[December 30, 2013]
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Pictures from LDN archives |

April — The Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of
Commerce retired their beloved watermelon car (at left) to a very
worthy cause. The car, which is pretty much worn out, was given to
the Lincoln Fire Department. The department plans to use the vehicle
in an educational demonstration for high school students and at the
same time give their firefighters experience with using the tools
needed to extricate a victim from a crashed car. |

May — Assistant Street and Alley
Superintendent Russell Wright holds up one of the winning posters
from the annual Arbor Day coloring contest.

May — Alderwomen Kathy Horn, far left, and Jonie Tibbs, far right,
assist with planting a tree in honor of the city of Lincoln being a
National Arbor Day Foundation Tree City USA. |


May — Logan County Circuit Clerk Mary Kelley crosses the finish
line at the Open Arms Christian Fellowship Family Fun Day 5K.

May — Logan County Board member Gene Rohlfs, center, prepares to enjoy a meal at the annual Memorial Day
celebration at Lincoln American Legion Post 263. |

June — Among the many volunteers who helped guide the runners along
their path at the Cruise into Main Street 5K run
was Mayor Keith Snyder. |

June — Main Street Lincoln Executive Director
Bill Hoagland, left, and board member Tracy Welch are pleased
with the turnout for Lincoln's first-ever Cruise into Main Street 5K.

June — Logan
County Board member and Main Street liaison Andy Anderson was also
on hand volunteering for the event.

June — Past,
present and future mayors of the city of Lincoln: John Guzzardo,
Keith Snyder and J.T. Guzzardo.
Taken at the Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce 100th
anniversary celebration.
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