/PA 96-1050):
Mandates that the state create and set continuing education
requirements for clinical psychologists.
Cook County treasurer (HB 6235/PA 96-1159): Requires the Cook
County treasurer to post information related to uncashed checks on
its official website.
Cooperative income (SB 1826/PA 96-0932): Allows Illinois to treat
farm cooperatives differently than the federal government does, to
eliminate a conflict between state and federal law that could result
in double taxation for cooperatives.
Corporate accountability (HB 5230/PA 96-1429): Provides that a
recipient of multiple development assistance agreements in the same
award year, and for a single project site, may file a consolidated
progress report if the applicant's base number of employees and
number of jobs to be created and retained as stated in the multiple
development assistance agreements or applications are the same.
Corporate document recording (SB 3211/PA 96-1121): Eliminates the
requirement of recording certain corporate documents with the county
Court video conferencing (HB 5351/PA 96-1321): Provides that the
Illinois Supreme Court or any circuit court may adopt rules allowing
the use of video conferencing in involuntary admission hearings
under certain conditions.
Credit history discrimination (HB 4658/PA 96-1426): Prevents an
employer from inquiring about an applicant's or employee's credit
history; refusing to hire or otherwise discriminating against an
individual in employment, compensation or condition because of the
individual's credit history or credit report; or ordering or
obtaining an applicant or employee's credit report from a consumer
credit agency.
Criminal Justice Information Authority (SB 3628/PA 96-1343):
Increases the membership of the Criminal Justice Information
Authority by two with the addition of the Cook County public
defender and a public defender from some county other than Cook to
be appointed by the governor.
Crime victim notification (HB 5791/PA 96-1092): Allows the
attorney general to establish a crime victim and witness
notification system to assist public officials in carrying out their
duties to notify and inform crime victims and witnesses.
Critical care transport (HB 5183/PA 96-1469): Provides for the
creation of minimum standards by the Department of Public Health for
"critical care transport," or advanced specialized care while
transporting patients to or between health care facilities;
establishes additional fees to be collected for additional
specialized emergency licensees; and designates equipment
certification to be used for the licensure and inspection process.

Dangerous animals -- primates (HB 4801/PA 96-1219): Prohibits a
person from having in his or her possession any primate, except at a
properly designated facility.
DCEO audit compliance (SB 3422/PA 96-0995): Makes changes in
response to a Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity audit
that identified mandates and other requirements that are outdated,
duplicative or obsolete including allowing the Motor Sports
Promotion Council Task Force to meet at the call of the chair or any
four members; makes the creation of the Center for Business
Ownership Succession and Employee Ownership permissive; makes the
appointment of an Illinois emergency development coordinator
permissive; makes a feasibility study for future development of
Parks College permissive; repeals the Gang Control Grants Act and
the related DCEO authorizing statutory authority.
Death concealment (SB 2590/PA 96-1361): Creates the offense of
concealment of a non-homicidal death, similar to the current
concealment of a homicidal death. The penalty is a Class 4 felony.
Debt collections (HB 5781/PA 96-1383): Allows Illinois to enter
into agreements with other states to collect debts owed to that
state if the debtor resides in Illinois; provides that collection
agency fees charged to the state will constitute an additional
liability of the taxpayer; caps the amount of collection fees at no
more than 25 percent of the tax liability; replaces the Department
of Revenue's 20 percent debt collection fee with administrative cost
reimbursement; and allows the secretary of state to furnish Social
Security numbers to the Department of Revenue.
Deer archery permits (HB 5307/PA 96-1042): Requires the
Department of Natural Resources to provide for the issuance of
single, either-sex archery deer permits for residents.
Defendant failure to appear (HB 5494/PA 96-1431): Requires a $75
fee to be assessed against a defendant who fails to appear on an
offense charge as required by the court when an arrest warrant was
issued for the defendant, with $70 of the assessment going to the
law enforcement agency that arrests the defendant on the arrest
warrant and $5 to the circuit clerk.
Dental reimbursement fund (SB 3290/PA 96-1123): Creates the
Medical Assistance Dental Reimbursement Revolving Fund to contain
all funds to pay for dental services provided by enrolled dental
service providers for services to participants in the medical
programs administered by the Department of Healthcare and Family
DHFS identification (HB 5204/PA 96-1316): Authorizes the
Department of Healthcare and Family Services inspector general to
issue identification shields to employees to distinguish the
detectives from the employees and increase the detective's
DHS office applications (HB 1801/PA 96-0867): Provides that aid
applicants may apply at any local Department of Human Services, not
just the county office in which the applicant resides.
Disability parking (SB 3309/PA 96-1125): States that 24 hours
following a storm or other severe weather incident, property owners
can be held responsible for any unreasonable obstruction of a
parking place specifically reserved for disabled individuals. Also
prohibits the accumulation of debris or large objects without
providing equivalent alternative parking on-site.
