Dining options are available before or after the services:
Make your service reservations by
calling 217-947-2238; then go to the Elkhart Historical Society
www.elkharthistoricalsociety.org, and download a
reservation form, or stop by Horsefeathers in Elkhart to pick up
a form. Reservations are limited.
Dinner reservation forms are also
available at
On Friday, Dec. 7, at 7 p.m., the
Elkhart Historical Society will present a book signing for
"Lincoln's Ladder to the Presidency: The Eighth Judicial Circuit" at
Horsefeathers in Elkhart. Refreshments will be served.
Lincoln experts have called this new book superb,
richly detailed and an effective lesson in the importance of political
networking. This is the perfect time to obtain a signed copy of Guy Fraker's new
book just in time for Christmas giving. Further information regarding the author
and his book is available at
movie premieres in Lincoln at Lincoln Theater 4
Lincoln Theater 4 will present Steven
Spielberg's latest epic, "Lincoln," beginning on Nov. 16. This movie, which
was more than 10 years in the making, stars Daniel Day-Lewis as U.S.
President Abraham Lincoln and Sally Field as Mary Todd Lincoln. Evening
shows and activities are planned for opening night, allowing the community
named for Lincoln by Lincoln to come out and enjoy history as it comes alive
on the big screen. The star-studded cast also includes Tommy Lee Jones, Hal Holbrook
and John Hawkes, the latter portraying Robert Latham. Robert Latham
was an original developer of the town of Lincoln, working side by
side with Lincoln during the plotting of the town and its
christening. Latham was also one of the primary developers of
Lincoln College, and the town of Latham in Logan County bears his
name. His portrait is located in the rotunda of the historic Logan
County Courthouse, along with the other founding fathers.
The film
is based on "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham
Lincoln," a biography by Doris Kearns Goodwin. The movie covers a
four-month period at the end of Lincoln's life as the president
attempts to get Congress to pass the 13th Amendment, abolishing
slavery. The film's release coincides with the 150th anniversary of
the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation.
The opening night of "Lincoln" in Lincoln will be a grand
red-carpet affair, as moviegoers attending the 5 p.m. show are
greeted by Lincoln and the Lady, portrayed by Chris Hotz and Deborah
Senger of Timeless Presentations. Timeless Presentations was created
in 2008 by the two of them, originally as Abe and Mary Lincoln,
featuring walks, step-on tours, presentations and appearances as an
avenue to provide historic entertainment for central Illinois.
Together they share a striking resemblance to the famous couple and
will greet guests entering the historic Lincoln Theater 4. Everyone
is invited to dress in period attire, and photo opportunities will
be available with President Lincoln and the first lady along the red
carpet prior to entering the theater to enjoy the movie. Lincoln and
the Lady will also be on hand to greet guests and for photos prior
to the 8 p.m. showing.
Lincoln Theater 4 was built in 1923 and has had multiple owners
over the years until Lincoln native David Lanterman purchased it in
January 2011. The largest of the four theaters seats about 175, with
the others approximately 130. Lanterman has been busy changing the
theater technology from 35-millimeter film into a digital format,
which was completed in March.
Patrons of the Nov. 16 showing at Lincoln Theater 4 can receive
information that night detailing the unique connection of Abraham
Lincoln to the city of Lincoln and can obtain special gift offers
courtesy of the Lincoln Heritage Museum and Postville Courthouse.
Lincoln Heritage Museum will also hand out information regarding
an event on Nov. 28. As a follow-up to the weekend premiere of the
movie's release, there will be an opportunity to further explore the
film's historical merit and accuracy. Local Abraham Lincoln
historians Paul Beaver, Ron Keller and Anne Suttles will present a
panel discussion on Nov. 28 at 7 p.m. at the museum for a reflection
and discussion of the "Lincoln" film. This question-and-answer
session will give moviegoers an opportunity to discuss and dissect
this film masterpiece. The panel discussion will be free and open to
the public.
"Lincoln" showtimes of 2 p.m., 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. will be
highlighted in local media listings and at Lincoln Theater 4 online
at www.lincolntheater4.com.
For additional information, contact the Abraham Lincoln Tourism
Bureau of Logan County at 217-732-8687 or
recycling at Habitat for Humanity Saturday
Habitat for Humanity of Logan County will have its monthly
electronics recycling collection on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at
the Habitat for Humanity warehouse, 915 Woodlawn Road.
The Logan County Habitat for Humanity affiliate has entered into
a new partnership with Advanced Recycling, of Pontiac, to provide
electronics recycling to the area. Televisions will continue to be
accepted for recycling under this new partnership. The collection
remains free of charge to the public.
