The event will take place on the driving range at the center,
weather permitting. If inclement weather rears its ugly head, the
hunt will still go on, inside the sports complex.The eggs are
being stuffed with candy, stickers and rings by employees at the
Logan-Mason Rehab facility in Lincoln, and all 10,000 will be ready
for the event.
Maple Ridge Care Centre, the prime sponsor, also is preparing
special eggs with special prizes that will be scattered about the
grounds for youngsters to try to find.
Other sponsors are the Lincoln Kiwanis and CITV 5.
This year Thorntons Oil on Keokuk and Logan is also asking
patrons to buy eggs stuffed with candy to be included in the hunt.
This annual event brings 400 youngsters out to the park district
to have some fun.
The times for the hunts are:
Up to 2 years old: 10
3-4 years old: 10:10
5-6 years old: 10:20
7-8 years old: 10:30
Park District; LDN] |