Disabled veteran homestead exemption (SB 3666/PA 96-1298): Allows
a disabled veteran to keep the disabled veterans homestead exemption
if he or she goes to a nursing home or Veterans Affairs facility, as
long as the house is either unoccupied or used by the spouse.
DNA testing (SB 2606/PA 96-1074): Modernizes archaic language
included in the provisions regarding DNA testing.
DNR reinstatement fee (HB 6317/PA 96-1160): Allows the Department
of Natural Resources to assess a fee of up to $1,000 for the
reinstatement of revoked licenses, permits, registrations and other
privileges that it administers in the exercise of its powers and
duties under Illinois law.
Documentation fraud (HB 5749/PA 96-1432): Raises the penalty from
a Class A misdemeanor to a Class 4 felony for a deceptive practice
when a person with an intent to defraud causes another, by deception
or threat, to execute a document disposing of property, or a
document by which a monetary obligation is incurred, when the
property in a single transaction exceeds $150 or separate
transactions over 90 days exceed $150.
Dogfighting (HB 5790/PA 96-1091): Increases the penalties for
dogfighting offenses occurring on property within 100 feet of a
school, public park, playground, child care institution or day care
Driving permits (HB 6450/PA 96-1284): Authorizes issuance of a
family financial responsibility driving permit to allow a person who
has lost his or her driver's license for nonpayment of child support
to drive to and from a job, to receive alcohol treatment, drug
treatment or medical care, or for the purpose of seeking employment.
Driving privilege revocation (HB 4580/PA 96-1305): Requires the
secretary of state to immediately revoke the driving privileges of
any person who has been convicted of the unlawful operation of a
motor vehicle, if the accident caused the death of any person.
DUI fee increase (SB 3616/PA 96-1342): Provides for an
administrative fee increase for DUI violations from $500 to $750 and
gives the law enforcement agency that made the arrest a bigger
percentage of the fine than provided by current and previous law.
DUI vehicle seizure (SB 3029/PA 96-1289): Cleans up current
cross-references to the DUI statute in the Criminal Code on seizure
and forfeiture of vehicles used in the commission of an offense.

Early education transportation reimbursement (HB 4879/PA
96-1264): Allows pre-K students to be counted towards the total
number of students transported by a school district when the State
Board of Education calculates transportation reimbursements.
Economic interests (SB 3183/PA 96-1336): Permits the county
clerk's office to send electronic notices of a statement of economic
interest, but only applies to people appointed to the governing
board of a local government, zoning boards, planning commissions,
etc. Also gives county clerks the authorization at their discretion
to institute an Internet-based system for the filing of statements
of economic interests in his or her office.
Education of homeless grant program (HB 4755/PA 96-1229): Creates
the Education of Homeless Children and Youth State Grant Program, to
aid school districts in facilitating the enrollment and success of
homeless children in Illinois schools.
Electronic citation fee (SB 3508/PA 96-1210): Creates a $5 fee
charged to the defendant found guilty in any traffic, misdemeanor,
municipal ordinance or conservation case supervision, to offset the
costs of establishing and maintaining electronic citations.
Emancipation Proclamation Week (HB 5463/PA 96-1238): Designates
the first full week in January as Emancipation Proclamation Week.
Emergency special needs alert (HB 5669/PA 96-1168): Provides that
any person holding a state ID card or driver's license can designate
if they have a disability or special needs. The information can be
entered into the state's emergency contact database.
Emergency vehicles (SB 2794/PA 96-0986): Designates emergency
services and disaster agency vehicles as authorized emergency
Emergency volunteers (SB 2541/PA 96-0983): Allows Illinois'
emergency management agency to coordinate health or veterinary
services while an emergency declaration is in effect.
Energy Technology Grant Program (HB 6153/PA 96-1279): Allows the
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to create financial
incentives and grant programs to encourage private companies to
share their new energy technologies with public institutions of
higher education, public utilities, electric cooperatives, state
agencies and federal agencies.
Experimental treatment (HB 5079/PA 96-0967): Clarifies the role
of the physician in external reviews involving experimental
treatment, by providing that before a determination is made on an
appeal relating to an experimental or investigational treatment, a
licensed physician who ordered care must certify that certain
situations are applicable.
Explosives Act (HB 6416/PA 96-1194): Updates technical
definitions that have changed since the current Illinois Explosives
Act was amended in the early 1990s.
False 911 call (HB 6101/PA 96-1261): Increases the penalty for
making a false 911 call, to make the penalty for transmitting a
false 911 call equal with the penalty for making a false police
False identification (SB 3169/PA 96-1120): Provides that
information concerning a nonexistent address or altered photo used
on a state identification card or driver's license is false
information for the purposes of prosecuting a fictitious or altered
card or license.
