sponsored by:



Holy Family Parish
316 S. Logan St.



Elkhart Christian Church

113 S. Gillett St.

Elkhart, IL  62634-0229



Jefferson Street Christian Church
1700 N. Jefferson St.

Preaching minister:
  Dustin Fulton

  9AM & 10:45AM Sunday
Midweek activities:
  "Truth North": 6PM Wed.
Website: www.jeffstreet.org
E-mail: dustinf@jeffstreet.org

Lincoln Christian Church
Independent Christian Church
204 N. McLean St.

Preaching minister:
  Ron Otto

  8:15, 9:30, 11AM & 6PM
Midweek activities:
(Beginning Sept. 12)
  Adult, Youth & Kids' Club:
6:30PM Wed.
Website: www.lincolnchristianchurch.org

Prairieland Christian Church
P.O. Box 108, 1st St.

Pastor: Tony Miller

 Hartsburg, IL 62643

Sunday School:  9:30AM
Worship: 10:30AM




Church of God

Lincoln Church of God
1415 Fourth St.

Church of the Nazarene


Lincoln Church of the Nazarene

2501 Woodlawn Rd.



Trinity Episcopal Church
402 Pekin St., Lincoln


Lincoln Bible Church
2316 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Association of Free Lutheran Congregations
1140 N. State St., Lincoln
Pastor: Clarence Mankin
Worship: 9AM Sunday

Sunday School: 10:15AM Sunday
E-mail: gslc@ccaonline.com

Immanuel Lutheran Church  ELCA
1409 Pulaski St., Lincoln
Pastor: Andrew Nyren
Worship: 9AM Sunday
Sunday School: 10:15AM
Praise Service:
 5PM Saturday
Website: http://www.immanuellincoln.org
E-mail: immanuel_lincoln@verizon.net

Lutheran Missouri Synod
Zion Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

205 Pulaski Street, Lincoln

Head Pastor: Mark A. Thompson
Ass't Pastor: David P. Ramirez

WORSHIP: 8 & 10:30AM Sundays
Sunday School & Bible Classes: 9:20AM

Live Broadcasts: 8AM WLLM 1370AM or
Cable Ch 5: 5PM Sat. & 10AM Sun.


Lincoln Hill Free Methodist Church

201 S. College St.



Preaching Minister: Jon Webb

Sunday School: 9:30AM Sunday

Worship: 10:30AM

Midweek Activities:

Bible Memorization Group: 7PM Wednesday

Family Game Night: 7PM




Open Arms Christian Fellowship
311 Broadway St., Lincoln
Pastors: Larry Crawford
, 309-830-0461
Kevin Wolf
, 309-838-8564
Worship: 10AM Sunday
Home Group:  Various dates and locations
please call for more information)
Website: http://comebackministries.com
E-mail: comeback7@msn.com

United Methodist

Chestnut United Methodist Church
313 N. Logan St.              Chestnut

First United Methodist Church
302 Broadway St.,  Lincoln

First United Methodist Church
303 E Jefferson,               Mt. Pulaski

Latham United Methodist Church
241 N. Walnut St.             PO Box 246               Latham

New Holland United Methodist Church
201 N. Mason St.,  New Holland

United Church of Christ



Seventh and Maple Street,



Pastor: Rich Reinwald


10:30AM Sunday

Sunday School:


E-mail: stjohnucclincoln




First Presbyterian Church
301 Pekin St.,  Lincoln
Pastor: Rev. Phillip Blackburn

 10AM Sunday
Celebration: 6PM Wed.

Website: www.preslincoln.org
E-mail:  office@preslincoln.org

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
110 Broadway St.,  Lincoln

To inquire about listing your congregation's worship information, please e-mail us at ads@lincolndailynews.com or call us at 217-737-7418.

Church Activities & Announcements

Recording artist Lesleigh Bennett will be ministering at Open Arms Christian Fellowship this Sunday during the 10:00 AM service. Lesleigh is working on her second CD that should be released the later part of this year or the first of next year. Her first CD is "No Mountain Too High." She is passionate about singing for the Lord. Hear her heart: "I am so excited to see what God has in store for me and my family. When my Mom was pregnant with me my Daddy prayed for a little girl who could sing. I thank God everyday for answering his prayer and lending me the voice that I have. You see, he lent me this voice, and I strive to serve him with it and always remember that it truly belongs to him. My ambition is to serve God with all of my heart, soul, voice, and life and live each day to share His mercy with the world. What blessings I have been given in my husband and our three beautiful children. I pray each day that they see the good works of the Lord and strive to live their lives as examples for the Kingdom. SImply stated, I just love the Lord and thank Him daily for the blessings He has placed in my life. 'I’ll praise him in song as long as he lends me his voice.'” The Church is located at 311 Broadway. Come and join us for this very special occasion.

