Closing Out
Thursday, March 11, 2010
10:00 a.m.
7604 State Rt 54, Clinton, IL 61727
Gene and Julie Blue have decided to discontinue their farming operations
and will sell the below listed equipment on the Blue farmstead located 1
½ miles west of Clinton, IL on State Rt. 54.
Directions: From the intersection of State Rt. 54 & 51 travel
West of Clinton, IL on Rt. 54 1 ½ miles.
TRACTORS: JD 4850 MFWD tractor, S#10284, 15 spd Pwr Shift,
18.4-42 duals, 14.9-30 fronts,4890 hrs; JD 4430 tractor, S# 38512R, Quad
Range, 18.4-38 tires w/snap on duals, 7034 hrs, overhauled at 5,000
hrs, 2 scvs; 69 JD 630 gas tractor, S#6303387, 3 point, 1 scv, god
tin, power steering; JD 1070 Compact Utility tractor w/ROPS, 1408 hrs,
13.6-28 bar tires;
TRUCKS: 96 International 4700 T444E grain truck, VIN#
HTSCABM9TH352699, 152,387 miles, V8 diesel, Spicer 5 spd transmission,
14 ½ bed, dual hoist; 75 GMC 6000 grain truck, TCE615V578137, 14 bed
4/2 transmission 51,000 miles, twin hoist; 85 Chevy Ύ ton project
truck w/custom built flat bed, overhauled engine, new doors & fenders to
be assembled;
HEADS: JD 643 corn head S#610588; JD 920 flex platform, S#
631742, poly skids; JD 3 point head mover; home built header cart;
PLANTER & DRILL: JD 750 No-Till drill, S# 008932, assist wheel,
tine harrow; JD 7000 12-30 front fold planter, H/D Yetter springs,
combination tillage units, insecticide, box toppers, 200 monitor; 12
Kinzee bean meters sold separately;
WAGONS & TRAILERS: 20 gooseneck trailer w/1000 gal. stainless
steel 28% tank; M & W 450 bu. Tandem axle grain cart; J & M 250 bu.
divided box seed wagon w/hydraulic auger on JD gear;
SPRAYERS: Progressive 1,000 gallon sprayer, single 16.5-16.1
tires, 60 booms, hydraulic pump, foamer, Raven 1000 monitor; 750 gal.
stainless 28% tank, hydraulic pump, on 5th wheel gear; 11 knife home
built 28% bar;
TILLAGE: JD 726 Mulch Finisher, 25, 5 bar tine harrow; Blue Jet,
5 leg, Sub Tiller 3, dual spring action, gage wheels; JD 400, 30 flat
fold rotary hoe; Krause Model 1404, 22 disk, 8 spacing; 10
cultimulcher, outboard wheels; Krause 12 heavy duty disk w/22 notched
front blades; IH 720 5-18 plow; Glencoe 9 shank Soil Saver stretch
frame, spring shank;
MOWERS: Woods 15 batwing mower; Woods 5 rotary cutter w/chains;
MISCELLANEOUS: JD B fenders; wheel weights; JD 110 garden
tractors, round fenders, hydraulic lift, no motor, seat, tires-parts;
(6) good used motors including 5 & 10 hp single phase; new planter,
combine and head parts;
AUGERS: Westfield 8x61 swing away auger; Hutchinson 8x50
SHOP TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: oxy-acetylene torch, regulator & cart;
(2) Lincoln 225 amp electric welders; De Walt saws-all; De Walt right
angle grinder; 12 spd. drill press Ύ hp motor; pedestal grinder Ύ hp
motor; ½ & Ύ socket sets; hand wrenches; shop vac; Troy-Bilt string
trimmer; 4 Makita grinder;
Gene & Julie Blue, Owners
(217) 796-3643
Loader Tractor Day of Sale
TERMS: Cash or
good negotiable check payable on the day of the Auction. Registration
video taped and a valid photo ID is required to obtain a buyers number.
Buyers must show provided number for each and every purchase.
Announcements sale day take precedence over printed material. Not
responsible for accidents or property after sold. All items must be
removed from the sale site by April 1st.

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Lawn Mower and Tool Auction
White Auction House
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL
Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:00 a.m.
Lawn Mowers and Tools of all kinds
Listing will be posted as it becomes
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Il. License Numbers: 440000381 & 441000185
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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37th Annual Lake Fork Community Center Auction
Lake Fork IL
Lake Fork is located approximately 20 miles northeast of
Springfield, IL on State Route 54
Saturday Mar 27, 2010 9:30 AM