The following items will be accepted:
equipment, including laptop and desktop personal computers, hard
drives, monitors, keyboards, printers, scanners, cords and
cables, CD-ROM, DVD, Zip and tape drives.
equipment, including TVs, radios, stereo and game systems, game
controls, VCR and DVD players, and cameras.
Small business
equipment, including phones, copiers, typewriters, fax machines
and calculators.
Small household and countertop
appliances will also be accepted, as well as aluminum, copper,
brass and stainless steel items.
Electronic equipment is not to be left at the site and is not
collected outside the hours of the collection.
Information on the electronics recycling is available through
Habitat for Humanity of Logan County by contacting the office at
217-732-6412 or by visiting the agency website at
blood drives in Logan County
To help ensure an adequate blood supply for
the region, the Central Illinois Community Blood Center is offering several
opportunities to donate blood in Logan County. Thursday, Nov. 15
Elkhart Christian Church, 113 S. Gillett; 3-6 p.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church, 805 Pearl St.; noon-6 p.m.
Mount Pulaski High School, 206 S. Spring; 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
For your convenience, call Alexis
toll-free at 1-866-GIVE-BLD (1-866-448-3253), ext 5158, to sign up,
or schedule an appointment online at
www.bloodcenterimpact.org. Walk-ins are also welcome and truly
Central Illinois Community Blood
Center, a not-for-profit organization, is the provider of lifesaving
blood for 14 hospitals throughout central Illinois, including
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital and Springfield's Memorial Medical
Center and St. John's Hospital. CICBC is a division of the
Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center, which collects over
180,000 units of blood annually and serves 85 hospitals in Illinois,
Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin.
Xamis Ford to host Humane Society fundraiser Nov. 15
Jim Xamis Ford is hosting a special event Nov.
15, from 4 to 8 p.m., that will benefit the Humane Society of Logan County.
During the evening, each person who
registers as a guest for the event will generate a $10* donation by
Ford to the Humane Society of Logan County, up to $500 total for the
In addition,
visitors have an opportunity to win some great prizes.
People who register and attend the
event are automatically entered for a chance to win a 2013 Fusion
courtesy of Ford Credit.
While there, they can also test
their judging skills with "American Idol"** and possibly win a VIP
experience at the show.
The evening will also include hors
d'oeuvres and drinks, and a chance to see the new lineup from Ford,
including the all-new, redesigned Ford Fusion.
Plus, guests can talk to volunteers
from the Humane Society and learn how they can adopt a pet in need.
The Humane Society of Logan County
is a not-for-profit agency that provides safe, loving, temporary
shelter to animals in need. The society offers adoption programs so
these animals can find new "forever homes." The HSLC pays for the
cost of its work through the generosity of the community and hosts
multiple fundraisers throughout the year to help keep this valuable
service available.
For answers to questions about the
Nov. 15 event, contact Jim Xamis Ford Lincoln, 2301 Woodlawn Road,
If you are interested in adopting a
pet from the shelter, visit this link in Lincoln Daily News:
[LDN; based on information
received from Ellen Burbage, Humane Society of Logan
*Ford will contribute $10 per
registered guest up to a maximum of $500.
**No purchase necessary. Complete
rules available at
American Idol: ®/© 19 TV Ltd. and
FremantleMedia North America. 2013 All rights reserved.
Charitable donations are the sole responsibility of Ford, not
American Idol® or related parties.
[to top of second
column] |

invite seniors to annual feast plus Schwan's fundraiser
The Lincoln Jaycees are now accepting
reservations for their annual Senior Feast. The Jaycees will serve a free
holiday-style meal with dessert on Saturday, Nov. 10, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
at the Masonic Center, 2022 N. Kickapoo St. The meal is available to seniors
age 65 and up. To make a reservation or to inquire
about delivery options, call Meg Eckert at 217-220-2906.
Lincoln Jaycees are also having a Schwan's truckload fundraiser that
day at the Masonic Center. Stop by between 9 a.m. and noon to
purchase your favorite Schwan's items, or pre-order to ensure
product availability by contacting Kim at 217-871-4940.
The Lincoln Jaycees are a not-for-profit organization serving
Lincoln and the surrounding communities. The Jaycees give young
people between the ages of 18 and 40 the tools they need to build
the bridges of success for themselves in the areas of business
development, management skills, individual training, community
service and international connections. Monthly membership meetings
are at the Lincoln Jaycees Center, 325 S. Chicago St., on the third
Thursday at 7 p.m., and are open to everyone.
Methodist Men to host pancake breakfast
The United Methodist Men will host an all-you-can-eat pancake and sausage
breakfast on Saturday, Nov. 10, from 7 to 11 a.m. The event will be at the
First United Methodist Church, 302 Broadway St. in Lincoln.