Family military leave (SB 3818/PA 96-1417): Adds children and
grandparents to the list of people eligible for family military
leave, if a loved one is on active military duty for more than 30
Farm-school database (SB 615/PA 96-1095): Requires that the
Department of Agriculture establish a farm-school Web database to
facilitate the purchase of fresh produce and food products by
Fetal alcohol syndrome awareness (HB 5448/PA 96-1323): Requires
each county board to annually submit a report to Department of
Public Health establishing the county clerk's compliance with the
requirement that the county clerk provides a pamphlet on fetal
alcohol syndrome with each marriage license.
Firefighter death claim (HB 5956/PA 96-0923): Extends the time
limit for families of a firefighter killed in the line of duty to
file a claim following the death of a firefighter.
FOID revocation (HB 5489/PA 96-1239): Provides for mandatory
surrender of a FOID card in the remedies for emergency orders of
protection and for civil orders of protection, if the court is
satisfied that there is danger of the illegal use of firearms, thus
making the criminal orders of protection consistent with civil
orders of protection.
Fund transfer (SB 2976/PA 96-1100): Removes the requirement that
excess dollars in the Public Aid Recoveries Trust Fund be
transferred to the General Revenue Fund, and instead moves those
dollars to the Health Care Provider Relief Fund; uses the Juvenile
Rehabilitation Service Medicaid Matching Fund to deposit matching
dollars related to medical assistance service provided by counties;
codifies the current practice of appropriating to CHIP, All Kids,
SeniorCare and Circuit Breaker from the Drug Rebate Fund; codifies
the current practice of depositing federal receipts into the Child
Support Administrative Fund as opposed to the Child Support
Enforcement Trust Fund.
Funeral directors and embalmers licensing (HB 6420/PA 96-1463):
Requires that only a licensed funeral director can have direct
contact with consumers when making funeral or burial arrangements,
and negotiating, developing or finalizing contracts with consumers;
provides that a licensed funeral director or his or her designee
must remain at the cemetery and personally witness the burial.
Gaming board (SB 1937/PA 96-1392): Separates the Illinois Gaming
Board from the Department of Revenue, making a separate board under
the jurisdiction of the governor, and makes administrative changes
to the Riverboat Gambling Act.
Governor's portrait (HB 5109/PA 96-1017): Bans the financing of a
governor's portrait if the governor was removed from office by
impeachment and conviction.
Greek sprinklers (HB 5664/PA 96-1303): Requires fraternity and
sorority houses built after Jan. 1, 2011, to install fire sprinklers
during construction, and all houses already built to install
sprinklers prior to Jan. 1, 2019.
Green Manufacturing Grant (HB 6030/PA 96-1413): Creates a grant
program for manufacturers with 500 or fewer employees for the cost
of capital equipment that will reduce environmental impact and
achieve cost savings.
Guardianship termination (SB 3386/PA 96-1338): Clarifies
jurisdictional issues surrounding probate court proceedings on a
petition for the appointment of a guardian. Provides that when a
minor has a parent whose parental rights have not been terminated,
whose whereabouts are known, and who is willing and able to make and
carry out day-to-day child care decisions concerning the minor, the
court does not have jurisdiction to proceed unless the parent or
parents voluntarily relinquished custody of the child; or when the
parent agreed or did not object to the appointment of a guardian; or
when there is already a guardian for the minor appointed by a court.
Also modifies the provisions regarding revocation of the
guardianship of a minor to establish the process and standards by
which a parent can seek to have the guardianship revoked.
H-2A unemployment (SB 3494/PA 96-1208): Exempts employers from
paying into unemployment insurance for H-2A workers.
Hair braider license (HB 5783/PA 96-1246): Allows a licensed
cosmetologist to provide hair braiding services without being
licensed as a hair braider, and provides lesser education
requirements for hair braiders as compared to licensed
Hispanic and bilingual employment plan report (SB 387/PA
96-1286): Requires constitutional offices, state universities,
community colleges and the Toll Highway Authority to provide an
annual report describing the implementation and progress of the
State Hispanic Employment Plan and the bilingual employment plan.
Holocaust commission (HB 6059/PA 96-1063): Authorizes the members
of the Illinois Holocaust and Genocide Commission to provide advice
concerning education, memorials, events and other matters regarding
the Holocaust and genocide.
Homeowners' Solar Rights Act (HB 5429/PA 96-1436): Prevents
homeowners and condominium associations from prohibiting solar
energy systems on homes. The groups can adopt reasonable
restrictions on solar energy systems, provided they do not have the
practical effect of banning the systems.
Honey regulation (SB 2959/PA 96-1028): Provides that the
Department of Public Health may not regulate honey that is left in
the comb or that is removed from the comb and in an unadulterated
condition, and prevents DPH from regulating or inspecting a
producer's honey house if the producer is engaged in the sale of
honey at a local market and packs or sells less than 500 gallons of
honey produced in Illinois per year.