The Annual Meeting of Camp Griesheim Christian Retreat Center will be held on Sunday, September 12 at 5:00 p.m. at the retreat's main facility located in Atlanta, Illinois.  Refreshments will be served following the meeting.  The public is invited to attend.


The Catholic parishes of Logan County will host a six week journey called "Longing for the Holy", Spirituality for everyday life.

 This is being planned to take place beginning in October. Sign up for the session will be Sept. 4th and 11th after 5:00 P.M. Mass and Sept. 5th and 12th after 8:00 and 10:00 A.M. Masses. The Catholic parishes participating in this program include Holy Family of Lincoln, St. Thomas Aquinas of Mt. Pulaski, St. Marys' of Atlanta, and St. Patrick's of Elkhart. For more information on the upcoming sessions, Please contact Sister Mary Lou Owens or Teresa Tierney at Holy Family 217-732-4019.

San Jose UMC Bible Zone 10 Year Reunion & Kick Off

Bible Zone is celebrating 10 years of ministry with children and families in the San Jose area on Saturday, September 11th at 5:00 pm.
Activities begin at 5:00 pm with a wiener roast behind the San Jose UMC.  Hotdogs, chips, and drinks are furnished for the Wiener Roast.
Bring a friend!  Around 6:00 pm. we will move inside for a celebration of “10 Years of Ministry with the Bible Zone After School Program.
Recognition of Bible Zone participants and helpers will kick off with a special performance by the “Puppets- 4-Christ” from Mason City UMC.
(a hit with all ages!).  “Rock the Flock & Friends” Praise Band will be there and Pastor Stephen King will lead us in a short devotion.  To top off a great evening together, we will close with a free “Ice-cream Sundae Bar” fellowship, and registration for 2010/2011 Bible Zone.

Anyone who has attended Bible Zone, or helped in any way is invited to come or may send memories and/or pictures to San Jose United Methodist Church, 600 South 1st Street, P.O. Box 258, San Jose, IL 62682.

Women of Immanuel
Deanne Mott
“The Power of Words - Proverbs”

Saturday, September 11, 2010 8:30AM-10:30AM
Immanuel Lutheran Church
1409 Pulaski Street
Lincoln, Illinois
(by Lincoln High School)
Enjoy breakfast, music and fellowship with many
Christian sisters!

To make reservations, sign up with your women's group activities coordinator or call Immanuel's Office: (217) 732-6777.
Reservations are due by August 28th and will be limited to 125,
so please register early!
Baby-sitting available if requested when reservations are made.



















Recent Spiritual Life Articles

The Best Way


 It is worth talking a bit about Mary since we, as Protestants, often sell her short because we don't want to overdo things as our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters tend to do.  Mary is an absolute model of faithfulness.  God comes to her and tells her that she will bear the Messiah and she just goes right along with it.  This fidelity is evident to her cousin Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John the Baptist, and she tells Mary so.  Surely Elizabeth's words helped Mary through her pregnancy and eased any lingering doubts she might have had, but it is her faithfulness and her willingness to carry out God's Will that makes her so remarkable.


(Click Here for Full Article)

The King


As the Gospel of John winds down there seems to be a lot of confusion about Jesus. Just prior to this passage, Peter, Jesus' most trusted disciple, denies knowing who he is. Then Jesus was brought before the Roman governor of the region, Pontius Pilate, and was further questioned. Pilate, not a Jew by the way, was unsure why the Jews sought Jesus' execution and so he started asking Jesus questions including the question listed above. Jesus was evasive in his answers but apparently he said enough to give Pilate some clue as to his true identity. Nonetheless Pilate seems confused by the whole event.


(Click Here for Full Article)

The Source


For those of you who have been in worship over the past several weeks you will be very familiar with this text since I have been preaching on it since the beginning of the month. This week we will be talking about Jesus as "the life." Note that Jesus does not say he is life, rather he adds a definite article in proclaiming himself "the life." In that simple "the" there is a world of substance. What Jesus understood is that there are many lives available to us. One choice leads to another and then another and then another with the sum of those choices being the course of our lives.

