Monday, March 22, 2010
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Polar Plungers bring in $37,308.87 for Special Olympics

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[March 22, 2010]  Joanie Keyes, executive director for Special Olympics District 10, summed up the day's results: "It is amazing."

HardwareThe second annual Polar Plunge brought in a total of $37,308.87.

This year 172 plungers took the dive into Lincoln Lakes, easily surpassing the total funds collected last year, when over $26,000 was collected.

The outside temperature hovered near 40 for the plunge. The water in the lake was right at 50 degrees, so on land or in the sea, plungers had to brave the elements to fulfill their promises to sponsors.

After the plunges, everyone was invited back to the Knights of Columbus for Wendy's chili and hot dogs and chips.

Kevin Curry provided DJ music and several Special Olympians showed off their dance moves to an enthusiastic crowd.

Ryan Curry, who heads the Lincoln chapter, says his Olympians love music and to dance. He said, "You should see these guys when we get on a bus to go somewhere and someone starts playing music."

The award for the most money collected by a team went to Monsanto DeKalb, with a total of $12,442.

The Lincoln Walmart team brought in $8,119.72 to take second place.

Team Curry rounded out the top three with a total of $6,847.59 in pledges.

Individuals who brought in the most pledges were Adam Cheatham, Susan Steichen and Becky Rybolt.

The teams with the most plungers were Monsanto, 43; Team Curry, 33; and Walmart with 24.

The best costume award went to the Hot Tamales.

Special Olympics in Illinois helps 20,000 athletes compete and show what they can do in 19 sports at no cost to them or their families.


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