Information sharing and fees (SB 3540/PA 96-1414): Increases the
monthly fee from $25 to $50 that a juvenile who is placed on
supervision, probation or conditional discharge must pay; provides
that in cases where a defendant is granted probation, conditional
discharge or supervision, the circuit court may not impose a
probation fee in excess of $25 per month; provides that the court
may waive probation fees based on an offender's ability to pay;
states that if a minor is a victim of aggravated battery, battery,
attempted first-degree murder or other non-sexual violent offense,
the identity of the victim may be disclosed to appropriate school
officials, in order to prevent future violence involving minors.
Inspector general (SB 3118/PA 96-1347): Creates an inspector
general for the Toll Highway Authority to detect and deter fraud and
Insurance policies (HB 4782/PA 96-1034): States that the
provisions of the Insurance Code concerning dependent coverage do
not apply to short-term travel, disability income, long-term care,
accident only, or limited or specified disease policies.
Intoxicating compounds (HB 3869/PA 96-1440): Increases the
penalty on a second or subsequent conviction for use of a certain
drugs defined in state law as intoxicating compounds; gives
first-time offenders the opportunity to defer prosecution if they
undergo addiction treatment.
Intoxicated driving instructors (HB 5341/PA 96-1237): Makes it a
moving violation for a person who is under the influence of alcohol
or drugs to accompany or provide instruction to a driver who is a
minor operating the motor vehicle with an instruction permit.
Juvenile criminal program (HB 5913/PA 96-1022): Provides that
when possible the Department of Juvenile Justice is allowed to share
or assign services, powers or duties with the Department of Children
and Family Services.
Juvenile criminal protection (HB 6129/PA 96-1251): Provides that
a statement or incriminating information offered by a minor, parent
or guardian as part of any behavioral health screening evaluation is
not admissible as evidence against the minor in a juvenile court
proceeding on the issue of whether the minor committed a delinquent
act, or on the issue of guilt in a criminal proceeding.
Juvenile Justice Commission (SB 3085/PA 96-1199): Charges the
existing Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission with studying the
impact of developing timelines, and proposing a funding structure to
accommodate the expansion of the jurisdiction of the Illinois
Juvenile Court to include youth who are age 17 under the
jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987.
Juvenile parole (HB 5914/PA 96-1271): Directs the Juvenile
Justice Commission to develop recommendations for due process
protections for youth during release decision-making processes
including, but not limited to, parole revocation proceedings and
release on parole.
Limited liability company (SB 2553/PA 96-0984): Requires all fees
collected by the state for limited liability companies be deposited
into the General Professions Dedicated Fund.
Lupus education and awareness program (HB 4587/PA 96-1108):
Creates a program to promote public and health professional
awareness of lupus and increase knowledge concerning the causes and
consequences of lupus.
[to top of second column] |

Marital trusts (HB 5282/PA 96-1145): Allows a married couple who
hold their family residence in revocable trust(s) for estate
planning purposes to do so as tenants by the entirety, which would
protect the home from being sold to satisfy the debts of one of the
Mass transit application (HB 5732/PA 96-1458): Requires the
Illinois Department of Transportation to develop an application
process for funding in new mass transit service areas.
Medicaid dental services (HB 5859/PA 96-0926): Authorizes
Healthcare and Family Services to develop a system to allow dental
payments to be made to a clinic so that a volunteering dentist does
not have to personally enroll as a participating provider in the
medical assistance program.
Medicaid fraud (SB 3815/PA 96-1346): Creates a 17-member Public
Benefits Fraud Protection Task Force to conduct a thorough review of
the nature of public assistance fraud to determine if more stringent
penalties are necessary.
Medicaid health cards (HB 5054/PA 96-0940): Requires the
Department of Healthcare and Family Services to quit issuing monthly
MediPlan cards and instead issue permanent or semi-permanent member
cards to individuals enrolled in Medicaid.
Meter malfunction (SB 2476/PA 96-1256): Provides that if a meter
is malfunctioning due to accumulation of snow and ice, violators can
use that as an affirmative defense.
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (HB 4802/PA 96-1308):
Extends the non-voted bonding authority of the Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District to Dec. 31, 2024.

Military foreclosure (HB 3762/PA 96-0901): Requires the court to
stay mortgage foreclosure proceedings for a period of 90 days upon
application to the court by a mortgager who was deployed on active
military duty within the previous 12 months.
Military members' hunting and fishing (HB 4721/PA 96-1226):
Allows Illinois residents who are on emergency leave from active
duty in the United States Armed Forces to fish and hunt without a
Military license plates (HB 4778/PA 96-1409): Eliminates the
additional fee for special license plates only for a Korean War
veteran, United States veteran, Vietnam veteran, World War II
veteran, Army combat veteran or United States Army veteran.
