But that's where the consensus ends among the diverse groups of frustrated Americans who count themselves part of this fledgling coalition.
"We're afraid and we're fed up and we're angry," says Donna Henton of Blair, Neb. "But where this is going to go, we just don't know."
If the people attending the first national "tea party" convention here are uncertain, imagine the difficulties of the Republican and Democratic parties, both of which are trying to leverage this antiestablishment energy for their own gain. How it works out could make a big difference in elections this fall and beyond.
Here's what's clear: This is pure people-driven politics facilitated by the Internet. This is an ideological mix of libertarianism and conservatism with the common denominator being lower spending and smaller government. This is a loose collection of citizen groups with no leader but many voices. And this is the product of long-simmering anger.

Is it just a blip? Or will it emerge as a lasting political powerhouse shaping elections and government for years to come?
"This movement is beginning to mature ... not as a third party but a force to be reckoned with in the traditional party structure," declared Mark Skoda, a talk radio host who founded a Memphis "tea party" group and helped organize the convention.
Yet, candidates who have adopted the "tea party" slogan are running as independents in campaigns nationwide. There are "tea party" groups that insist the convention hosts don't speak for them. And viewpoints among attendees here vary.
Loren and Dora Nelson of Seattle, a couple in their 80s, see the coalition as a way to strengthen the GOP. "It's giving voice to the grass roots in the Republican Party," the husband said.
But it's not about ideology - or necessarily even party politics - for Eileen Million, 50, from Huntsville, Ala. "It's a people movement," she said. "Republican or Democrat, I don't care who they are if they truly represent the will of the American people."
Ty Reynolds, 34, of Topeka, Kan., put it this way: "It's about individual liberty vs. government control. Leave me alone and stop taxing me so much and be responsible stewards of the people's money."
In Washington, both major parties have struck a cautious stance, seemingly not sure what to make of the coalition but nonetheless trying to use it.
Republicans have sought to cajole the coalition into the GOP fold. Party Chairman Michael Steele has even called himself a member. The GOP knows that a conservative third party could threaten Republicans' electoral chances by splitting the right-flank vote and triggering Democratic victories. It happened in an upstate New York congressional race last fall.
Democrats, at times, have sought to demonize the coalition, casting it as an extreme right-wing part of the GOP. But Obama, himself, has stepped lightly, mindful that the members' anger is real, they hold allegiance to no political party and among their ranks are independent voters and even moderate Democrats.
What's taking place is at least somewhat similar to other modern political uprisings including the supporters of businessman Ross Perot in the 1990s. Less organized, there was the "silent majority" of middle America that rallied behind Richard Nixon two decades earlier. Much like the "tea party" contingent, those voters were largely white and middle class, a demographic Obama didn't win during the 2008 campaign and has struggled to win over since he took office.