Like many small-town theaters across the country, The Lincoln
Theater had fallen into the position of simply being a forgotten
"real estate" asset of a large national corporation. History has
shown that being stuck in such a spot would often lead theaters like
The Lincoln to an eventual date with a wrecking ball.David
Lanterman, a lifelong resident and leading promoter of downtown
Lincoln, knew that securing The Lincoln Theater and returning it to
being a truly successful business operation would be an important
accomplishment for everyone who truly cares about Lincoln. He has
led an effort to organize investors and has created a business plan
that he believes will allow The Lincoln Theater to stand on its own
well into the future.
"As people contemplate moving into a community, they evaluate
many things, including certain services and forms of entertainment,"
says Lanterman. "Being able to see a movie is a critical piece of
the picture and is a great way to top off an afternoon of shopping,
having dinner out or an evening with the family."
"We are going to hit the ground running," Lanterman adds. "We
will be making smaller immediate improvements to ensure that our
customers are comfortable and truly enjoy the show. With strong
community involvement, we will pull off some surprises and will have
people taking notice in 2011."
The last day of theater operation as the Carmike Cinema will be
Sunday, Jan. 2. The theater will then close for a short number of
days while the transition is completed. Carmike Cinema gift
certificates will be honored until June 30.
[Text from news release] |