His campaign has set up separate Twitter accounts for all 50 states to communicate with supporters. By its nature, Twitter allows the campaign to monitor public opinion on a minute-by-minute basis, respond to critics and shape the news. While social media may generate new interest in 2012, technology could play an important role in the more mundane, shoe-leather work of registering new voters and turning them out. In 2008, campaign supporters who knocked on doors of potential voters largely used paper "walk sheets" that were printed out at local headquarters. The results of the door-to-door meetings were keyed into databases to guide the campaign's work to persuade voters on Obama's behalf. This time, the campaign is exploring ways of streamlining the process, from bringing more uniformity to how the information is taken down and entered into a database to using mobile devices, tablet computers or improvements to the website to help volunteers find key households or input data gathered at doorsteps. The approach could save time and help the campaign be more strategic about the households it targets. The Democratic National Committee, for example, experimented with an app in 2010 that used global positioning systems to help canvassers find targeted households in certain neighborhoods, something that could be used more broadly in the presidential campaign. Email is still king when it comes to fundraising, and online strategists consider the Obama campaign's massive email list a gold mine. The campaign has replayed some of its greatest hits in fundraising pitches
-- offering small donors a chance to win dinner with Obama and Biden and matching the contributions of $5 or more from first-time donors. Pivoting off the "birther" controversy, the campaign created a "Made in the USA" mug, with a picture of Obama's long-form birth certificate on the back, for supporters who gave $15 or more. Online advertising, meanwhile, is also expected to grow in sophistication. Political campaigns have been ramping up their use of online ads, turning to ads of 15 to 30 seconds that appear before video clips running on websites like Youtube and Hulu. "We're getting a lot of questions now from people thinking strategically on how to drive their message next year online," said Andrew Roos, a political ads executive with Google. Rospars, the mastermind behind Obama's digital success in 2008, cautions against looking at 2012 as the Facebook or Twitter campaign. Instead, it's about making all things digital work in harmony to pay off in November 2012. "It's tempting to sort of pile onto the one new thing and sort of put all your eggs in one basket," Rospars said. "But I think in the history of campaigns, big bets like that don't tend to pay off. It's actually about integrating everything."
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