The event is free and open to the public and is co-sponsored by the
New Salem Lincoln League.Visitors are invited to come and watch
horse-drawn plows work the fields in the reconstructed village of
New Salem. Central Illinois farmers who still use horses for farming
will be on hand with their horse teams and antique equipment to
demonstrate early plowing, planting and other agricultural work. The
fieldwork demonstrations will take place weather permitting.
A display of historic farming equipment will be set up in a field
by the Blacksmith Shop, near the entrance to the village, allowing
Antique Farm Show visitors to learn about the latest developments in
agriculture from Abraham Lincoln's time to the early 1900s. The
Vintage Ag Association of Menard County will have an antique tractor
display in the parking lot by the Visitor Center.
Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site, administered by the
Illinois Preservation Agency, is a reconstruction of the 1830s log
village where Abraham Lincoln spent six years of his life. It is
located about 20 miles northwest of Springfield and two miles south
of Petersburg on Route 97 and is open for free public tours.
[Text from file received from
the Illinois Historic
Preservation Agency] |