Obituary index
Arnold Haak
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09, 2011]
LINCOLN -- Arnold William Haak, 89, of
Lincoln, died Tuesday, May 3, 2011, at Blessing Hospital in Quincy.
He had been a resident at the Illinois Veterans' Home in Quincy.
Visitation will be 2-4 p.m. Sunday, May 15, at
Fricke-Calvert-Schrader Funeral Home in Lincoln. An AMVETS memorial
service will be at 4 p.m. |
His funeral will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday, May 16, at
Fricke-Calvert-Schrader, with the Rev. Andrew Nyren
officiating. Burial will be in Zion Cemetery,
where military rites will be conducted.
Honored repeatedly for his devoted veterans'
advocacy, he had served in the U.S. Army from 1941
to 1945.
After W.W. II, "Arnie" worked 23 years for
Barrick Transfer and Beverage Co. in Lincoln,
becoming foreman of drivers. He then spent 15 years
with Consolidated Freightways, retiring in 1983. In
his "retirement," he also enjoyed 16 years with
Pete's Hardware in Lincoln.
He was born on Sept. 6, 1921, to Arnold Carl Haak
and Anna Cecelia Schaub Haak. He married Ruth Marie
Bratcher on Jan. 15, 1944. They had been married
nearly 67 years when she preceded him in death.
He is survived by two sons, William (and Rhonda)
Haak of Lincoln and Michael (and Nancy) Haak of
McLean; four grandchildren; and four sisters, Ruby
Haak Voyles of Decatur, Betty Haak Evans of St.
Joseph, Mo., Janice Haak Waters, Gower, Mo., and
Rosalee Haak Swingle of Lincoln
He was also preceded in death by seven siblings.
He was awarded the Bronze Star and a Purple Heart
during service in the European Theater and was
discharged as a first sergeant. Transferring to the
Illinois National Guard, he was called to service
again in 1950 during the Korean War. |

He was a life member of AMVETS, Veterans of Foreign
Wars, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans,
40 & 8, and Order of the Purple Heart. In those
organizations, he served in various local, regional
and statewide leadership positions. Most notably, he
was commander of AMVETS Department of Illinois in
He was honored twice as Lincoln Courier Man of
the Month.
He was a driving force in the 1980s refurbishing
of the community band shell at Lincoln's Latham Park
and in establishing All Veterans Park at College
Avenue and Union Street in Lincoln.
Memorials may be made to Illinois AMVETS Service
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