September — Owner/manager of the Lincoln Culver's
restaurant kisses a pig in support of the LCHS FFA.

September — Local businessman Seth Goodman also
smooches with the oinker, while Andi Hake, pictured below
left, had a very calming effect on the little squealer. |

September — Pictured to the right, representatives of EDP Renewables, of Houston, Texas, developers of
the Rail Splitter Wind Farm, came to town to present their second
installment of property taxes. People or departments that were a
part of bringing the wind farm to Logan County were invited to
attend a check presentation. The tax is based on energy produced,
and the combined installments total near $400,000 on 29 turbines
located in Logan County.

Holding the check are Logan County Treasurer
Vicki Dugan, left, and county board member Jan Schumacher. In back,
from left, are Mary Kelley, circuit clerk; Brian Bergen, development
partnership director; Rosanne Brosamer, assessor; Bob Farmer, county board
chairman; John Taylor and Jeff Bishop of EDP Renewables; Will
D'Andrea, zoning officer; Adam Renz of EDP; and Bret Aukamp, county
highway engineer. |