Military voting (HB 6077/PA 96-1004): Permits members of the
armed forces to vote by fax or e-mail.
Minor exploitation (HB 5321/PA 96-1090): Provides that sexual
exploitation of a child includes committing a sexual act or exposing
oneself in front of a child via the Internet or webcam for sexual
Minors' tattoos and piercing (HB 4895/PA 96-1311): Makes it
unlawful for a person to falsely represent that he or she is the
parent or legal guardian of a minor younger than 18 at a tattoo
parlor or a body piercing business.
Misrepresentation penalties (SB 3684/PA 96-1113): Adds to
existing home invasion and burglary offenses: gaining entry to the
home by misrepresenting oneself to be a representative of
government, a construction company, a telecommunication company or a
utility company.
Mortgage licensing (SB 3781/PA 96-1216): Makes technical changes
to address the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing
Act, the SAFE Act of 2008, to make Illinois law consistent with SAFE
Act requirements.
Motor vehicle driving privileges (HB 4859/PA 96-1180): Allows the
secretary of state to grant a restricted driving permit for
individuals convicted of certain offenses to transport elderly or
disabled individuals to and from day care if the elderly person
cannot drive and is living in the offender's house.
New employee portal (HB 6271/PA 96-1387): Requires the Department
of Central Management Services to establish and maintain a
searchable, public database of information about new employees
entering state employment.

Open meetings (HB 5329/PA 96-1043): Provides that members of a
municipal transit district who participate by teleconference can be
counted as part of a quorum if the transit district covers 4,500
square miles. (HB 5483/PA 96-1473): Requires that a public body
approve minutes of its open meeting within 30 days after the meeting
or at its next regularly scheduled meeting, and also requires that a
public body make its approved open meeting minutes available for
public inspection and, if the public body has a website, post those
minutes within 10 days after approval of the minutes.
Order of protection (HB 5510/PA 96-1241): Requires a judge who
issues a domestic violence emergency order of protection to promptly
notify the sheriff of the order, to facilitate entry of the order of
protection into the Law Enforcement Agencies Data System.
Outdoor licenses for veterans (SB 384/PA 96-1014): Allows
veterans who are applying for a free camping pass, fishing license
or hunting license to provide acceptable verification of service or
mobilization at one of the Department of Natural Resources regional
Outpatient Medicaid reimbursement (HB 5765/PA 96-1382): Requires
the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to reimburse
critical-access hospitals for outpatient Medicaid services at an
amount that is no less than the cost of providing such services,
based on Medicare cost principles.
Penalty increase (SB 2488/PA 96-1109): Raises the penalty on
aggravated assault against a police officer, when the offender uses
a deadly weapon.
Physician murder sentence (HB 5745/PA 96-1475): Allows the court
to consider imposing natural life imprisonment on a person 18 or
older who knowingly murders a physician, physician assistant,
psychologist, nurse or advanced practice nurse while the victim was
acting in their professional capacity.
Podiatric Act (HB 5991/PA 96-1158): Adds provisions concerning
the prohibition against fee-splitting with respect to podiatrists.
Police officer witness (SB 3304/PA 96-1206): Provides a procedure
for a police officer who witnessed the commission of a misdemeanor
to sign a complaint sufficient to charge the defendant with the
misdemeanor offense, eliminating the need to fill out a long-form
complaint, track down a notary and formalize the oath.
Political signage (HB 3785/PA 96-0904): States that
municipalities may not prohibit political signs on residential
Poppers (SB 3503/PA 96-1112): Prohibits "poppers," or devices
that can override, block or defeat a locking mechanism, from being
possessed within a prison.
Prescription drug information cards (HB 5527/PA 96-1326):
Provides that a discounted health care services plan administrator
providing discounts on prescription drugs or devices must issue a
card containing certain information such as its website, toll-free
number, names of all provider networks, group, cardholder ID and BIN
number, etc.
Primary elections (SB 355/PA 96-0886): Moves the general primary
election to the third Tuesday of March in even-numbered years.
Prompt vendor payment (SB 3587/PA 96-1085): Requires vendors to
forward any interest derived from the Prompt Payment Act to a
consumer if the vendor required the consumer to pay upfront for any
Propane cargo tank vehicles (SB 3282/PA 96-1337): Allows certain
propane cargo tank vehicles to continue operating for emergency
heating purposes during imposed highway use restrictions.
Property tax title search redemption fee (HB 5158/PA 96-1067):
Limits tax sale redemption fees for title searches to $150.
Psychiatry practice incentive (HB 5053/PA 96-1411): Requires the
Department of Public Health to establish a program under which
programs of grants, loans and loan forgiveness are established to
recruit and retain psychiatric service providers in designated
shortage areas of the state.
