Alex Gordon Award (business -- sophomore) -- Meghan Moore Alpha
Psi Omega Award (theater) -- Courtney Jones
American Legion Award for Citizenship -- Thomas Hilton
Best Actor Award -- Chase Doolin

Best Actress Award -- Casey Barretts
Bette Dirks Award (piano) -- Courtney DeYoung
Broadcasting Award -- Dustin Carlisle, Alexander O’Mara
Coral Bonnell Maconaghie Prize (music -- sophomore) -- Allen
Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America Award (history) --
Wyatt Wallen

Dow-Jones Award -- Alex Schonauer
Dysart Logan Maconaghie Prize (scholarship -- sophomore) -- David
Earl and Pearl McKeever Award (science -- sophomore) --
Stellajean Wilson
Elizabeth M. Hensley Award -- Olatundun Hamzat
Florence Molen Award (English -- sophomore) -- Michelle Brawdy

Herbert O. Merry Award (music) -- Anthony Ziccarelli
Layman Athletic Award (athletics) -- Rachel England, Steven
Sotiropoulos, Derek Steiner
Lorraine Maconaghie Morrow Award -- Hannah Singleton
Madrigale Maconaghie McKeever (greatest benefit -- sophomore) --
Kristine Apel
Marvin D. "Swede" Johnson Award (college involvement -- freshman)
-- Taylor Perry

Mathematics Achievement Award (freshman) -- Stephen Burling
Performing Arts Award -- Cameron Williams
Phi Theta Kappa Service Award -- Thomas Hilton
Phi Theta Kappa Iota Chi Chapter Distinguished Member Award ---
Shana Sullivan
Production Assistant Award (theater) -- Levert Wilkins

Roy Clapper Award (freshman) -- Mariana Cury
Samuel B. Evans Prize (ideals of LC -- sophomore) -- Stellajean
Visual Arts Award (art) -- Michael Korinek
William B. McKinley Prize (ideals of Lincoln College -- freshman)
-- Kayla Carrell
William Lewis McKeever Award (math -- sophomore) -- Isamar

Willy Daubner Award (chemistry) -- Derek Steiner
All-State Academic Team -- Rachel England, Iesha West
All-USA Academic Team -- Rachel England, Iesha West
[List from file received]