The cost per meal will be $7 for adults and $3 for children under
12. Carryouts will also be available. Please call 737-6507 before
Nov. 10 to place orders
In addition, bulk sausage will be available for sale in 2-pound
packages, and the United Methodist Women will have a bake sale.
Proceeds from this event will go to support UMM missions,
including church camps, Together for Lincoln and youth mission
Lincoln Writer's Club to meet Nov. 13
Lincoln Writer's Club will
meet Tuesday, Nov. 13, at 6:30 p.m. in the Alumni Room of the student center
at Lincoln College.
Suggested topics: a Thanksgiving story, a "positive attitude" story,
or a story about your children and their different temperaments.
For more info, call 732-2723. All are welcome.
Society of Logan County offers holiday cookie trays
Planning holiday parties or
looking for gifts to give special friends or relatives? Let the Humane
Society of Logan County do your holiday baking. HSLC is once again taking
orders for holiday cookie trays. Each tray will contain three dozen fancy
holiday cookies with a variety of at least 12 different kinds of cookies. The cost is still only $15 per tray.
Larger trays are also available.
To place your orders, call Adrienne at
217-732-1979. The deadline for placing orders is Dec. 1.
Orders can be picked up on Dec. 8
at Graue Inc., 1905 N. Kickapoo St., from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
All proceeds benefit the Humane
Society of Logan County.
Low Vision Support Group meets Nov. 12
The Lincoln Low Vision Support Group will host
a meeting Monday, Nov. 12, at the Lincoln Christian Church from 1 to 2 p.m.
The church is located at 204 N. McLean
in Lincoln. Those attending should enter through the north door,
under the canopy.
The Mary Bryant Home for the Blind
will bring their store to the meeting and will have products for
sale, making it a good time to do a little Christmas shopping.
In Logan County, transportation to
the meeting is available by contacting Logan Mason Public
Transportation at 732-2159 or toll-free at 866-930-8212. (LMPT
rate schedule)
If you have any questions, contact
Sandy at 732-6528.
of Lincoln leaf pickup dates announced
The city of Lincoln will
provide leaf pickup services for residents again this year. Pickup days will
be by ward and will run beginning next week through Dec. 3. Only biodegradable bags of leaves will
be picked up. Bags must be at the curb by 7 a.m. each day.
Leaf pickup dates:
Ward 1 -- Oct. 29, Nov. 9, Nov.
Ward 2 -- Oct. 31, Nov. 13,
Nov. 26
Ward 3 -- Nov. 2, Nov. 14, Nov.
Ward 4 -- Nov. 5, Nov. 16, Nov.
Ward 5
-- Nov. 7, Nov. 19, Dec. 3
For those who wish to bring their
leaves directly to the landscape waste facility, it is currently
open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. until 3:50 p.m. for all
landscape waste. This will continue until Nov. 21.
On Nov. 24 the facility will return
to regular hours: Wednesday and Saturdays, 8 a.m.-3:50 p.m.
Village to host annual fall festival Nov. 10 The Christian Village in
Lincoln invites everyone to join them on Saturday, Nov. 10, for their annual
fall festival. It will be a day of fun and games,
food, and family activities and entertainment.
Among the list of activities are face
painting, pumpkin painting and a chance to have a fall family
portrait taken.
Live music will be presented from
11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and a choice of chili or pork chop lunch will be
served from 11 to 2.
Other activities included in the
day are hayrack rides, a craft and bake sale, facility tours and
Elkhart Historical Society presents 'Christmas According to
ELKHART -- In early
November, the Elkhart Historical Society will present "Christmas According
to Hollywood." The presentation will explore favorite Christmas movies and
some little-known facts about them in an evening of relaxation, laughter and
a meal at the Wild Hare Café before the holiday rush begins.
The event will be on Nov. 9 at 5:30
p.m.Each Christmas we
immerse ourselves in sentimentality brought to us courtesy of
Hollywood. The modern history of Christmas has included many
sentimental, poignant and funny movies, from Jimmy Stewart in "It's
a Wonderful Life" to Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye in "White
Christmas." We enjoy watching Scrooge from "A Christmas Carol" and
the eternally optimistic, yet cursed Clark Griswold from "National
Lampoon's Christmas Vacation." Who can forget "A Christmas Story"
with Darren McGavin and the reminiscing about that first BB gun and
sometimes a "confession" to admiring or even owning the leg lamp
that gave McGavin's character so much delight.
The cost for the evening is $25 per
For reservations, call
217-947-2238. Reservation forms may be downloaded from
www.elkharthistoricalsociety.org, or pick up a reservation form
at Horsefeathers in Elkhart.