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Community bettered by the service of Dr. Gene Blaum and Shirley Edwards

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To the editor:

Within the recent past, two of Logan County Paramedic Association's distinguished board members have resigned from service to the organization. Dr. Gene Blaum, who has been our board president, and Shirley Edwards, our treasurer, have served in those capacities for over 12 years. Both were very instrumental in starting and building LCPA to what it is today. They have sacrificed a great deal of their time and energy to a public service within Logan County that is considered by many as a vital service to the infrastructure of our community.

The remaining board members and employees wish to say publicly how much we appreciate them. And to add that we will never forget their efforts and friendship.

[to top of second column in this letter]

Should you see either of them, I would like to encourage you to take a moment to thank them for helping to build a strong, well-educated and well-equipped advanced life-support ambulance service in our county.

Those of us who remain on the board of directors and employees will work hard to ensure LCPA continues far into the future with the same integrity both of them have shown during their tenure.

Steve Siltman, CEO

[Posted June 08, 2012]

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