Public adjusters (SB 660/PA 96-1332): Creates the Public
Adjusters Law to set requirements and standards for acting as a
public insurance adjuster in the state of Illinois, which contains
licensure fees and outlines penalties if violated; and allows the
director of insurance to place on probation, suspend, revoke, deny
or refuse to issue or renew a public adjuster's license or levy a
civil penalty or any combination of actions, for having been
convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving dishonesty or fraud.
Public corruption (SB 2551/PA 96-1019): Creates a public
corruption profit forfeiture provision requiring forfeitures of
profits and proceeds derived from a criminal public corruption
offense that resulted in a criminal conviction, including forfeiture
of all political contributions held by a political committee or
organization controlled by the convicted person.
Public employee disability suits (HB 5458/PA 96-1430): Allows the
state to commence or join in a suit against a third party that is
liable for injuries that trigger the payment for occupational
disability benefits to an eligible public employee, concerning
correctional workers and state employees working in penal
institutions, or mental health or developmental disabilities
facilities operated by the Department of Human Services.
Public health technical material (HB 6034/PA 96-1433): Mandates
DPH to provide technical assistance materials by June 30, 2011, that
are based on guidelines or standards such as the United States
Consumer Product Safety Commission's guidelines, the United States
Access Board final guidelines or the standards of the American
Society for Testing and Materials.
Public indecency (SB 2589/PA 96-1098): Increases the penalty for
public indecency and sexual exploitation of a child when the offense
is committed by a person older than 18, and on or within 500 feet of
school grounds when children are present.
Public land and pack animals (SB 2632/PA 96-0985): Provides that
the Department of Natural Resources must facilitate the use of
public land by pack and saddle animals, and must post a notice at
the trailhead when there is a trail closure.
Purple Heart motorcycle plates (SB 3023/PA 96-1101): Provides
that the secretary of state must make a version of the special
Purple Heart registration plate in a form appropriate for

Real estate closing entities (HB 5677/PA 96-1457): Provides that
with respect to the disbursement of settlement funds in a real
estate closing, a "purchaser," "seller" or "lender" is each
considered a single party to the transaction, regardless of the
number of people or entities making up the purchaser, seller or
lender, and clarifies what types of funds can be aggregated to be
"good funds."
Real estate licensing (SB 3018/PA 96-0989): Allows for
reinstatement of a managing broker, broker or leasing agent license
if that license has been expired for more than two years and less
than five years, if certain conditions are met.
Reckless driving (SB 2951/PA 96-1007): Prohibits a driver from
recklessly driving unnecessarily close to a bicyclist, pedestrian,
person riding a horse or person driving an animal-drawn vehicle.
Record tampering penalty (SB 3800/PA 96-1217): Increases the
penalty for the altering, destroying, defacing, removing or
concealing a public record by any judge, circuit clerk, clerk of any
court, public official, public employee, court reporter or any other
Retail theft (SB 3797/PA 96-1301): Increases the property value
thresholds generally used to make an offense a felony rather than a
misdemeanor on some theft, retail theft, financial crime, online
property and telephone fraud offenses.
Retirement Board of Municipal Employees (HB 4788/PA 96-1427):
Allows the Chicago treasurer, with approval of the Retirement Board
of Municipal Employees, to designate a city employee to act in the
absence of the treasurer on all matters pertaining to administering
the provisions of the pension article.
Road districts (SB 3430/PA 96-0996): Clarifies that all road
districts have the same powers, whether or not the county where the
road district is located is under township organization.
Roadside memorials (SB 3803/PA 96-1371): Allows for placement of
a fatal accident memorial marker for the victim or victims of a
reckless homicide offense that was not related to a DUI offense.
Railroad safety (HB 4987/PA 96-1132): Makes it a crime to
willfully place upon an active railroad track any object that would
adversely affect safe railroad operations. (HB 5712/PA 96-1244):
Requires railroad track equipment to be treated with the same
caution as approaching trains.
Rape crisis records (HB 5976/PA 96-1010): Expands the privacy
rights that adults with guardians have over their rape crisis
counseling records.
Sanitary district annexation (SB 2520/PA 96-1070): Permits the
board of commissioners of the Metro-East Sanitary District to annex
property into the district, even if the property is within a
home-rule unit of government, if the property is contiguous to the
corporate limits of the district and currently "served" by the
Seat belt security (SB 3272/PA 96-0991): Requires the driver of a
motor vehicle to properly adjust and fasten a seat safety belt if
they are transporting a passenger who is unable to do it themselves,
due to infirmity, illness or age, but who is not exempted from
wearing a seat safety belt.
Seth's Law (HB 5764/PA 96-0925): Provides that hospitals must
have policies and procedures for readily gaining access to a locked
bathroom in a patient's room.
