A: There's a transition program in the legislation meant to help the most vulnerable. Until 2014, when insurers have to take all applicants, the government will pump money into high-risk insurance pools that many states already have set up and others are planning to establish. That would allow the states to offer coverage to people no commercial plan will accept. There's a catch, however. Although Obama has allocated $5 billion for the program, most experts say that's nowhere near enough to last four years. Q: Seniors have been wary about the Medicare cuts that will help finance Obama's overhaul. Have the Democrats done anything for them? A. Closing the prescription coverage gap is a tangible benefit for seniors. After this year, the gap will be reduced gradually through a series of discounts for brand name and generic drugs. By 2020 seniors will pay the standard 25 percent coinsurance for their prescriptions. Other improvements include a new emphasis on prevention in traditional Medicare, as well as efforts to better coordinate care for patients struggling with several chronic conditions, like the common combination of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems. But the Democrats also are cutting a popular Medicare program, private insurance plans that serve about one-fourth of seniors. Until now, the plans have gotten generous payments from the government, allowing them to offer lower out-of-pocket costs and other benefits. Scaling back the subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans could prompt an exodus of seniors back to the traditional program. Q: Does the plan require employers to offer coverage to their workers? And what about individuals? Does everybody have to have insurance? Can Congress do that under the Constitution? A: Employers aren't required to offer coverage, but companies with more than 50 workers could be hit with hefty fines if just one of their employees gets government-subsidized coverage. (The plan provides tax credits to help smaller companies get and keep coverage for their employees.) Individuals would be required to carry health insurance, either through an employer or a government program or by buying it themselves. Those who refuse would get fined by the IRS. Many legal experts say Congress does have the power under the Constitution to require coverage. But that issue is likely to be settled in court.
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