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Concerns with new Common Core curriculum

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Note: The following letter comments on a letter posted March 29 from Gary Freese.


To the editor:

Also included in this curriculum is something called P-20. It is data that will be collected on every child from start to finish of school. The amount and type of data is astonishing, and the government would have the right to give this data to anyone they see fit without the parents’ permission.

Please look at this website and take a look at the personal information they want on our children. The government has completely bypassed all HIPPA laws. If you would, please check this out yourself and see what you think.

[to top of second column in this letter]

The Legislature has not voted on this, and it will be fully functional by 2014 if we don’t do something to stop it. Some of the teaching methods from this curriculum have already been implemented in schools here in Lincoln. Once it is fully integrated we cannot stop it …

Thank you,

Melinda Spangler

[Posted April 07, 2013]

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