Sex offender registration (SB 1702/PA 96-1096): Turns the
responsibility for registering all sex offenders outside of Chicago,
over to the county sheriff where the offender resides, temporarily
lives, works or attends school; and if the offender resides,
temporarily lives, works or attends school in Chicago, then
registration remains with the Chicago Police Department at its
headquarters. Also raises the initial registration fee for sex
offenders to $100 and the annual registration fee is also raised to
$100. (SB 2462/PA 96-1097): Requires a sex offender registering
after release from prison, to provide the law enforcement agency
where he or she is registering with a copy of the terms and
conditions of release. (SB 3293/PA 96-1104): Requires sex offenders
to provide their phone number and cell phone number when registering
their prison release with law enforcement.
Sexual predator (HB 5043/PA 96-1089): Requires lifetime
registration as a sexual predator for a sexually motivated
first-degree murder of a person younger than 18 by a person who is
least 17; kidnapping or unlawful restraint of a person under 18 by
someone who is not the child's parent; child abduction by luring a
child younger than 16 without the consent of the child's parent; and
sexual misconduct with a person with a disability.
Sex offender restrictions (SB 2824/PA 96-1099): Prohibits sexual
predators and child sex offenders from being in a public park or
loitering within 500 feet of a public park.
Sex offender location notification (SB 3176/PA 96-1102): Requires
a sex offender or sexual predator to register with the appropriate
law enforcement agency if the offender is residing or temporarily
domiciled in that jurisdiction for a period of time of three or more
days, and requires a sex offender or sexual predator who is
temporarily absent from his or her current address of registration
for three or more days to notify the law enforcement agency having
jurisdiction over the current registration, including the itinerary
for travel, in the same manner as they must notify a law enforcement
agency of a change of address.
Sex offense sentencing (SB 1020/PA 96-1390): Gives the sentencing
judge discretion to impose an extended term prison sentence on a
major sex offense, if the victim was younger than 18 and the victim
was known to be under the influence of alcohol at the time of the
Sex offense victim polygraph (HB 5931/PA 96-1273): Prohibits law
enforcement from even asking a sex offense victim to submit to a lie
detector test.
Shaken baby conviction registration (HB 5762/PA 96-1115):
Requires registration under the Child Murderer and Violent Offender
Against Youth Registration Law for a person convicted of involuntary
manslaughter or endangering the life and health of a child, where
baby shaking was the proximate cause of the child's death.
Share the Road plates (SB 2798/PA 96-1006): Provides for the
creation of a new Share the Road license plate.

Small business impact (HB 5191/PA 96-1448): Provides that prior
to the filing of any proposed rule or amendment that may have an
adverse impact on small businesses, an economic impact analysis that
includes certain information must be prepared.
Smoke detectors (SB 3097/PA 96-1292): Provides that smoke
detectors permanently wired into the structure's AC power line must
also maintain an alternative backup battery power source in the case
of any dwelling unit or any unit of a nursing home, community care
facility, community residential alternative or child care facility
that is newly constructed, reconstructed or substantially remodeled
on or after Jan. 1, 2011.
Smoking exemption (SB 851/PA 96-1357): Removes the exception that
allows private and semi-private rooms in nursing home and long-term
care facilities to be smoking rooms; allows facilities licensed
under the Nursing Home Care Act to establish a smoking room;
establishes that a "qualified examiner" can be a licensed marriage
and family therapist if certain qualifications are met; authorizes
licensed marriage and family therapists to involuntarily commit a
client for a mental health evaluation if they feel the person is at
risk to themselves or another.
Specialty license plates (HB 4966/PA 96-1377): Provides for the
issuance of Soil and Water Conservation District license plates and
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital license plates. (HB 5193/PA
96-1449): Provides for the issuance of 4-H license plates.
Speeding penalty (SB 3796/PA 96-1002): Raises the penalty for
driving a vehicle at a speed that is 30 mph or more, but less than
40 mph in excess of the posted speed limit, and prohibits a
defendant from receiving supervision for a speeding violation of 40
mph or more over the posted speed limit.
State Banking Board (SB 2581/PA 96-1163): Makes changes to the
State's Banking Board, including eliminating the board of trustees
of the Illinois Bank Examiners' Education Foundation and
transferring those duties to the State Banking Board, reducing the
number of members from 17 to 12, and changing the scope of its
State group insurance (HB 4737/PA 96-1227): Requires that the
program of group health benefits include coverage of medically
necessary physical and occupational therapy ordered or referred by a
licensed physician, physician's assistant or advanced practice
Statute of limitations (HB 6124/PA 96-1093): Increases the
statute of limitations for a civil action for childhood sexual abuse
to 20 years from the date the person turns 18, or 20 years from the
date the abused person discovers that the act of childhood sexual
abuse occurred, and that the injury was caused by the childhood
sexual abuse.
Stolen weapons (SB 3546/PA 96-1133): Provides that whenever a
shipment of firearms, explosives or other weapons is reported as
stolen or missing to the railroad police force, the railroad police
force must report all information regarding the incident to state
and local law enforcement.
