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Notice of Public Hearing Concerning

the Intent of the Board of Education

of Community High School District Number 404,
Logan, DeWitt, Mason and Menard Counties, Illinois
to Sell $1,050,000 General Obligation School Bonds
(Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source)


Public Notice is Hereby Given that Community High School District Number 404, Logan, DeWitt, Mason and Menard Counties, Illinois (the “District”), will hold a public hearing on the 19th day of August, 2013, at 7:00 o’clock P.M.  The hearing will be held in the Instructional Materials Center in the Lincoln Community High School Building, 1000 Primm Road, Lincoln, Illinois.  The purpose of the hearing will be to receive public comments on the proposal to sell bonds of the District in the amount of $1,050,000 for the purpose of improving the sites of and altering, repairing and equipping school buildings and facilities of the District.


By order of the President of the Board of Education of Community High School District Number 404, Logan, DeWitt, Mason and Menard Counties, Illinois.


Dated the 23rd day of July, 2013.

                                     Marianne Krusz

Secretary, Board of Education, Community

                                     High School District Number 404, Logan,

                                     DeWitt, Mason and Menard Counties,

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Lincoln Community High School District #404
…inspiring each student to be a successful lifelong learner
Robert B. Bagby, Superintendent

1000 Primm Road, Lincoln, IL 62656

Board of Education
Jim Mammen, President                                                        Jim Allen
Darrell Vermeire, Vice President                                   Mark Aughton
Marianne Krusz, Secretary                                                     Jill Awe
                                                                                      Andrea Hake


Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of School District No. 404 in the Counties of Logan, DeWitt, Mason, and Menard, State of Illinois, that the Lincoln Community High School District #404 and Lincolnland Technical Education Center’s budgets for fiscal year 2014 will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at the Lincoln Community High School Office, 1000 Primm Road, Lincoln, Illinois, at 8:00 a.m. on the 5th day of August, 2013.


Notice is further hereby given that a Public Hearing on said Budget will be held at 6:45 p.m. on the 19th day of August, 2013 at Lincoln Community High School in this School District No. 404.

Dated this 5th day of August, 2013.

By: Board of Education of School District No.

404 in the Counties of Logan, DeWitt,

Mason, and Menard, State of Illinois.


Marianne Krusz, L.C.H.S.

Board Secretary


Jim Mammen, L.C.H.S.

Board President 


Board of Education

Lincoln Community High School

District No. 404


Rachel/Board of Ed/Budget Hearing Notice

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