(Click Here for Full Article)

Commitment Issues


The organ anthem fades as the bride and groom draw together. The pastor announces that the groom will now declare the vows that he has written himself. He clears his throat and, looking deeply into his bride’s eyes, begins to speak. “I promise to love you with all my heart, sacrificing for you whenever you are in need, standing by you at all times, providing for your every need. I will never leave you.” The bride’s turn soon comes. “I will accept all that you have to give me. I anticipate that I will always have a house and car, plenty of clothes and 3 children, all healthy. When I want, I will clean and cook, but you will be expected to do this at all other times. And don’t forget to put the lid down.”


(Click Here for Full Article)


Thanks to greedy charlatans parading as pastors, talking about money and the Church in our culture is a challenge.  "Why should I give to the Church," we think, "God doesn't need money."  And this is true, God doesn't need any money, but we should give for two reasons.  First, giving is a spiritual discipline.  Just as prayer, worship, study and service all draw us closer to God, so does giving in His name.  When we give of our money we embody the words of Christ above.


(Click Here for Full Article)

Up The Hill

I was at the Illinois football game last Saturday morning and as the Illini did their best welcome mat impression I wondered to myself, "why do I show up for this?" I mean, even if the team I was supporting was winning, why actually go to a game? Think about it. I could watch the game on TV for free or I could drive to the stadium, pay for parking, tickets and food. Why not just stay home? The reason, for me, is that being at the game, with the crowd, feels different


(Click Here for Full Article)

Giving Credit


In case you have not forgotten, this is the Psalm Jesus quotes as he writhes in agony on the cross. He speaks only verse 1, "My God, My God, why have your forsaken me?" But his intent is to call all of his followers to the Psalm in its entirety. And the verse above is how that Psalm concludes. In quoting Psalm 22 Jesus is quickly referencing the most complete Psalm in its exploration of the human condition as it relates to faith in God. All of us who are believers swing wildly from, "Where are you God?" to "You are pretty awesome God!"


(Click Here for Full Article)

Present Yourself Back to God


Ken Read in his book Created to Worship tells us: “Another aspect of worship is to actively respond to His nature and His deeds, by presenting ourselves back to God. Romans 12 urges us, after taking a good, long look at the mercies of God and the forgiveness that He has given us, to turn the gift around and give ourselves back to Him as living sacrifices, which is our spiritual act of worship.


(Click Here for Full Article)

Rough Seas

The most powerful enemy of the Christian is fear. Fear is the one thing which can most easily undermine our faith and overwhelm our desire to serve and follow Jesus. We may have a loved one who is behaving like a boor, but we won't confront him. Why? Because we are afraid he will be angry at us. We may see payday loan shops littering our town and functionally stealing from our neighbors, but we won't challenge them.


(Click Here for Full Article)



This healing story is working on several different levels. First, Jesus is healing a man who had been sick for 38 years. The man was lying by the Bethzatha pool, known in those days for its healing powers, but he had no one to help him into the pool. Jesus asks the man if he would like to be made well, the man of course says "yes," and Jesus calmly tells him to take his mat, stand up and walk.


(Click Here for Full Article)


It is the only miracle story to appear in all 4 Gospels. It is the one story almost everyone knows outside of the birth story and the crucifixion. It is the feeding of the five thousand. So, what's the big deal? Why all the repeat this particular story so many times? Well, I think there is a simple reason for that. In this story we find the richness and depth of who Jesus is. We see the compassion, the power, the love. We find a powerful metaphor for Holy Communion


(Click Here for Full Article)

The Living Water


These days most of us probably spend a lot of time thinking about what we don't have. Most of us have less money than we did 18 months ago. Most of us are older than we'd like to be. Most of us have lost someone that we wish we could have back. Most of us don't have the car or television or house we want. Most of us look around our lives and we see what is absent. And that is because our lives are filled with things that are finite, that have limits. Not to bring you down, but someday, everything we have will be gone.


(Click Here for Full Article)



"Now standing there were six stone waters jars for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to them, 'Fill the jars with water.' And they filled them up to the brim. He said to them, 'Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward.' So they took it. When the steward tasted the water that had become wine...he said, 'everyone serves the good wine first and the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.'"-John 2: 6-10


(Click Here for Full Article)

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