Strict criminal liability (SB 3028/PA 96-1198): Raises the fine
amount for strict criminal liability on a misdemeanor offense from
$500 to $1,000.
Student athlete agent (SB 2542/PA 96-1030): Requires agents for
student athletes to register and provides the student athlete with
several protections, including contract requirements and
"eligibility" safeguards.
Sudden infant death syndrome (HB 5930/PA 96-1116): Requires
hospitals to provide, free of charge, information and instructional
materials on SIDS, which must be given and reviewed with parents or
guardians of newborns upon hospital discharge.
Surety bond amounts (SB 3682/PA 96-1062): Increases the amount of
the surety bond that commercial driving schools are required to
Synthetic marijuana (HB 6459/PA 96-1285): Outlaws two synthetic
marijuana-like substitutes, commonly known as K2 or Spice.
Title insurance agents (HB 5409/PA 96-1454): Regulates title
insurance agents who act as escrow agents in closing residential
property transactions by requiring an agency agreement with the
title insurance company or a closing protection letter.
Tow truck misrepresentation (SB 3584/PA 96-1369): Provides that
it is an unlawful practice for an owner or operator of a tow truck
or wrecker to misrepresent an affiliation with the state, a unit of
local government, an insurance company, a private club or any other
entity for the purpose of securing business from a vehicle owner or
Traffic violation (HB 6151/PA 96-1462): Provides that if a
traffic ticket is not paid over the counter and a court appearance
results, then upon conviction or pleading guilty, a fine that cannot
be waived must be imposed by the court so local police departments
and municipalities can receive the fine penalty.
Transfer fee covenant (SB 3747/PA 96-1345): Provides that a
transfer fee covenant must not run with the title to real property
and is not binding on or enforceable at law or in equity against any
subsequent owner, purchaser or mortgagee of any interest in real
property as an equitable servitude or otherwise; provides that any
fee, charge, assessment or other amount payable to a charitable
organization whose purpose includes the conservation of land or
natural areas and all living organisms located within the same
subdivision or planned unit development or within one-half mile of
the property is not a transfer fee for purposes of this act.
Truth-in-sentencing (HB 4776/PA 96-1230): Requires a person to
serve at least 85 percent of a sentence on an aggravated DUI, and
eliminates the possibility for meritorious good conduct credit when
the DUI was the cause of an accident that resulted in great bodily
harm, permanent disability or permanent disfigurement of another
Unemployment benefits (HB 5376/PA 96-0970): Provides that
employees of nonprofits that do not employ four or more individuals
within each of 20 or more calendar weeks must be given written
notice that they are ineligible for unemployment benefits.
Uniform Arbitration Act (HB 5888/PA 96-1476): Sets forth rules
requiring arbitrators to decide the dispute in accordance with any
rules of law that are chosen by the parties as applicable to the
substance of the dispute; requires any designation of the law or
legal system of a given jurisdiction be construed as directly
referring to the substantive law of that jurisdiction and not to its
conflict-of-law rules; states that if the parties do not make a
designation as to the rule of law, the arbitrators must apply the
law as determined by the conflict-of-laws rules that they consider
applicable; and nothing in these new provisions can apply to an
arbitration that is part of or pursuant to a collective bargaining
Unused county roads (SB 3763/PA 96-1001): Provides that upon
completion of a relocated highway, the county will have full
authority over the relocated highway and the portion of the original
location not incorporated into the new location, rather than
requiring that the original location be considered abandoned.
Verbal screenings (SB 2601/PA 96-1259): Requires all new nursing
home admissions to be verbally screened for risk factors associated
with hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV within 10 days of admission to
a nursing facility.
Veterans EMS system (SB 3637/PA 96-1009): Authorizes the
Department of Public Health to permit limited emergency medical
services system participation by facilities operated by the United
States Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health
Veteran Criminal Act (HB 4738/PA 96-1228): Allows a judge to
impose a sentence of imprisonment or a more severe sentence on a
first-degree murder, assault, battery or robbery committed against a
person known by the defendant to be, or the defendant reasonably
should have known was, a veteran, performing duties as a
representative of a veterans' organization.
Wage payment violations (SB 3568/PA 96-1407): States that
employees are allowed to collect legal fees in a civil action suit
to address abuses of poor workers who do not have the means to
reclaim their lost wages.
Whistleblower Act (HB 6231/PA 96-1253): Adds a licensed physician
practicing at a state-funded medical facility to the definition of
an "employee" under the Whistleblower Protection Act, to ensure
their protection.
Wind farm property tax (HB 4797/PA 96-1036): Extends the sunset
for the uniform assessment methodology on wind farms from 2011 to
[Text from file sent on behalf
Bill Brady by
Illinois Senate Republican staff]